Tag: Massimo

Massimo Bottura and Vincenzo Elia, chef for the G7: menu – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Massimo Bottura and Vincenzo Elia, chef for the G7: menu


It will be Massimo Bottura, the three-starred chef of the Osteria Francescana in Modena, already known to many Heads of State, who with a gastronomic journey will pay homage to the great Italian regional cuisine. But the first convivial event on the occasion of the international G7 summit, this year hosted by the Borgo Egnazia farm in Puglia, is the inaugural dinner offered by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, which will be held this evening in Brindisi, in the suggestive Swabian Castle of Tenuta Moreno in Mesagne. Dinner, curated by the chef Vincenzo Elia, includes a light four-course menu. «The chef will have the task of interpreting Italianness through the vocation of Apulian cuisine, which is tasty and healthy at the same time, a cuisine that perfectly embodies the philosophy of the Mediterranean diet, underlined Pierangelo Argentieri, the owner of Tenuta Moreno.

The menu of the inaugural dinner with President Mattarella

It’s him who opens the dance Redfish with dried tomatoes and aromatic herbs, accompanied by barattieri and the scent and sweetness of Fiaschetto cherry tomatoes from Torre Guaceto. It will then be the turn of a tribute to Italian cuisine, featuring i Tortelli stuffed with gurnard, with julienne of smoked bluefish. Following the delicacy of Snapper fillet with Toritto almondsit’s a Andria burrata cream with sweet tarallo crumble and Ferrovia cherries (variety originating from the Murge). The wines offered by Tenute Rubino were selected to accompany the courses, including the Primitivo Visellio, and the Vermentino Libens; to finish, an artichoke-based bitter, the Carduus Brindisino, and the inevitable coffee from a roaster in Francavilla Fontana.

Massimo Bottura’s menu for the world’s greats

For the other meetings between the Greats of the Earth of Italy, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, as well as the President of the European Council Charles Michel and the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, the guide of the kitchen is curated by Massimo Bottura. The chef of the Osteria Francescana in Modena will be the main actor in the cuisine of Borgo Egnazia for three days. The menu designed focuses on Italian excellence, with a gastronomic journey that takes its name come in Italy with me. Every day a focus on the different areas of our country, from north to south. We start on the first day with Bread and tomato from the Campaniamoving on to Adriatic fish soupdirectly from the lagoon of Venice, with steam cooking of mussels, razor clams, blue crab, clams, red prawns and aromatic herbs. Change of region: the homage to Sardinia it is with the Risotto with blue lobster, sea bass and citrus fruit and then return to Campania, in Amalfi Coastwith the Brodetto of green olives, capers and anchovy sauce. How sweet is the inevitable Ooop I dropped my tart by the chef, one of his most famous dishes.


Massimo Bottura and Vania Ghedini win GOLD in Venice – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Trio of golds in Venice: under the creative direction of Massimo Bottura, it is Vania Ghedini the new Head Chef of GOLDthe starred restaurant ofHotel Cipriani, A Belmond Hotel.

After the last experience with chef Riccardo Canella completed last October, he moves on to chef Vania Ghedini the mission to relaunch ORO, proposing new menus that enhance the typical products of the lagoon and beyond. An important challenge for the gourmet restaurant, which earned its first Michelin star with the executive chef Davide Bisetto in 2015, following the opening in April 2014 after a careful renovation by architect Adam Tihany. ORO is part of the iconic Hotel Cipriani, A Belmond Hotelon the island of Giudecca in Venice, opened in 1958 by the founder of the legendary Harry’s BarGiuseppe Cipriani, and still today a dream destination for the international jet set (ed: George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin chose to get married here in 2014).

«My cuisine will be in continuity with the culinary practices of the great masters who transmitted to me the value of this art and the importance of culture and knowledge. We will start from these foundations, from the places where I have lived in recent years, from Venice and the heritage of its lagoon, and we will create authentic and distinctive dishes. These are the values ​​on which we will build the precious ORO experience… now! – chef Vania Ghedini

For the mission of value, chef returns to Italy Vania Ghediniborn in 1987 and originally from Ferrara, grew up professionally for several years in the kitchens of Alajmo brothers – since 2016 first at Le Calandre and Il Calandrino, then at the Gran Caffè Quadri in Piazza San Marco and as executive chef of AMO at the Fondaco dei Tedeschi near the Rialto Bridge in Venice, finally for more than 5 years at the restaurant Sesame of Marrakesh, bringing him to eighth place for the 50 Top Italy in the World 2023.

