Tag: maître

Chocolate: the talent show for maître chocolatier arrives – Italian Cuisine


On November 20, the talent show Maître Chocolatier – Talents in challenge debuts, the first of its (greedy) kind. While waiting to see it, enjoy the expert's advice

Chocolate lovers tune in – it's your time. From 20 November, for 5 weeks, every Saturday at 7.15 pm on TV8, the Sky free channel arrives Maître Chocolatier – Talents in challenge.

This is the first Italian talent show for aspiring maîtres mhocolatiers and will see ten professionals, top experts in the art of chocolate, compete to join the team of maîtres mhocolatiers by Lindt Italia: 10 competitors, 5 bets for only 1 winner.

An exceptional jury

The program will be conducted by the star chef and judge of MasterChef Italy Giorgio Locatelli, which will follow the aspiring chocolate masters step by step, involving viewers also in their stories. Alongside Locatelli, the maître chocolatier Lindt Nico Tomaselli, the pastry chef Melissa Forti and a surprise special guest in each episode, coming from the world of entertainment.

The challenge

Here's how the format works: there will be two challenges in each episode, two occasions to show your talent to the judges and make the spectators dream at home, showing the thousand facets and shades of chocolate, revealing the secrets of a raw material and a such noble art as the processing of chocolate.

The first test, or Creation test, will serve to show their artistic sensitivity and the ability to realize their inspiration. The second, theExpertise testInstead, it will serve to demonstrate that you have the technical skills to reproduce the essential and characteristic trait of Lindt's most iconic products, such as Lindor or Orsetto, recreating it faithful to the original or presenting a personal variation.

In each episode, a competitor will be eliminated, and among increasingly sophisticated recipes and delicacies it will be understood who will become part of the Lindt Italia Maîtres Chocolatiers team and will wear the iconic chef's hat.

Maître Chocolatier - Talents in challenge.

5 things to know (absolutely) about chocolate

Have you got an irresistible craving for chocolate? Here are 5 things to know about Nico Tomaselli's chocolate, useful for tasting and preserving it at its best.

To store chocolate correctly, I recommend keeping it in a pantry at the correct temperature (between 19 and 21 degrees ° C), away from heat sources and bad smells.

30 minutes before tasting it is best not to drink coffee or eat spicy foods, because they alter the flavor.

Chocolate can be tasted with all 5 senses: smell, sight, touch and hearing are as important as taste.

To best savor the chocolate, let it melt in your mouth for a few seconds.

When we taste chocolate with liqueurs or other drinks, such as tea, we recommend trying unexpected combinations, because the beauty of the "food of the gods" is to discover new taste experiences.


Beppe Palmieri, the best maître in the world, tells his story – Italian Cuisine


Interview with the master and sommelier of the Franciscan Osteria in Modena. That reveals the honors and burdens of a room master. Between rigor, passatelli and zero alcohol. In 25 career years

"This is the historic office of me and Massimo, it has existed for about 15 years. A space only ours .

I'm with Giuseppe Palmieri, called Beppe, restaurant manager, maître historian and sommelier of the Franciscan Osteria in Modena, in his "secret refuge" a stone's throw from the restaurant, a place full of contemporary art, a long wooden table, like those of the famous Franciscan Refectors of the Food for Soul project, for their meetings and a wardrobe room where he, very elegant, changes every day before the service. Called "the most famous waiter in the world", Palmieri is practically a legend in the sector. But he mocks "I consciously chose the role of wingman years ago", but without victimization, indeed "the real revolution takes place in the dining room. It is here that the economic success and ideas of a chef are decreed. What makes the difference? The human factor . We at La Cucina Italiana spent a day with the staff of Massimo Bottura's restaurant, (the service in the July issue, co-directed with the chef) twice better in the world according to the ranking World’s 50 Best Restaurant, also meeting him, since 2000 at the service in via Stella, in Modena, in the room taken 5 years earlier by Bottura. Born in Matera in 1975, a strong and determined character, he has a blog with the evocative name Glocal, a manifesto of his vision of food and catering, a book «Room and Kitchen (Artioli 1899, pp. 169, 35 euros), logbook of his experience in Osteria Francescana. Entrepreneur, he managed for 7 years a grocery store selling high quality sandwiches, in Modena, the legendary Geni Alimentari Da Panino, which after the lockdown decided to close but only to look at new adventures and «keep up with the times .

