Tag: imagination

Porridge, for a breakfast full of imagination and flavour – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


What’s better than a good one porridge a breakfast? We all know it: it’s good to start with a nutritious meal to have the adequate fuel to get to the middle of the day without feeling hungry again. Of Anglo-Saxon tradition, this dish includes a oat soup at the base, then seasoned with ingredients of your choice, according to your taste. We provide you with the below basic recipe plus some suggestions for a fancy porridge. Then in our gallery you will find some tips for variations on the theme which can help adapt the recipe to your needs.

How to make porridge: the basic recipe

The ingredients

  • 40 g of oat flakes
  • water or milk to taste


  1. Take a saucepan or saucepan and pour the oat flakes into it, covering them with water or milk.
  2. Cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes, until the oats thicken.
  3. The porridge base is ready: place it in a bowl and now let your imagination run wild with the garnishes!

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Iryna Melnyk

English porridge

Get 1 handful of raisins, 1 tablespoon of chopped almonds, 1 tablespoon of chopped hazelnuts and 2 tablespoons of yogurt of the flavor you prefer. Once the porridge is ready, add these ingredients and mix well.

Porridge with red fruits

This recipe is a bomb of antioxidants. To the basic recipe, add 1 tablespoon of maple syrup, 2 tablespoons of mixed berries (blackberries, raspberries, blueberries) and chocolate chips to taste. Delicious, but healthy!

Porridge banana split style

Add 1 tablespoon of chia seeds, 1 diced banana and 1 tablespoon of bitter cocoa to the basic porridge. A slightly revisited banana split, but excellent for starting the day on the right foot.

Porridge with dried fruit

To the basic porridge, add an apple cut into pieces during cooking and your favorite chopped dried fruit (whether walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews…). Once ready, serve it in a bowl. You won’t be able to do without it anymore.

Savory porridge with eggs and rocket

To do the savory porridge you need an egg and arugula. First you need to toast the oat flakes in a pan with extra virgin olive oil and a pinch of salt. Then, once this operation has been done, cook the oats in the saucepan with the water as per the basic recipe. In the meantime, cook the egg in the pan (fried or poached) and cut the rocket. As soon as the porridge is ready, serve it in the bowl with the egg and rocket placed on top. And enjoy your meal.


Lentils, cook them fast and with imagination – Italian Cuisine

Lentils, cook them fast and with imagination


Black, yellow, red, green, brown, orange … there really is something for everyone: these seeds of an ancient plant, humble and cheap, I'm easy and to cook and much more versatile and potentially tasty than we are used to thinking of them. Lentils: cas all legumes, are loadsis of beneficial properties for our body, freschis, dryis, surgelatis or in box that they are, and they are also good for the environment. Of all the legumes, lentils are the most digestible (especially those peeled reds). I'm very proteic – as much as 23% protein – is proverbial for their content of iron. I'm completely fat-free. THEast but not least, I'm Most quick to preparearis! Unlike other dried vegetables, they do not need to be soaked.

We have already shown you the cooking methods, including the simple lessatura (always starting fromcold water) which is the way to have them ready to use, for example, in salads, convenient and quick dishes to prepare that thanks to this economic and protein ingredient can to become substantial single dishes, also perfect at room temperature for the office slip during all the months of the year.

As for the recipes, let's start right from the salads. TOmatched with the right ingredientsthe, can be particularly pleasant: try them for example with cauliflower or paired with endive and onions. They are very tasty with an orange salad, oil, salt & pepper. Or together with aubergines. Light and tasty, then, salad with vinaigrette and lentils , to serve in a glass and the fanciful one of fennel, salmon and lentils in vinagrette with mustard is delicious. In Italy there are many variety of lentils they deserve special mention. Those of Castelluccio di Norcia, IGP Umbrian, cultivated at 1500 meters in the Monti Sibillini Park: try them in salad with crunchy vegetables and sheep's milk ricotta . The dark green giant ones of Altamura, in Puglia, sweets and herbaceous notes, always eaten as a salad with the famous bread that is produced there.