We are betting a lot on this original collaboration with chef Ghedini at ORO under the creative direction of an explosive character like the great Massimo Bottura. In fact, the management of the food & beverage sector of the structure is in the hands of the visionary three-starred and multi-award winning chef, also known throughout the world for his parallel charitable activities such as Food for Soul and Il Tortellante, early supporter of the candidacy project of Italian cuisine as a UNESCO heritage site.


Massimo Troisi: spaghetti with artichokes from “Il Postino” – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Massimo Troisi: spaghetti with artichokes from "Il Postino"


The postmanof and with Massimo Troisi, is one of the most appreciated films in the history of Italian cinema and among the most loved in Massimo Troisi’s filmography. Also because, a few days after the end of filming, in 1994, Troisi died of a heart attack. 71 years after his birth (19 February 1953), we want to celebrate him with the dish he prepared on the set of the film The postman: they are the spaghetti with artichokes by Mario Ruoppoloname of the character he played in the film.

Neruda’s postman

The film, directed by Michael Radford and by Troisi himself, is taken from the novel Neruda’s postmanwritten by the Chilean author Antonio Skarmeta. The film adaptation of the novel was strongly supported by the Neapolitan artist (indeed, born in San Giorgio a Cremano, on the outskirts of the city), who soon purchased the rights and asked Michael Radford to direct it. For this film he also renounced heart surgery, so as not to lose the presence of Philippe Noiret, the protagonist of the film with him.

From Pollara beach…

Among the many evocative and indelible places in the memory of those who have seen it The postmanthere is definitely there golden beach of Pollara in Salina, nestled between a high rock face and a fairytale sea, where Troisi and the poet Neruda, played by Philippe Noiret, throw pebbles towards the sea. Right in the municipality of Malfa, overlooking Pollara, stands the Locanda del Postino, a small accommodation facility with 10 rooms furnished in Aeolian style, inside the former home of the town’s parish priest. Here Mauro and Amelia, together with their children Francesco and Mariachiara, also run a small restaurant. «It was 1985 when my wife and I fell in love and, after studying in Messina, in February 1994 we decided to move to Salina, says Mauro. At that time Troisi was filming The postman, hence the name of the structure. In business since 2000, the dishes offered by Mrs. Amelia are based on local ingredients. «Capers are famous in Pollara, but also the siccagno tomato, which dries on the plant, and then fish at will, only the catch of the day. Like the albacore tartare with crunchy celery and capers or the pasta with siccagni tomatoes and caper pesto, up to the traditional desserts entrusted to the expert hands of daughter Mariachiara.

… to the island of Procida

There is also another place that bears the same name, but which is located on another island, where most of the scenes of Troisi’s film were filmed. Too bad, however, that the Postman’s inn in Procida it closed its doors last November. Right here, on the port, in front of the piled up nets of the fishermen, the love between was born Mario Ruopolo (Massimo Troisi) e Beatriceplayed by a very young girl Maria Grazia Cucinotta. At the Locanda del Postino it was possible to have dinner or stop for a coffee amidst the creaking of the fishermen’s boats and the atmosphere of the village. Inside the tavern, an entire wall was dedicated to celebrating the film with images, quotes and even the brown bag, the same one used in the filming. Here then is the recipe that Mario Ruoppolo prepared for Beatrice. A simple dish, made with love, in memory of the great figure of Massimo Troisi.

Spaghetti with artichokes Mario Ruoppolo style


  • 500 g of spaghetti
  • 6 artichokes
  • 400 g of ripe or peeled tomatoes
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • fresh basil
  • fresh parsley
  • Salt to taste
  • pepper as needed


  1. Clean the artichokes by removing the hardest outer leaves, cut them into slices and place them in a pan with the oil and garlic. Let them simmer for a few minutes and add the diced tomatoes.
  2. Cook for half an hour, season with salt and pepper, flavor with a few basil leaves and parsley (or even without anything).
  3. When the artichokes are cooked, season the spaghetti cooked al dente in plenty of salted water.


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