Tag: Hake

Hake with creamy polenta, fried capers and anchovy fillets – Italian Cuisine

Hake with creamy polenta, fried capers and anchovy fillets


Hake with creamy polenta, fried capers and anchovy fillets, the preparation

1) Desalt capers, soak them in warm water for 20 minutes, drain them And dry them. Clean the leek, deleted the green part of the leaves and the root e cut the remaining part in slices of 1/2 cm. Warm up 4 tablespoons of oil in a pan non-stick, melt The anchovies, stirring with a wooden spoon.

2) Add leeks and 1/2 dl of water e cook them on low heat for 5 minutes, unite the little noses reduced to morsels, turn up the flame and cook for 3-4 minutes turning them over halfway through cooking. Switch off and keep warm.

3) Bring milk and the same amount of water at the boiling point, salty slightly, paid the flour for polenta, stirring with a whisk and cook for the time indicated on the package. in the meantime fry the capers in a pan with a drizzle of oil, until crispy. Drain them, let them whisk polenta with sour cream e serve it with hake and capers.


Posted on 09/10/2021



Stewed hake with porcini mushrooms and red onion – Italian Cuisine

Stewed hake with porcini mushrooms and red onion


Stewed hake with porcini, the preparation

1) Peel onion and cut into slices, warm 4 tablespoons of oil in a saucepan, unite onion, leave it stew gently for 3-4 minutes, add chopped peeled tomatoes, salty and cook the sauce covered for 15 minutes.

2) Clean the mushrooms, eliminating the earthy part of the stems e rubbing them gently with a damp towel to remove all residues of earth. Cut the largest sliced ​​and the smallest in half and cook them in a pan with 3 tablespoons of oil and a pinch of salt for 5 minutes. Join them with tomato sauce e transferred all in a baking dish.

3) Rinse and dry the nose pads, salt them, pepper them And arrange them in the pan. Cook them in a preheated oven at 180 ° for 20 minutes. Sprinkle them with oregano leaves e serve them.


Posted on 01/10/2021



Hake tresses at the "When the time is short but the fantasy is not missing!" – Italian Cuisine


When you want to cook a fish-based dish but the clock is tyrant you need a simple recipe, with an interesting taste, and the inspiration of the #storiedipomodoro with Salse Mutti. Et voila, the dish is served!

How many times do we avoid buying fish because we think we are not able to cook it or because we do not know with which ingredients it is possible to combine it in a recipe? Or why do we think it may take a long time, which is often not the case when you come back from work late and have to think about dinner, for your family, or to win over the guests' palate? It would be a mistake, because even a dish prepared with fish can give us great satisfaction in the kitchen, when you want to experiment with new tastes. Curious to find out how to prepare our recipe?

The fish in fact, besides being a fundamental food for our health, due to its nutritional characteristics, with the right ingredients can be prepared quickly, and give life to creative dishes that are also very tasty. Like the one we are proposing today: braids of hake with citrus fruits, enriched with Taggiasca olives, taralli crumble and the fresh taste of Mutti Cherry Sauce, which gives the hake braids a creative twist and a mix of exquisite flavors. But not only: a presentation of the dish to be the envy!

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Citrus hake braids with Mutti Cherry Sauce, Taggiasca olives and taralli crumble

For 4 people


4 hake fillets
1 lemon
1 orange
4 tablespoons of Taggiasca olives
1 bottle of Mutti Cherry Sauce
10 taralli
a few sprigs of fresh oregano
1 clove of garlic
half a glass of white wine
salt and pepper
extra virgin olive oil to taste


On a cutting board, grate the citrus fruit peel with a knife and chop the Taggiasca olives. Always cut the hake fillets on the cutting board, leaving the entire end and making two vertical incisions. Form braids by stopping the ends with short toothpicks if necessary. Sprinkle the fillets with the aromatic mixture of citrus fruits, olives and oregano, making it adhere well to the fish.
Place the extra virgin olive oil, oregano and the garlic clove in a non-stick pan and lay the braids. Cook on both sides for 5 minutes. Add the white wine and let it evaporate.
Add the Mutti Cherry Sauce and cook for about 10 minutes. Serve with taralli crumble, minced oregano and olives, and add a sprinkling of chopped citrus on the hake braids.

That fresh taste that your recipe lacked

The use of tomato sauce in seafood dishes often divides: some, erroneously, believe that tomato paste is not able to enhance the flavor of the fish. But this is not always the case: la Mutti Cherry Sauce, for example, with its fresh taste, it is able to enhance and enhance the taste of hake and round off the taste of the recipe.
And let's not forget that the eye also wants its part: the bright red color of the Mutti Cherry Sauce creates a perfect combination of colors with the black of the Taggiasca olives, the green of fresh oregano and orange and the citrus fruit yellow.
Taste, color, aroma and consistency of the ingredients make this dish really irresistible!


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