Tag: meals

10 Healthy Snacks to Break Hunger Between Main Meals – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


Healthy Snacksbut no less delicious, on the contrary. And also quite easy to prepare, because sometimes we complicate our lives a little. So many ingredients, elaborate preparations and consistencies that we are not used to, and we end up abandoning that healthy snack for a more convenient bag of chips or a snack. What if the solution was among the foods we always have in the refrigerator and pantry? Sometimes all you need is a slice of bread, some raw vegetables and a square of chocolate. Here are 10 healthy, simple and delicious snacks.

Healthy Snacks: 10 Tasty and Healthy Ideas

1. Dried fruit

Do you love dried fruit? Know that it is an excellent snack. It provides energy and many good nutrients. 10 almonds or hazelnuts or three shelled walnuts: these are the ideal portions for a light snack between meals.

2. Bread and jam

A slice of wholemeal bread (30 g) and a teaspoon of jam are a good idea. Less than 100 calories, many childhood memories and the pleasant feeling of having eaten a sweet treat.

3. Bread and cheese

Cut a slice of fresh bread and spread it with light cheese. Cottage cheese and spreads are fine, just don’t overdo it. And if you want to make it more delicious, serve it with half a teaspoon of honey and a chopped walnut, or with tomatoes for a savory version.

4. Bread and ham

30 g of wholemeal or cereal bread can be accompanied by two slices of bresaola, lean cooked ham or sliced ​​turkey.

5. Bread and honey

A slice of toast and a teaspoon of honey. This simple combination creates one of the tastiest healthy snacks. And if you reduce the amount of honey, you can indulge in a crunchy decoration like almond flakes.

6. Low-fat yogurt

A low-fat yogurt is a good idea to stave off hunger. Choose it plain, perhaps accompanied by a handful of berries such as blueberries, currants and raspberries.

7. Popcorn

Well yes, popcorn is low in calories. But to include it among healthy snacks we must prepare it at home without adding fat and without overdoing it with salt, which is not healthy. A portion of 20 g of corn kernels per person will be enough.

8. Crudités

Prepare a portion with a carrot, a celery stalk and half a fennel. For the sauce, be satisfied with half a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil to emulsify with vinegar or lemon juice.

9. Hummus

A taste of hummus is a good idea between meals. Eat it spread on a slice of toasted bread (preferably whole wheat).

10. Dark chocolate

A small square of chocolate will please even the most greedy. Choose dark chocolate – 80% is ideal – and if you want, combine it with 20 grams of wholemeal bread and a small portion of fruit.


How to organize meals for the whole week – Italian Cuisine

How to organize meals for the whole week


Let's find out how to organize seven-day lunches and dinners so that the daily menu is ready: the dream of many families – especially with children!

It is one of the questions more recurrent and complicated that are heard in the morning during the Breakfast: what do you want to eat today?
Receive answers – especially from those who have small children – it gets really complicated and finding one recipe that can be good for everyone, is balanced from the point of view nutritional and satisfying the palates is an arduous undertaking.

Organize i whole week meals it could be the right answer to the need not to arrive a few hours after lunch and dinner and not knowing what to put on the table, with the risk of resorting – for survival – to a ready meals and last-minute orders on the app e restaurants of the surroundings.

So how to organize everyone's meals during the week, especially for those with small children?
Let's try to give the most important rules from which to start!

Let's start with the most complicated part of the organization: the children's menu. For all families whose children go to kindergarten or to elementary and take advantage of the school canteen, a good starting point would be to check what they eat at lunch and offer them a balanced food alternative during dinner.

What to propose then? The panacea for all ills in this case has a name and surname and is called single dish: a practical and quick solution, to (hopefully) proof of whims is that shorten the times in which the child is "forced" to table after a day at school and doing homework. What to choose? Even one soup with cheese can go well, or a pasta with i legumes, meat or fish with a quick side dish and bread.
Knowing what they ate for lunch will help do not replicate the same ingredients.

What are the golden rules of nutrition to organize meals throughout the week in a correct way from a nutritional point of view?

Even if everyone (or almost everyone) would like to eat there Pizza for both lunch and dinner – smaller ones included of course – vary as much as possible the seven-day menu it is essential for a healthy and balanced diet.

The golden rules on the ingredients to choose at the table on a weekly basis are: 3 portions of fish per week and 3 or 4 of legumes. There meat two or three times every 7 days, only one or two cold cuts. Eggs and cheeses, they can be consumed twice each respectively, remembering however to do not overdo it with eggs: 2 already represent a complete portion.

Eat all the same things in different qualities

For organize meals for the whole week it is important to decide that all components of the family they should eat the same thing. Cooked different things it will, in fact, make it practically impossible compose a menu and it will complicate drastically the culinary organization of the week.

If the ingredients must (hopefully at least) be the same for everyone, not so portions. Adults and children must eat absolutely different qualities of nutrients. It is good to remember that, in particular, the little ones need less protein than the older ones.

Very important for organize meals for the whole week it is also respecting the needs of all members of the family. The menu, in fact, must take into account tastes of all, one day it will satisfy someone more, another day someone else, including children.

Who wants to follow a quasi-scientific method to organize meals for the whole week, dividing the ingredients e preparing lunches and dinners in advance can try with the meal prep: perfect for a balanced diet and quick to cook.
With the meal prep you just need to get busy at the weekend and then have 5 lunches and dinners available for the days to come, for the whole family!

For other original and easy-to-prepare ideas, browse our gallery.


how to organize meals of the week in advance – Italian Cuisine



There seems to never be enough time to cook, but there is a method that can help you. The weekend is organized and from Monday to Friday everything is ready!

