Tag: ground

Italian Chili

Italian Chili

by Pam on September 9, 2012

We finally had a cool day today in Portland.  It was cloudy, cool, and a much needed break from the heat! I found a recipe at The Slow Roasted Italian[1] that looked and sounded perfect! It had a wonderful chili flavor with an Italian twist.  It smelled amazing while it simmered on the stove all afternoon and tasted even better.  My daughter, who does not like chili, actually liked this and nearly ate her whole bowl full.  My son loved it and asked for leftovers for his school lunch tomorrow.  My husband and I both really liked it too and I look forward to eating the leftovers this week. Thanks for the great recipe Donna.

Side Note:  Use a potato masher to break up the ground beef and Italian sausage quickly and easily into crumbles.

Heat the olive oil in a large Dutch oven over medium heat.  Add the ground beef and the turkey Italian sausage, removed from casings, into the Dutch oven.  Use a potato masher to break up the meat into crumbles.  Add the chili powder, dried basil, oregano, cumin, crushed red pepper, sea salt and freshly cracked pepper, to taste; cook stirring occasionally for 2-3 minutes.  Add the diced onion, bell pepper, and garlic to the meat crumbles; cook, stirring occasionally, for 3-4 minutes.  Add the diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, chili beans with sauce, and drained kidney beans.  Cover with a lid then lower the heat to low simmer.  Cook, stirring occasionally, for 2-3 hours.  Taste the chili and re-season if desired.

Ladle into bowls then top with shredded Parmesan cheese.  Serve immediately.  Enjoy.


Italian Chili

Yield: 12

Prep Time: 10 min.

Cook Time: 2-3 hours


1 tsp olive oil
1 lb lean ground beef (I used 90/10)
1 lb turkey Italian sausage, removed from casings
1 tsp chili powder
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried basil
1/2 tsp dried cumin
Sea salt and freshly cracked pepper, to taste
1 sweet yellow onion, diced
1 red bell pepper, diced
5 cloves of garlic, minced
2 15oz cans of diced tomatoes
1 10oz and 1 8oz cans of tomato sauce
2 15oz cans of chili beans with sauce
1 15oz can of kidney beans, rinsed and drained
Parmesan cheese, shredded


Side Note: Use a potato masher to break up the ground beef and Italian sausage quickly and easily into crumbles.

Heat the olive oil in a large Dutch oven over medium heat. Add the ground beef and the turkey Italian sausage, removed from casings, into the Dutch oven. Use a potato masher to break up the meat into crumbles. Add the chili powder, dried basil, oregano, cumin, crushed red pepper, sea salt and freshly cracked pepper, to taste; cook stirring occasionally for 2-3 minutes. Add the diced onion, bell pepper, and garlic to the meat crumbles; cook, stirring occasionally, for 3-4 minutes. Add the diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, chili beans with sauce, and drained kidney beans. Cover with a lid then lower the heat to low simmer. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 2-3 hours. Taste the chili and re-season if desired.

Ladle into bowls then top with shredded Parmesan cheese. Serve immediately. Enjoy.

Adapted recipe and photos by For the Love of Cooking.net
Original recipe by The Slow Roasted Italian




  1. ^ The Slow Roasted Italian (theslowroasteditalian.blogspot.com)
  2. ^ Print Recipe (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)

How to store ground coffee: yes or no in the fridge? – Italian Cuisine

How to store ground coffee: yes or no in the fridge?


What's the best way to store ground coffee at home? Is the refrigerator an option to consider? Here are some useful tips

Isn't it wonderful that moment when we open a new coffee package and an intense and inviting aroma is released immediately? Here, better enjoy it to the full, because avoiding the dispersion of the fragrance that until then was perfectly protected from vacuum packing it's a real challenge.

Let's start from an assumption: once it comes into contact with the air, the grinded coffee it is much more subject to deterioration than coffee beans, which instead guarantee maximum aroma thanks to the grinding carried out on the spot. But not everyone decides to have a coffee grinder at home, a precious tool that also needs proper maintenance.

To limit damage and store coffee correctly, it is necessary to better understand what damages it.

