Tag: Happy

Happy Sunday with Giancarlo Morelli #alzailtelefono – Italian Cuisine

Happy Sunday with Giancarlo Morelli #alzailtelefono


If there is a ritual that I really like even if it is not Italian, it is definitely the moment of brunch. And in this "closed" Milan we can do nothing but order it and enjoy it at home even while staying in our pajamas (for those who get up late). Among the most delicious in the city, there is certainly the proposal of Giancarlo Morelli, starred chef, famous for his risotto and a tasty and light cuisine, of the territory but also very good at making dishes from other cultures. An affectionate and kind man like few others, with Morelli and Bulk, his two restaurants inside the VIU hotel in Milan, he has been delighting us for years with excellent dishes, not to mention the Pomireu restaurant in Seregno. And his heart is also seen and felt in his food.

So if you want to taste brunch for tomorrow, Sunday, you have to call, yes call as it used to be, by 6 pm I suggest: Club Sandwich, Croque Madame, the simple toast that is sublime or the avocado toast, classic eggs Benedict, but also chicken nuggets breaded in breadstick and their Burger. All with sourdough bread. The other days of the week for lunch and dinner, you can book dishes such as the rice pie in red wine reduction, the kit of casoncelli with butter, crispy bacon and parmesan to cook in a few minutes or its famous Milanese high or low and the ossobuco. But there's more on the menu. All highly delicious. Enjoy your meal!

Morellimilano.it Tel. 0280010918.

Ps: examples of prices, Club Sandwich 17 euros, Avocado toast 12 euros, Burger 15 euros.


The hamburger with Gorgonzola that makes us happy – Italian Cuisine

The hamburger with Gorgonzola that makes us happy


Today, May 28, is the world hamburger day: try the version with Gorgonzola, a cheese that immediately puts you in a good mood, that's why!

The hamburger has always been one of the most loved dishes in every corner of the planet, so much appreciated that today, May 28, a dedicated day: World Burger Day. Two slices of bread enclosing minced meat accompanied by salad, vegetables, the most diverse sauces and a slice of cheese. What else to ask to enjoy bite after bite? But the hamburger has become over the years much more from the slice of meat accompanied by salad and cheese: today we delight with fish burgers, legumes, vegetarians, vegans … For every palate your own hamburger. And if experimenting is a game that you like and that also gives a lot of satisfaction, try replacing the classic hamburger cheese with a slice of Gorgonzola Dop, the cheese with very little lactose content, therefore also suitable for those suffering from intolerance. A hamburger that will not make you regret the more classic version of this sandwich and which will help you find the good mood… Here because!

What's in a slice of Gorgonzola

In each slice of Gorgonzola Dop, whether sweet or spicy, high biological value proteins and various micronutrients are found, such as vitamins A and B12, folate, calcium, phosphorus and zinc, which also promote normal psychological, immune, cognitive and visual function and help to reduce tiredness and fatigue. In addition to all this, gorgonzola is rich in an amino acid, the tryptophan, which helps to release the serotonin, the hormone of happiness.

Serotonin, what it is and how it works

Often called a hormone of well-being or happiness, serotonin is a neurotransmitter synthesized in the brain and other body tissues, starting from the essential amino acid tryptophan. It is a substance present in various areas of the central nervous system and has sedative properties that have a direct relationship with mood and other body functions. Besides regulate blood pressure, safeguarding bone health and regulating circadian rhythms (wakefulness and sleep), serotonin in fact has effects on the psyche and determines a state of well-being or malaise depending on the levels in which it is present in the blood. Follow a diet rich in foods that help to synthesize it it is therefore fundamental, especially in this difficult period that we are all facing. Many may have already heard of the positive effects of chocolate, precisely because it is a food that by its properties acts on the good mood hormone, but is not the only one. Another, for example, is gorgonzola. And not just because it's a delicious cheese!

The chickpea burger recipe with salad, spicy Gorgonzola cheese and caramelized onions

Ingredients: 4 panini with seeds for hamburgers, 150 g of Spicy Gorgonzola DOP, 30 g of burro, 1 cipolla large red, fresh salad, 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, salt.

For the chickpea burgers: 500 g of ceci cooked, pcrumbs, 1 egg, 1/2 clove of garlic, fresh thyme, extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper.

Method: prepare the caramelized onions. Peel the onion and cut it into thin slices. In a non-stick pan melt the butter, add the onions, season with salt and let them stew for 10 minutes until they are transparent. Add the brown sugar and cook the onions until they are caramelized. Withdraw and keep aside. Start making chickpea burgers. In a mixer, blend the chickpeas drained with garlic, 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, thyme, 2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs, egg, a pinch of salt and ground black pepper to obtain a homogeneous and compact mixture. Form the burgers with the help of a pastry cutter to give them the shape, bread them and brown them in a non-stick pan with the extra virgin olive oil for about 7 minutes per side. Cut the sandwiches in half and add the hamburger with the salad, the chickpea burger, the caramelized onions and the spicy crumbled Gorgonzola.

In the Tutorial some other tips to best consume Gorgonzola


Happy Awakening with Italian Cuisine and Radio Deejay – Italian Cuisine

Happy Awakening with Italian Cuisine and Radio Deejay


The breakfast? Do it with us at La Cucina Italiana and with Radio Deejay. Saturday 2 May at 9.30 am culinary chat with the conductors is back Gianluca and Nicola Vitiello , who together with our editor-cook Sara Tieni, will tell you some delicious news: how does food-delivery change? make cocktails from bars even at home. And again: the Italians and the irrepressible desire for ice cream and a new challenge from #laricettacheunisce. You can connect via radio, TV, computer and mobile phone: just download the App. And if you are still asleep or you missed the episode, don't worry: you can download it here and there are also podcasts and playlists. All the recipes mentioned can be found on the website and then there is a delicious novelty: the new issue of La Cucina Italiana of May is on newsstands! All to browse and taste (also free digital until June).


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