Tag: Marks

Gambero Rosso restaurants: no marks but excellence does not change – Italian Cuisine

Gambero Rosso restaurants: no marks but excellence does not change


The guide (rightly) suspends scores in cents for the 2021 edition, but continues to report excellence in each category. Four new Three Forks and particular attention to the premises engaged in delivery and take away

It is a particular year, unfortunately. Very hard for the entire restaurant. Exactly as Slow Food decided for its guide to taverns (with the abolition of snails), also the Red shrimp has seen fit to review the rating system of The Restaurants of Italy, presented in Rome in live streaming. No scores but bands. It is a vision that is as constructive and non-punitive as possible. «We tried as much as possible to limit the failures, but with equal attention a beacon was lit on who managed to reinvent himself, who put new formulas into play. And for this reason the votes were put aside for a year, keeping the forks, globes, bottles, casseroles – one, two or three depending on the degree of excellence -, but we did not want to play on the extra penny or in less than in the past ", explains the director Laura Mantovano. A sensible choice: the spring lockdown and in some cases the summer break prevented an assessment similar to what normally happened. On the other hand, in the more than 2,500 cards appear – where there were and still are – the new take-away and delivery services, indicated with special symbols. Mirror of very, very complicated times.

The four climbed to the top

That said, the 2021 edition is not free from changes within the individual categories, starting with Three Forks. Faced with the impossibility of judging it, Idylio by Francesco Apreda – The Pantheon Iconic Rome Hotel comes out (but we are sure that for the Neapolitan chef it is only a break) and four places enter. Two in the capital: Glass Hostaria by Cristina Bowermann and theImago of the Hotel Hassler where until spring 2019 there was Apreda, replaced by Andrea Antonini. Andrea Aprea, "director" since 2011, finally conquers the Three Forks Vun which is the restaurant inside the Hotel Park Hyatt Milan, with two Michelin stars. The fourth new entry is represented by The little Prince of the Gran Hotel Principe di Piemonte in Viareggio with executive chef Giuseppe Mancino, also two-star. In the other categories, the changes from the previous guide are minimal.

The East is the protagonist

The special prizes are interesting. The one for the emerging chef in memory of Alessandro Narducci went to Emanuele Lecce della Tavernetta in Spezzano della Sila (CS) while the novelty of the year is (rightly, for us) Peter Brunel in Arco (TN) which has created an evocative restaurant with great cuisine. Not surprisingly, it is an important signal on the path to contamination the award for the restaurateur of the year, assigned to Liu family: Claudio, Marco and Giulia (Italian by birth, but Chinese by origin) are increasingly expanding the perimeter of their network in Milan where they are well known. From the first Iyo – the only ethnic one with the Michelin Star – they reached six places. In this sense, the award for the best proposal by the glass that went to is even more sensational Mu Dim Sum, one of the best Chinese cuisine restaurants, also in Milan, and whose sommelier is Egidio Giovannini. Unthinkable until a few years ago.

Romito and Bottura ex aequo

Two other highly coveted awards are those as pastry chef of the year (Fabrizio Fiorani of Il Duomo in Ragusa) and for the best room service that ended in Calabria – another not secondary signal – al Qafiz of Santa Cristina di Aspromonte(RC). The tasting of the year? The 2020 del Reale in Castel di Sangro (AQ) e With a little help from my friends of the Osteria Francescana in Modena. The menus respectively of Niko Romito and Massimo Bottura in fact are both formidable.


Holiday Recipes

The holiday season involves a number of luxuries, from nice gifts, to comfortable traditions, and, perhaps most importantly, food. It seems that, come Christmas, people go to great lengths to find new and appealing recipes with which to impress friends and families. To some, this can be as simple as looking into Christmas hampers from Marks & Spencer[1], which often offer a number of specialty food and drinks; however, for others, it can mean learning how to cook and prepare exciting new dishes that go well with the holidays and can be enjoyed by a number of different people. For the latter type, there are a number of websites online that specialize in sharing holiday recipes.

One example of one of these helpful websites is epicurious.com, which has an interesting and broad selection of recipes specifically designed to go well with the holidays. For example, their porchetta dish offers an interesting alternative to the somewhat more traditional Christmas meat dishes of turkey or roast beef. The dish is pork based, and is prepared to offer a seasoned, almost crispy skin-on outer layer, with juicier meat at the center. This is a fantastic option as a centrepiece for any Christmas meal, or even for a different meal during the holiday season.

There are also a number of recipes listed on epicurious.com that are more geared toward desserts and holiday treats than main courses. For example, one of the most highly rated options on the website is a decadent-looking zeppole with chocolate sauce. Essentially, these are light, small powdered donuts that can be great to offer to a group of people. With a number of these in a bowl and a dish of chocolate sauce available, an entire group can enjoy a unique dessert together, which some find more appealing than indulging on different sorts of pies and cakes.

There are of course thousands of other recipes available online and indeed in cookbooks and kitchen advice publications all over the world. Due to the nature of the holiday season as a time of comfort and luxury, holiday recipes are an extremely popular topic in the world of culinary expertise. In fact, this is one of the most consistent portions of cooking, as the holidays come every year and many people – though they enjoy their traditions and like to stand by what’s good – never stop looking for the next great meal. All it takes is a little bit of research, and you can find this meal just about anywhere.


  1. ^ Marks & Spencer (www.marksandspencer.com)

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