Tag: Greek

Greek Garlic – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Greek Garlic


Anyone who has spent a holiday in Greece and tasted the typical dishes, will certainly have tasted the famous garlic Greek. Less famous than the tzatziki (the sauce made with Greek yogurt and cucumbers that is now easily found in Italy too), also the “skordalia” – this is what agliata is called in its homeland – is a sauce. Or rather, to put it in Greek again, it is a halfor one of those dishes that in Greece are served as appetizers but can then accompany all the courses. The main ingredient, as the name suggests, is thegarlic: if you love this flavor you are really in the right place!

The Greek garlic sauce, with a very strong and unmistakable flavour and similar consistency to a mashed potatois usually served to accompany various dishes, in particular the fish. There are two variations (one with potatoes and one with walnuts) but today we will suggest how to prepare the first version, which is definitely more versatile. In addition to fish, agliata often accompanies meat and vegetable dishes (in addition to the delicious Greek bread, pita).

The other main ingredient of Greek agliata – besides garlic – is made up of potatoes. The doses we recommend are for a portion for 4-6 people, but by increasing them proportionally you can obtain a greater quantity of sauce. To prepare Greek agliata you do not need to be a great chef or even a fan of Greek cuisine: the passages I am few And simple and the taste is guaranteed!


Greek salad with lentils – ‘s recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Greek salad con lenticchie


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