How do you manage a hall from the first in the world?
«It has always been natural for us to look at the collective, there are no groups: for this reason, from the oldest to the youngest we have always placed and related on the same level. I built it immediately: to function, our structure could not be vertical but horizontal, making us equally responsible ".

What does a good waiter stand out from?
«I love to repeat that waiters are made, not born, experience, work ethic are required. Then the leadership and talent actually emerge on their own. A leader is recognized for his sense of responsibility towards his colleagues. I find the term "collaborators" detestable. If you invest in an authentic way on a relationship of esteem and friendship between colleagues in a strong way, great respect is born, there are no subordinates .

Explain yourself better
«If you have a dream, you need others to make it happen: everyone must give something, with the same commitment, with the utmost pride. Then of course, it takes self-discipline and an exceptional psychophysical condition that allows you to go beyond your limits. We must be well, be happy with what we do. If the individual is not aligned, it compromises the work of the whole .

It is said that even if Hell is in the kitchen, Heaven must reign in the dining room. How do you find time to recharge and how do you manage to always transmit harmony, even in your busy days?
"There is a very important moment for me and it is when I come to my" bedroom ", as I call it, right in this studio. Here I change and pick up my clothes. I have a ritual that particularly relaxes me: I rinse my face, always rest the keys on the same place, brush my teeth, choose the dress, polish the shoes, tie my tie. In all, I don't spend more than 10 minutes .

Very short as relaxation.
"It's the spirit of the room, you can't stop."

It is always very elegant: is shape also substance?
«I think so, given my role. Even in what I wear, I want to give importance to my past, and therefore to things that are of a certain age. Let me give you an example: a shirt or a jacket even if they wear out, I am certainly not to be archived: first of all because they remind me of experiences and those lived moments give value. Then because a quality garment, the older it gets, the more beautiful it is. Imperfections give charm .

Is there a dish that you associate with many meals eaten with the staff of the Osteria Francescana? Maybe a holiday recipe?

«I think what I loved most here was the passatelli in broth. When we grant them, and occasions are really rare, that dish takes on the connotations of a kind of comfort. It represents us more than others because it is a great historical recipe from Emilia. Then it has a symbolic value: it is the recovery dish par excellence, although prepared with noble ingredients. Broth is a luxury: to make it good, you need excellent raw materials and a long time. Finally, there is a world in the dough for passatelli: the bread crumbs and another main ingredient for us of the Francescana, or the crusts of Parmigiano Reggiano. Finally, to prepare them you need the contribution of an entire community because you have to collect many ingredients. Usually it works like this: there are those who remember that there are two bags of leftover bread or a little grated Parmesan. Then in 2 or 3 the broth is prepared. It is one of the dishes of our collective in which I have not seen anyone reject the encore. Then, every time there is a comic aspect … ".

«Yes: the moment you use passatelli, the rough path from the pot to the chair begins. We see broths falling, people sliding. We laugh. This too is part of the party, of the magic .

In the Franciscan hall, there are incredible works of contemporary art: what do they represent for you?
"Those who make avant-garde re-discuss the classics: here, these works are the proof, the summa. On the other hand, I like to think that we have always lived in rigor. "

In fact, his motto is "low profile, very high performance". It has a military feel to it.
"Exact. From an artistic point of view there is a work that represents me and that I find at the same time a milestone. It has been exhibited for several years right here in Franciscan: Us Navy Seals by Vanessa Beecroft. For the first time a woman managed to photograph these deployed US Navy soldiers. It means breaking a bulwark. The same approach that guides the creation of our dishes .

