Tag: Mayor

Easter Monday, the mayor of Messina authorizes the barbecue on the balcony – Italian Cuisine

Easter Monday, the mayor of Messina authorizes the barbecue on the balcony


Cateno De Luca has launched a hashtag, which has already been very successful on social media: #iorustoacasa, which in Sicilian means "I grill at home"

Monday on Paquetta will be a sunny day: if we weren't in the coronavirus lockdown, we would already be planning the barbecue with friends, perhaps in a beautiful meadow or in the hills. Instead, in the midst of a medical emergency, we have to stay at home. But yet, in Messina, the charcoal is going fast anyway: in supermarkets it is hardly found.

And so the mayor, Cateno De Luca, when he heard it warned his citizens: the municipal police and drones will be careful to catch those who do not respect the rules established by the decree and dare to meet with friends for the traditional barbeque. But this does not mean that this year it will be necessary to give up barbecued meat: De Luca has launched a hashtag, which has already been very successful on social media: #iorustoacasa, which in Sicilian means "I grill at home". You can barbecue, but on the balcony, on the terrace and, for the lucky ones, in your own garden. And without creating gatherings, of course.

THE COUNCIL OF THE MAYOR CATENO DE LUCA FOR EASTER MONDAY! (ANSA) – MESSINA, APRIL 8 – – The mayor of Messina Cateno De Luca today launched the hashtag in Sicilian dialect 'Io rusto a casa' asking the people of Messina for the next Easter Monday to "roast" the meat on the barbecues not in the countryside but perhaps on the terrace, balcony or in the garden of your home. The mayor, seeing that many people from Messina have compared charcoal in supermarkets, has announced that with the municipal police and his drones he will be around to sanction those who will not stay at home and has launched the ironic hashtag, which has already become a catchphrase on social networks during this period Easter characterized by the pandemic. Today the mayor of Messina was the protagonist of yet another controversy with the Interior Ministry, after the Council of State asked for the annulment of the order with which it obliges people in transit on the Strait to register on the online platform of the Municipality to be authorized to land in Sicily.

Posted by De Luca Mayor of Messina on Wednesday, April 8, 2020

On the other hand, in Palermo, the city that you do not want to deprive ofarrustuta not even in this strange Easter Monday 2020, it was the artisan grill was invented to be attached to the balcony railing: it is sold for € 39.90 and can also be sent home. Small barbecues for hanging on the balcony balustrade are also available online at approximately the same price. Before buying it, however, make sure that in your city the barbecue on the terrace is allowed by both the condominium and municipal regulations, otherwise this year the barbecue could cost a little too expensive. If you are from Messina, however, you have the green light.


Apulian mayor does the taralli live to keep the citizens out of the house – Italian Cuisine

Apulian mayor does the taralli live to keep the citizens out of the house


The mayor of Lucera, in the province of Foggia, struggling with the preparation of the Apulian taralli to entertain citizens and make sure they stay at home during the coronavirus emergency

Become famous for his direct on Facebook (at least a couple a day), Antonio Tutolo, mayor of the Apulian municipality of Lucera, has decided to give citizens one more reason to stay at home: prepare the taralli best in the world.

A few hours before the live broadcast he published a post on his Facebook profile announcing the appointment and the necessary ingredients to prepare the scaldatelli, an Apulian specialty.

"Tonight for those who want to, we can spend half an hour together without having to break you … I will do a kilo of taralli to spend some time. If you want we can do it together live … If you want to eat the best taralli in the world tonight at 7pm prepare 1 kilo of flour, 150 gr. Of extra virgin olive oil, 30 gr. Of fine salt, fennel seeds, pepper, white wine and water. Do you know why they are the best in the world? Because when you do something, it seems the best in the world … "

The Apulian mayor then showed how to prepare thedough, how to give form with taralli, cook and dry them in the correct way, dispensing advice and even snatching some laughter. An idea happily accepted by quarantined citizens, as shown in the numerous comments on the video, which you can watch below.


Mirandola, the mayor removes the patronage of the «anti-fascist pastasciutta – Italian Cuisine

Mirandola, the mayor removes the patronage of the «anti-fascist pastasciutta»


The "anti" prefix, according to the mayor, would be too "divisive": the ANPI reported it, which every year organizes the July 25th party (and it will do so this time too)

The prefix "anti" would be too «divisive: for this reason the mayor of the Northern League of Mirandola has revoked the patronage of the Municipality at a party that is repeated every year on July 25, that of the Maccherone to comb with the antifascist pasta from Casa Cervi. It is an event born to remember what happened in 1943: per celebrate the fall of fascism, the Cervi brothers prepared quintals of pasta to bring to the farmers of the countryside of Reggio Emilia. The ANPI volunteers, on the 25th of July, remember that moment with a big party in the square of Campegine. So far the patronage of the Municipality has always been guaranteed (for 74 years the administration has been on the left), but this time things have gone differently.

The organizers of the event, Pier Luigi Borellini Gualdi, president of Anpi di Mirandola, and Francesca Donati, a member of the board, summoned by the mayor, who explained to them that «a mayor must always maintain cohesion in his community, And that you could, at most, celebrate the «partisan pasta, or better yet, just pasta.

The mayor and his councilor wanted to add their thoughts on anti-fascism, a concept that "no longer exists because there are no more fascists". The ANPI asked "what is the division that would create, in the sense that anti-fascism is historically the ideological glue that united all the different forces that opposed Nazi-fascism".

And, after having proposed to the administrators a series of formative readings "hoping that they can help them find the way that leads to belonging to a welcoming and inclusive community (as recited by the constitutional charter) and not divided (like the slogan that, from some time, it also echoes through the city streets "before the mirandolesi") ", ANPI has decided that the party will be the same, and never mind if the municipal patronage is missing. The administration is also invited, but "only if it is consciously democratic, and therefore explicitly anti-fascist, as it was established that things had to go in this country called Italy, since the first January 1, 1948".


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