Tag: grouper

Grouper recipe, recipes: delicious baked grouper – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Grouper recipe, recipes: delicious baked grouper


It has tender and juicy meat: there are many recipes that can be made with grouper. Tomatoes, capers and olives they are the fundamental ingredients together with chilli pepper and aromatic herbs for cooking a tasty fish according to tradition Sicilian. This preparation is suitable for fish such as swordfish, gurnard, anglerfish, scorpion fish and grouper.

Delicious grouper: our version

The latter is the protagonist of our recipe which we have prepared with some variations in cooking compared to the traditional one in the pan. The grouper, filleted, cooks in the oven And separated from its sauce, so as to keep the meat more consistent. The dish gains in lightness and clarity of flavours.

Also try these recipes: Delicious swordfish, Delicious stewed cod, Delicious swordfish empanada.


Fillets of grouper with cedar sauce – Italian Cuisine

Fillets of grouper with cedar sauce



1) Clean the coriander and the mint, gather the leaves in a small mixer, add a pinch of salt, pine nuts, pecorino cut into small pieces, about 5 cm of cedar peel, leaving also a little of the white part, the juice of half a cedar, 2 tablespoons of water and 4 tablespoons of oil and blend all the ingredients until you have a smooth sauce.

2) Melt half of the butter in a pan without letting it brown and let it cool. Pass i fillets of grouper, in order to grease them evenly, and then sprinkle them with a little flour. Cut the remaining half cedar into slices of the same thickness. Melt the remaining butter in a pan, cook the cedar slices on each side for a few seconds and arrange them on individual plates.

3) Cook the fish fillets in the same pan, about a minute on each side, add salt and transfer them to individual plates, over the slices of cedar. Season the fish with the prepared sauce and serve.


Recipe Grouper fillets, radicchio and baked beetroot – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Grouper fillets, radicchio and baked beetroot


  • 1 kg grouper fillets cleaned, with skin
  • 200 g boiled beetroot
  • 3 pieces of red radicchio
  • 1 pc pomegranate
  • fennel
  • vegetable broth
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper

For the recipe for grouper fillets, radicchio and beetroot in the oven, place the grouper fillets in a plate lined with parchment paper with the side of the pulp facing upwards. Season them with a drizzle of oil, salt and pepper. Reduce the beetroot. Cut the pomegranate into 8 wedges, without removing the peel.
Browse the radicchio. Arrange all around the grouper fillets (keep some radicchio leaves to serve raw). Perfume with a few branches of fennel, sprinkle with a ladle of vegetable broth and bake at 180 ° C for 30-35 minutes. Remove from the oven and serve, completing with the radicchio leaves kept aside.


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