Tag: metal

Broiled Chicken – Welcome to Plan “B”

I once heard Alton Brown say that a broiler is nothing more than an upside-down gas grill, which is certainly not how most Americans think of theirs. While most people are fine melting cheese over their nachos with it, or browning a casserole, the broiler is seldom used to cook meats.

Well, the next time rain ruins your dream of a grilled chicken dinner, I hope you fire it up, and give this easy, alternative method a try.  Not only are you getting the same intense, direct heat, but you also have more control, since you can adjust how far the chicken is from the flame. I prefer the meat about 7-8 inches under the heating element, but feel free to adjust as needed.

As you’ll see, I like to flip mine over every 6-7 minutes until it’s done. This should take between 30 and 40 minutes, but that can vary greatly depending on the size and temperature of you chicken, as well as your broiler’s heat.

By the way, you’ll want to finish with the skin side up, so the bird gets a nice, crisp finish. This is important, especially if you’re recording sound effects. I hope you give this simple and delicious broiled chicken a try soon. Enjoy!

For 2 portions:
3 pound chicken, cut in half, back bone removed
salt as needed
lemon and fresh herb to finish
*Note: Some glass baking dishes will shatter under a broiler, so unless you’re sure yours is high-heat proof, a metal pan is a better bet. 

David Beckham and Gordon Ramsay taking a ‘boys only’ motorbike…

David Beckham and Gordon Ramsay taking a ‘boys only’ motorbike road trip

“David Beckham and Gordon Ramsay have been bosom buddies for as long as we can remember. And what do bosom buddies do? They ride their motorbikes into the sunset together, that’s what.

Dave and Gord are reportedly climbing aboard their trusty metal steeds and embarking on a road trip across the US of A.

The fellas are both road hog enthusiasts and are said to be planning on taking a trip across the Pacific Coast Highway.

The pair will drive 382 miles from Los Angeles to San Francisco in a “boy’s only” bonding excursion.”

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