Tag: ice cream

Gerry Scotti is hunting for an ice cream thief – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


Gerry Scotti became a detective out of greed: he is the protagonist of a web series again in which he has the task of unmasking an ice cream thief. To be precise, the guest who, after a dinner at his house, takes away the last remaining one. Who will be among Lorella Cuccarini, Giovanni Muciaccia, Rovazzi, Shamzy, UfoZero2 and Anna Folzi? They are the other protagonists of “Who stole Grandpa’s last Cup?”, which will be broadcast on the Instagram profile @coppadelnonno_official. The host had a lot of fun, he tells us about it in this interview:

Interview with Gerry Scotti

How did this new adventure go?
«Adventures are always beautiful and when they are unexpected they are even more welcome. You do them with a smile of amazement on your lips and this adventure is no different, it was very stimulating.”

Why do you think he was chosen as the main character of this ironic “mystery”?
«The Grandfather’s Cup was the protagonist of my childhood, it is one of the most loved and appreciated symbols of my afternoons. It reminds me of being with family, going to the dairy with my mother. I remember that it gave us kids a sense of maturity and emancipation, because it was the first taste as adults that we were given at a young age: a cup of coffee, the drink of adults. Probably this sense of amazement mixed with gratification has never left me and I was a perfect protagonist for this part.”

If I say “ice cream” what comes to mind? Is he greedy for it? Is this his sin of gluttony?
«It’s not my indulgence par excellence, but I must admit that I have always been a fan of ice cream, ever since I was a boy. When, due to logistics problems and the lack of distribution of refrigerators, ice cream was a product linked to spring/summer, I was convinced that it was instead suitable for every season. And I probably wasn’t the only one who thought this because then the market adapted to consumer demand, so much so that now it is not uncommon to consume it even in winter. We can say that ice cream has finally taken the place it deserved.”

We often see her walking with her grandchildren: is eating ice cream a ritual for you too?
«For me ice cream was a ritual, a gratification. The new generations are so surrounded by stimuli and proposals that perhaps they get a little confused. But I’m telling you as a grandfather: seeing my granddaughter’s face and shirt all dirty with ice cream is priceless.”


The best ice cream shops in Rome that you absolutely must try – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Since Dario Rossi opened Greed in Rome, in the Monteverde area, there are no longer any excuses: you have to try his ice cream! His shop in Frascati is always open and perhaps for those who live in southern Rome it remains the easiest to reach, but in any case Dario Rossi’s “cultivated ice cream” is worth the detour. Dario Rossi in his laboratory plays, in fact, to enhance the ingredients as much as possible from the territory and even better if from the family garden. There is no shortage of exceptions, such as Calabrian Bergamot, of which Dario is an ambassador. Attentive to intolerances and the environment, Dario also cares about the figure: to produce his very light ice cream he uses a percentage of sugars that does not exceed 10%. However, if you then give in to the temptation to eat ice cream in the kitchen, let’s say that Dario can turn a blind eye!

Geppy Sferra Gelato d’Essai

Geppy Sferra’s arthouse ice cream.

Two sales points for Geppy Sferra arthouse ice cream, one in Colli Aniene and the other in Tor de’ Schiavi. Both on the outskirts, because it is here that this master ice cream maker has chosen to bring the culture of this food. Also passing through schools, where Geppy and her team love to teach the art of ice cream. Excellent raw materials and the good habit of the so-called carpe diem: appointment on Saturday to taste the flavor of the week, a way to enhance the freshly creamed flavours, as well as to try something new, moving away from those 2-3 favorite flavors that are he tends to always order. Another recent proposal by Geppy Sferra, almost a provocation, is the ice cream-based aperitif, accompanied by ice cream on bruschetta.

Gracchi ice cream shop

The store in via dei Gracchi was the first for Alberto Manassei.

There are three sales points for this brand which set out from Prati to conquer Piazza Bologna, as well as the historic centre, with a shop in Via di Ripetta. The soul of Gelateria dei Gracchi is Alberto Manassei, who has already celebrated 20 years of activity (but also 40, if we consider the first steps in the art of ice cream making taken in his Sardinia). Famous in particular for its pistachio flavour, Gracchi is a natural ice cream that has made the history of craftsmanship in Rome. The basic philosophy is «following the seasons and the biological cycle of the raw materials, all Italian and zero kilometer.


25 easy and beautiful desserts for mums to make – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


There Mother’s Day is about to arrive, this year it will be celebrated on Sunday 14 May. The right gift? Our easy desserts for mothers, delicious because they are made with the heart.

On the other hand, she always says that thinking is enough, that she doesn’t need anything other than being together. For this reason we have prepared a collection of delicious recipes, many of them Quick and easy dessertsto be prepared together with yours mom or to give her as a gift to surprise her with sweetness.

The secret? Choose them easy but effective

Sometimes you don’t need to get involved in complicated preparations to make a good dessert that is also very beautiful to look at. If you also want to focus on beauty as well as taste, play smart and choose simple preparations with a guaranteed effect. Any examples? You can choose from soft cakes, tarts, muffins, pavlovas, shortcakes, donuts, cheesecakes, biscuits and chocolate desserts. And to decorate, use whipped cream, cream, strawberries, raspberries, meringues and flowers. Think about it, think about tastes and preferences Mom’s favorite ingredients and let yourself be inspired by our recipes.

Here are many easy desserts for mothers


Easy desserts for Mother’s Day: the recipes

What to cook for mom?

A nice lunch is always welcome. Whether with a single dish of pasta cooked in a good way – but made with the heart – and an aperitif or with a sumptuous menu that goes from the appetizer to the dessert, passing through a first course and a second course, of meat, fish or vegetarian.

But a lunch within the walls of home is not the only possibility to make her happy. Because if Sunday is a beautiful day you can also take advantage of it for an outing in the open air. Choose a beautiful park, show off your overflowing baskets and start a pleasant picnic with the whole family, which will end, obviously, with an easy but full of love dessert. And finally? a trip to the place you have chosen: a walk with a chat is enough to spend moments with a smile.

Sandwich with chickpea flour and leeks
A picnic on the grass for Mother’s Day

Savory pies, omelettes, miniburgers, skewers to celebrate Mother’s Day all together with an open-air lunch


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