You are a great sommelier: how does the staff toast?
"It does not do it. In our history of the Franciscan, in 25 years, we have never drunk a glass of wine. We love what we do so much that we couldn't do otherwise. The luxury of a good glass of wine, whether it is a Nebbiolo, a Sangiovese, a Lambrusco or a glass of Bordeaux, we grant it when we are not operating. The secret for those who do our job is concentration in the intensity of the effort. Always".


the recipe of Thierry Loy, maître boulanger – Italian Cuisine

the recipe of Thierry Loy, maître boulanger


Besides having fun with disguises and masks, Carnival is an opportunity to enjoy excellent desserts. If in Italy, fritters are consumed by different regional names, in France they will delight with the sucrés beignets. Here is the recipe of Thierry Loy, maître boulanger of Égalité in Milan

Besides having fun with disguises and masks, the Carnival it is an opportunity to enjoy excellent special desserts. If in Italy fritters are consumed called frappe or frìtole or chiacchiere depending on the region, in France they delight with the merveilles, le bugnes or i beignets sucrés. Served simple or with apples and berries, sugary donuts were chosen by Thierry Loy, maître boulanger of egalite of Milan, to bring a French touch to Italian Carnival. And he gave us the recipe!

Before discovering the ingredients and the preparation of donuts for the French Carnival, we are better acquainted with the master baker of the particular local bakery-café-bistro located in the heart of Porta Venezia.

Why did you choose Italy, especially Milan, to bring your art?

«I moved to Milan with my daughter after spending 14 years working in my bakeries in France in the Queyras valley, on the French side of Monviso. I arrived in Milan after meeting Tiziano Vudafieri (n.d.r. known architect and food entrepreneur) and his wife, Catherine Vautrin, who is French. They came regularly to take their holidays in the small town of Molines where I had opened my first bakery. At first they were passionate about my bread and then, in 2015, we started designing a French bakery in Milan. I sold those I had in France to my employees who continue with my bread-making method and I arrived in Milan to open Égalité .

What differences and similarities do you feel between Italy and France on the world of sweets and boulangerie in general?

"In common is the fact that both Italians and French have a great taste in terms of desserts. Surely the great quality of the fruit that is found in Italy gives my desserts an added value, while the strengths that come from France are the flour and the quality of the butter, two very important elements. Let's say that Italians love our French desserts, while the French love tiramisu and ice cream ".

If you had to choose a type of bread or a dessert to describe yourself, what would it be?

«A Kouign Amann in the version of my daughter Manon: a simple and generous dessert, which however constitutes a real pleasure for the palate and represents and reminds me of my Breton origins.

Can you tell us about your childhood memories of cooking and carnival?

"During the Carnival in the village where I grew up it was tradition to kill a pig on the farms, to eat a part on Monday and Shrove Tuesday. Even the neighbors were called to participate in these dinners, in an atmosphere of celebration and conviviality. For this occasion the kouign-amann was also prepared, sweet bread with butter .

Beignets sucrés: why did you choose these Carnival sweets?

"Because they are easy to make and can also be prepared with the children for a moment of sharing and love".

Jovial and always available to have a chat, you can find Thierry Loy in his large visual laboratory of egalite, the Milanese concept that is more than one thing: a bakery, a store of fresh and packaged products, a destination for a fleeting coffee, for a lunch, a French snack or an unprecedented aperitif. Here you can enjoy his savoir-faire of tradition boulangère French between baguette, Tropezienne or croque-monsieur with a good Italian cappuccino or a verre de Beaujolais at all hours. Meanwhile, here the recipe signed by Thierry Loy for a Carnival à la façon française:

Beignet Sucré par Thierry Loy

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Rest time: 1h 30
Cooking time: about 15 minutes

Ingredients for 6 people

500 grams of flour
3 eggs
20 cl of warm milk
50 grams of soft butter
10 grams of fresh levy
1 bag of vanilla sugar (15 grams)
1 liter of frying oil


Mix the sifted flour and baking powder in a bowl.
Dig a well in the middle and add the sugar, eggs, soft butter and salt.
Stir a little at a time adding a little warm milk.
Stir until a soft dough is obtained and leave to rest under a towel for about 1 hour.
Spread the dough on a floured work surface, about 1 cm thick.
Cut out the circles with a knife and allow them to rest for 30 minutes.
Put the cooking oil to heat and fry the donuts turning them as soon as they are golden.
Drain the donuts and sprinkle with powdered sugar … bon appétit!


You can make a filling for your donuts by putting some chocolate dough or jam. For this, cut the donut in half and stuff it.


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