Nshe vegetarian and vegan cuisine they obviously have a place of honor and a variety of recipes that are worth a try even if we are devourers of steaks. Examples? The vegan lentil lasagna; the meatballs where, combined with vegetables, these legumes take on the role of meat (once they were called "the flesh of the poor") and also the exquisite Hamburger of lentils in yellow sauce of yogurt & saffron. Starting with a quick puree, here are two more dishes vegetarians full-bodied.

The lentil fillet it is prepared by boiling lentils separately and potatoes in equal quantities, reducing them to a puree and mixing them with little chickpea flour (in the proportion of 1 tablespoon per 200 grams of lentils) and the flavors that you like best, until you get a dough that can be shaped like a cylinder (if it should be too soft, add rice flour, one spoonful at a time). After that, s'inforna for 20 minutes at 180 °, let it cool and compact and then cut into 3 cm slices thick – that if you want you can do brown for a few minutes, until they are well browned on both sides – to be accompanied if necessary with a sauce to taste (for example of mushrooms, citrus, with green pepper).

Another recipe is that of lentil gratin, which always starts from a puree, mixed wholemeal durum wheat flour (2 tablespoons for a cup of lentils), grated cheese and flavors to taste, all placed in a baking dish, dusted with breadcrumbs and oil.

Also starting from the lentil puree is also prepared pate of lentils and aubergines: the aubergines can be roasted whole in the oven until they are completely cooked and then blended with lentils, oil, salt, pepper, garlic, lemon juice and aromas and spices to taste, such as mint and / or coriander and chilli and / or paprika.

For non vegetarians, instead, if the classic lentil combination is the one with meat, or better with sausages – cotechino docet (see to vary a little on the subject the cotechino candies and lentils) – this legume it matches however much good for the flavors of the sea: fish such as anglerfish rather than seafood such as canestrelli.

Aromas and spices: we abound! Among other things, many of them – like garlic, onion, parsley, thyme, bay leaves, nutmeg etc.help prevent dangerous fermentations. Hot recipes of the Italian tradition, like the classics stewed lentils, they are good is some regional recipes, like the Sicilian lentil meatballs or the Abruzzo lentil soup, enriched with chestnuts, lard and rennet apples, I'm very tasty. You we suggest pear of try out also to play with more exotic flavors: a sprinkling of cumin; grated lemon; a bath in coconut milk.

Large space at the ginger (the superfood most loved by Italians!), both fresh and powdered, curry, alla paprika mostly smoked or even to homegrown herbs such as thyme and myrtle to use without fear! With these "Touches" of taste, even rather banal and quick preparations – sautéed lentils and accompanied with rice rather than lentil soup – can be more fresh and intriguing. For example, try the lentil soup with cumin and lemon scent or a lentil sauté with onions and a stick of cinnamon (and maybe star anise) or boiled e topped with yogurt sauce greek, oil, salt, cumin (which is not what you expect! ) and mint.

Carola Traverso Saibante
November 2019



from appetizer to dessert with taste and imagination – Italian Cuisine

from appetizer to dessert with taste and imagination


Rich in properties, oranges do a lot of good for our body. And their sour and sweet taste makes them the ideal ingredient for many recipes, both savory and sweet

The oranges – rich in vitamin C – they are a precious fruit for the health. Not only: their flavor makes them perfect also as an ingredient for many sweet and savory recipes. A citrus truly unique that can flavor dishes, make them less heavy, lighten too strong flavors and embellish others that need to be reinforced. They cost little and make a lot: the oranges are the product ideal for those who love to combine in the kitchen creativity and genuineness.