The meal prep It is a very popular method in recent years that allows divide and prepare the meals of the week in advance in a balanced, organized and fast way so you do not have to be too much in the kitchen during the day. Just get busy a bit 'on the weekend and then have 5 lunches and dinners available for the days to come.

The menu day by day

First, sit down and set up what would you like to eat from Monday to Friday, days when you work and do not have time to think too much about the kitchen.
On Saturday, then, make the food plan of the coming week balancing all the menus so as to have always present all the nutrients that you can not do without.
The vegetables will be present in every meal, the fruit twice a day, lor yogurt, milk, cereals or porridge for breakfast and some snacks.
Meat, fish, eggs, legumes and cheeses they are to be distributed in a balanced way, while i carbohydrates like bread, cereals and pasta will be present in two daily meals.
The breakfast will obviously be prepared day by day, or the night before for the next day if you love porridge or pancakes and the same thing applies to snacks that could consist of a fruit, a handful of dried fruit or a yogurt and chocolate dark. So do it buffer stock of all these things.
As for the lunches and dinners, instead, organize by setting out exactly what you will eat on Monday, Tuesday and the following days and try to respect the plan.
So, for example, Monday at lunch you will eat a cold salad of whole grains with tuna and zucchini and a salmon dinner with steamed broccoli. on Tuesday for lunch of grilled vegetables with grilled chicken and bread and for dinner red rice with hummus and Brussels sprouts, and so on.


Free days

Saturday and Sunday are the days that you have to keep out of the meal prep both because in the weekend you can also indulge in some mud, and because what you cook on Sunday night is unlikely to arrive in good condition on the following Sunday.
And then, if you have a lunch or dinner out during the week organize yourself accordingly because those meals should not be covered by the program.


Once the menus have been established, make a shopping list and buy what you need.
Go to the supermarket only on Saturday (or Sunday), or in any case one day only per week.
Avoid buying anything else, either for not having useless things that you probably never consume, either for not eating and spending (and wasting) more than necessary.

How to organize for the preparation and sharing of meals

You could buy some containers to divide your meals, but we do not want to force you to organize yourself to this point. It will also be good to simply have a mental organization for dividing into portions of the things you have prepared. Do you have a baked vegetable pan available? Divide it into four portions.
Did you cook 500g of cereal? You will have from 5 to 8 servings.
You can put everyone away the meals you will consume in the office and prepare them already portioned so as not to have thoughts during the week, but remember to do not add seasonings of no kind except at the time of eating the meal.
Leave everything you need for dinner in the fridge or freezer, not necessarily divided by portions.
But how are these menus cooked? We explain it, ingredient by ingredient.


Cook them all in large quantities and then keep them in the fridge.
You can prepare grilled vegetables such as zucchini and aubergines, baked vegetables with pumpkin, Brussels sprouts and potatoes, and then you can divide broccoli, cabbage and carrots into different floors of a steamer. You will have so many contours for 5 days.
If you prepare flans with eggs and cheeses, cook them immediately and then put them in the fridge if you intend to consume them in the short or in the freezer if they are destined for the last days of the week.


Precisely because it will be difficult to preserve the already cooked pasta without it becoming glue, we advise you from Monday to Friday to consume Whole grains, more practical and with a longer storage time.
You can cook them individually or make a mix of barley, spelled, rice and whatever you prefer.
Once cooked in large quantities, cool them immediately with running water to stop cooking and lower the temperature, drain well and then store in the refrigerator. They remain good for up to 5 days.
Whole grains should always be accompanied by vegetables for a perfect balance of nutrients, but you can also combine them with meat, fish, cheese and vegetables.

Meat and fish

The meat can be cooked and stored for up to three days so if you do not eat it immediately freeze it.
If you want to prepare a stew or other very seasoned seconds, do it, but then freeze them.
What we recommend is certainly the turkey (or chicken) because once cooked it is well preserved and you can add it in many dishes. Also there salted meat it's a great idea and with cold cuts like bresaola and turkey always go on the safe side.
The fish should not be frozen, so, once cooked, consume it as soon as you can.
A slice of salmon or swordfish baked or in a pan is ideal. Obviously avoid shellfish and molluscs. Smoked salmon is a great solution if you do not want to cook fish because it is preserved for a long time.


Excellent protein alternative to meat, fish, eggs and cheeses.
Buy them if you do not want to cook them, but choose those stored in the glass jar, drain and wash them very well before use.
They are excellent both for preparing hummus-like creams that you can use to stuff a sandwich, or added to cereals for a cold salad. Avoid soups, or keep them in the freezer.

Eggs and cheeses

Boiled eggs are an excellent solution, but be careful with conservation. They can stay for a maximum of two days in the refrigerator as well as the omelette.
The cheeses are instead perfect for the last days of the week because they are kept longer.
So buy some feta, Parmigiano and also ricotta that can be consumed even at breakfast.


We advise you to buy bread once a week and to portion it.
A little 'you can consume it immediately and a little' will be frozen. Just put it a moment in the oven to make it return fragrant as just bought.


If you can not do without pasta prepare the condiments in advance.
A ragù for example can be divided into portions and then stored in the refrigerator or freezer and the same applies to a tuna sauce or pesto for example.
The pasta obviously you have to cook it at the moment because storing it without seasoning is impossible. However, you could think of a baked pasta like lasagna and cannelloni. In that case prepare it, cook it only until half cooked and then freeze it. When you want to consume it, just go back to the oven to finish cooking.

Did we convince you? You are ready to prepare your menus.
Scroll through the gallery to find out more ideas on how to prepare your meal prep


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