False myths and enemies of coffee

As pointed out by the Gaggia coffee experts, "the worst enemy of aroma is humidity. Coffee reacts immediately to cold, heat, changes in temperature, humidity and oxygen while losing some of its characteristic scent ".

When on the package we talk about storing coffee in a "cool and dry place", it certainly does not mean the fridge. Have you ever used the coffee trick to eliminate bad smells from the fridge? This is enough for you to understand that that type of environment does not help to keep the aromas alive, but rather favors the absorption of all other smells by the coffee.
Furthermore, it temperature gap to which it would be subjected every time you prepare an espresso would lead to the formation of condensation and therefore humidity inside the container.

Speaking of humidity, according to some urban legends, to keep it constant at the right point it would be enough to put a Cork or one apple peel in the coffee jar. Very wrong: any foreign element within the mixture contributes to altering its flavor and properties.

To ensure proper storage of the coffee, it is therefore necessary to keep it away from sources of humidity, heat, light and above all from the air. Let's see how.

How to store coffee

Coffee maintains its organoleptic qualities unaltered at a temperature between 15 ° C and 25 ° C, with a humidity of about 50%. How to get as close as possible to these conditions?

First, use a hermetically sealed container of non-transparent glass, but dark enough to limit contact with light. Even the size make the difference, both those of the packages to be purchased and those of the container. Better to prefer smaller packs, so as not to keep them open for too long, and avoid larger jars than the amount of coffee they will have to contain.

Where to store the coffee? The ideal is a closed cupboard, protected from light and sunlight, away from the hob, oven or radiators.


Ground salads: 5 recipes – Italian Cuisine

Ground salads: 5 recipes


Middle Eastern flavor or inspired by Mexico, with mushrooms, spring or chicken: discover how to prepare them all with our recipes that enhance vegetables, mushrooms, meat and eggs

Here are five recipes to prepare earth salads always different to enhance the flavors of the vegetable garden. They are suitable for a lunch to take to the office, such as light meal or for a buffet.

Ground salad with chickpeas and eggplant

Among the land salads, this one has a slight Middle Eastern flavor. To prepare it, just sauté in the frying pan eggplant diced with oil, chilli, cumin and turmeric until they are well cooked. Add to the last ones also chickpeas in the pan e season with lemon juice. Place now in a salad bowl a leafy vegetable mix as a base (lettuce, songino, radicchio …), add the boiled quinoa and the mix of aubergines and chickpeas. Season with more oil, salt and lemon juice, stir and serve.

Ground salads with mushrooms

Who knows why when a dish is "earthy" it contains 90% of the mushrooms and then one cannot miss one like this even in this roundup. The ideal would be to have delicious ones sautéed porcini mushrooms, but also the mushrooms in oil, the champignons or any type of mushroom you have will be fine. Prepare the salad with rocket salad, of the speck cut into strips and made crispy in the pan, of the walnuts and mushrooms. Season with salt, pepper, oil and parsley and bring to the table.

Salad with eggs and asparagus

Fresh and vernal, this salad collects the best that the earth offers after the winter hibernation. Songino, fresh raw peas, asparagus just blanched, a few slices of avocado (which is divinely with eggs) and a fried egg finally. The soft yolk will create a delicious creamy sauce that will season all this riot of vegetables. If you really want to overdo it, add some flakes of grain and do not forget to season this very green salad with salt, oil and White pepper.

Chicken and sweet potato salad

A fresh base lettuce, enriched with gods strips of chicken stir-fried with oil and paprika. To complete the sweet potatoes baked in cubes, seasoned with rosemary, salt, oil and other paprika and a fresh one dressing based on Greek yogurt, salt, oil and a touch of mustard. This chicken salad is definitely different from the usual.

Mexican salad (pseudo)

Ground salads can also be inspired by the gastronomic traditions of other countries and this is inspired by Mexico. The base is an abundant portion of fresh or crunchy ice berg. They give the Mexican touch the i pepperoni – yellow, red, and green – cut into strips and cooked in a pan with plenty of it chili and cumin seeds, an onion cut into strips, a pinch of salt and some good extra virgin olive oil. Cook briefly on the grill also strips of beef and then complete the salad, adding warm peppers and freshly cooked meat to the spinach. Dress with del lime juice and a little oil.


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