Fennel and orange salad

THE'fennel and orange salad it is an excellent idea for a tasty and healthy appetizer. Rich in C vitamin and mineral salts, is ideal for those who want to start the lunch in lightness and prepare the palate for others food. Remember to season your salad with salt, oregano and olive oil of high quality and to peel the oranges for good, trying as much as possible to eliminate the cuticles that would make the salad too bitter. You can add apples or endive.

Orange and avocado salad

In this case the taste of oranges will go with the creaminess of the avocado for an original appetizer. Remember also to season the ingredients with olive oil and salt. You can decide to make a sauce guacamole or cut theavocado in small pieces, the important thing is that it is ripe. Serve your cold salad by removing it from the fridge 5 minutes before eating it.

Cous cous with oranges and peppers

The couscous with oranges and peppers is a typical dish of the Sicilian cuisine. An intense combination of taste and excellent flavor for a traditional Arab dish revisited in an island key.


400 g of precooked couscous
vegetable broth
2 lemons and 4 oranges
1 wild or leek spring onion
3 yellow peppers and 3 red peppers
chili powder


Cook the peppers in the oven and cover them with newspaper. Let them rest for about 15 minutes and then clean them by removing the peel and the seeds, then cut them into very small pieces.

Squeeze 2 oranges and 2 lemons and cook the couscous in the broth. When it is ready, pour the juice you have prepared on the couscous, add the olive oil, i pepperoni, the wild onion or the very thin chopped leek and a few mint leaves. Cut the two oranges left in small pieces and add them to the cous cous and let it cool in the fridge for at least 30 minutes before serving.

Duck in orange sauce

It is one of the great classics of the Italian cuisine. A rich and very tasty dish in which oranges have great merit degrease and make duck meat lighter and tastier. Try the recipe below and also the version of duck breast with oranges and hazelnuts.


1 clean duck ready to be cooked
4 fresh oranges and thick peel
150 g of butter
salt and pepper
Grand Marnier


Place the duck in a pan from oven flavoring the inside with salt, a little butter and rosemary. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for about 90 minutes at 150 degrees. Cut the orange peel and blanch for 5 minutes, drain, add the Grand Marnier and leave them to marinate for an hour.

After checking that the meat of the duck has turned pink, remove the duck from the pan and, keeping the cooking liquid, keep it warm.

Cut the oranges into very small pieces and set them aside, you will use them for the final decoration of the dish. At this point add to the cooking liquid marinating oranges and Grand Marnier and cook over high heat for about ten minutes. Season your duck with this precious sauce and, with the oranges that you had previously cut, garnish the dish before serving.

Orange and chocolate brioche

Orange brioche e chocolate it is a dessert that is easy to prepare and perfect for breakfast and for a snack.


brewer's yeast
600 g of flour (00 and manitoba)
300 g of whole milk
150 g of butter
150 g of sugar
orange blossom honey
1 whole egg and 1 yolk
the rind of a grated orange

For the filling
500 g of orange jam
400 g of chocolate
flaked almonds


Dissolve the yeast in lukewarm milk sugar and honey (optional). In a large bowl, mix the mixture with flour, eggs and butter. When the mixture is homogeneous and without lumps place it in a buttered baking dish and cover it with a damp cloth, let it rest for at least 6/7 hours. Roll out the dough and fill it with jam, melted chocolate (white or black, the one you like best) and almonds. Wrap it in a roll shape and place it in a shape from plum cake ready to be fired. Let it rest – covered with plastic wrap – for about half an hour before placing it in the oven and then cook it for 45 minutes at 160 degrees.

Orange smoothie

The shake of fresh oranges is a very good drink for all seasons. Refreshing, nourishing and thirst quenching it is the perfect drink for every moment and is a great way to make people eat fruit – and vitamin C – even for the little ones. You can embellish your smoothie with blackberries or red fruits, to make the taste sweeter and even more precious thanks to the mineral salts of red fruits. The advice is to chop, together with the oranges, some ice cubes so as to make the cold smoothie at the right point to be immediately tasted!


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