Tag: Hot

Water coffee cream: grandfather’s coffee with zero calories – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Water-based coffee cream: Have you ever heard about it? It’s a smooth, amazing iced coffee that’s almost like magic. We all know grandfather’s coffee: enveloping, creamy, delicious. Are you among those who give it up because it is cream-based and you can’t digest it or are intolerant to lactose? We have good news for you: from today you will no longer have to give up the pleasure of grandfather’s coffee.

Well yes: you know that to obtain the same consistency as your grandfather’s coffee, that’s enough blend the ice with the coffee? In a few turns of the mixer you will have a cold, soft and delicious coffee cream, which promises to refresh you on the hottest days.

Two versions: with instant coffee or coffee in a cup

Water-based coffee cream can be prepared both with instant coffee and with coffee in a cup. In the first case the ingredients will be ice, water and instant coffee, in the second case only ice and cold coffee in a cup from the fridge. This is because to froth the ice you need a small percentage of water which, however, in the absence of instant coffee, can easily be replaced with a cup of good ground coffee.

Sugar? Only if you like it

Sugar it is not necessary at all. If you are used to drinking bitter coffee, you can make water cream by simply mixing ice, water and instant coffee in a blender (or ice and a cup of coffee left to cool in the refrigerator). Do you like it sweetened but not much? Follow our recipe. Prefer the sweetener? You can also use that to obtain a sweet water coffee cream, but still light: if you like stevia, try using it instead of sugar.

Is the classic or immersion blender better?

It can be done with both tools, but remember that ice could compromise the seal of your blender blades. The classic blender usually has larger and more resistant blades, immersion blender blades are smaller and more delicate. If you decide to use the immersion blender to prepare your water-based coffee cream, perhaps try breaking the ice into smaller fragments first.

My recipe for water-based coffee cream

Ingredients (for 2 cups)

  • Approximately 10 ice cubes
  • 1 cup of water (approximately 50 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of instant coffee
  • 2 level teaspoons of sugar (variable portion depending on taste)


  1. Place the ice cubes, a teaspoon of instant coffee, two level teaspoons of sugar and a cup of water in the blender. The equivalent of a cup of water is approximately 50 ml, but a lot also depends on the size of the ice used. If you notice that the mixture is struggling to whip, add water little at a time.
  2. Turn on the blender and continue at maximum speed until the mixture becomes light and fluffy. Place in cups and serve immediately.

The extra touch: to make it even tastier, sprinkle it with a little cocoa or cinnamon.


Ischia Safari On Tour: the sustainability of catering, a hot topic – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Ischia Safari On Tour: the sustainability of catering, a hot topic


Ischia Safari On Tour it was an opportunity to bring different thoughts to the table – literally. There sustainability of catering It’s not an easy topic, but it’s imperative. The need for a comparison starts precisely from the main actors of this complicated fantastic world.

For the first edition of Ischia Safari on Tour the wonderful location was chosen Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni in Bellagio on Lake Como. Here, last Saturday 6 April they met 22 chefs for a total of 13 Michelin stars to offer a gourmet experience to around 150 guests, who enjoyed an exclusive menu for a balanced entrance ticket (250 euros/person). From the aperitif to the desserts, among the enchanting gardens and the magnificent Royal Hall of the historic hotel property owned by the Bucher family, an exceptional gastronomic event took place in the true sense of the adjective.

An event strongly desired by the chefs Nino Di Costanzo And Pasquale Palamaro with the aim of “exporting” the Ischia Safari event even far from the Green Island and above all to have a moment of discussion between chefs, sector associations and training schools on the current situation in catering.

With the aim of drawing up a series of proposals which will then be the subject of a programmatic document which will be discussed in Ischia next September, the sunny spring day opened with an important event moment of comparison on the reason for the difficulty in succeeding find human resources who want to undertake a professional path in the world of catering, why these jobs are no longer attractive and what remedies can be put in place to try to reverse this trend.

The round table “The sustainability of catering” featured chefs with great experience such as Bobo Cerea (From Vittorio to Brusaporto, BG), Alessandro Negrini and Fabio Pisani (The Place of Aimo and Nadia, Milan), Peppe Guida (Osteria Nonna Rosa, Vico Equense), Sal De Riso (Minori pastry shop of the same name), together with Jan Bucher (owner and director of GH Villa Serbelloni), e Giancarlo Carriero (owner of the Albergo Regina Isabella in Lacco Ameno, Naples), asked themselves about the problems of the restaurant world and possible solutions. The chef’s interventions were also fundamental to the debate Alessandro GilmozziPresident of the Ambasciatori del Gusto association and director of the Incibum higher education school, Dr. Mariagiovanna Sansoneas well as Nino Di Costanzo And Pasquale Palamaro.

From the staff trainingas Jan Bucher and chef Cerea mentioned, until improvement of education starting from the hotel institutes and their teachers, why not also the possibility of giving training opportunities also for foreignersas proposed by chef Negrini, at lack of concrete support from the institutions: an hour and a half was not enough to express all the guests’ concerns. On the other hand, a first important result was achieved by finding union in the difficulties and in the desire to support work in the restaurant industry.

The day continued with Gala Lunch, where the approximately 150 guests present were able to taste the delicacies that the chefs created. Here they are:


Italian or hot meringue recipe, the recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Italian or hot meringue recipe, the recipe


There Meringue it is a kitchen magic that is accomplished with only two ingredients, egg whites whipped until stiff and sugar. There are several ways to make it, mainly French meringue and Italian meringue.

In the French meringue (or cold) the egg whites are whipped with the sugar and lemon juice, the meringues are shaped with the piping bag and then everything is cooked in the oven. The procedure for Italian meringue or hot it is, however, a little more complex, but allows you to obtain meringues that are less “glassy” than those made cold, which can be used to lighten and give volume to some preparations, such as semifreddos and mousses and to decorate desserts such as sponge cake and custard.

The process is defined as hot because the egg whites are whipped with a sugar syrup at a precise temperature (for this step you will need a kitchen thermometer). Once the meringues have been formed with the pastry bag, they should be baked as in the French recipe. The result will be meringues that are colorful on the surface and soft on the inside.


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