Tag: gift

Chestnuts, the autumn gift of the woods – Italian Cuisine



Gnocchi, soups and broths, but also desserts such as pancakes and castagnaccio: le chestnuts can be found in the traditional dishes of all our regional cuisines. This gift of the forest autumnalin fact, it represented for a long time and until the 1950s the survival food for the mountain people, who even made it a dark and compact bread, mixing the flour with that of wheat and rye.

A bit of history
But the history of chestnuts hangs in the balance between food rustic And gastronomy refined, for their extraordinary versatility: whole, the largest and most pulpy fruits are glazed to become greedy marrons glacés or stuff roasts of red and white meats; boiled and reduced to puree, they become the basis for savory pies or for sweets delights like the classic Mont Blanc.

192155A record with ancient roots
The chestnut has lived in our woods since time immemorial. From the Venetian Pre-Alps, down along the entire Apennines to the slopes of the Sila, in Calabria, thebread tree, as it was defined by Pascoli, it has found an ideal habitat and thrives almost everywhere. Mostly in Campania, followed by Calabria, Lazio, Piedmont And Tuscany. Despite the drastic decrease in crops compared to the beginning of the century, still today Italy is the first chestnut producer in Europe and the third in the world. The primacy does not concern only the quantity: in our country hundreds of varieties of chestnuts survive, of which 12 are recognized excellences at European level. They received the mark Dop there Vallerano chestnut (grown in the Viterbo area, in Lazio), with white and crunchy pulp; the Caprese Michelangelo brown, Tuscan, with ivory-colored pulp and aroma of almond and vanilla; the Brown of San Zeno, harvested in Veneto, which due to its softness and sweet taste is used for the "marronata", jam with sugar or honey.

The Veneto it also counts two fruits Igp (the Marrone di Combai, with floury and sugary pasta, and the Marrone di Monfenera), tied with the Piedmont (which boasts the Chestnut of Cuneo and the Marrone of Val di Susa, ideal for making marrons glacés) and with Tuscany. A region that, in addition to the large chestnut of Monte Amiata and the crunchy Marrone del Mugello, also boasts two PDO chestnut flours, velvety and fragrant, produced in Lunigiana and in Garfagnana.

There Campania, which was also awarded two Igp (the Chestnut of Montella, round and with a thin skin, and the Marrone di Roccadaspide, sweet and crunchy) is among the areas with the highest chestnut vocation: alone, in fact, it represents 50 percent of the entire national chestnut production .

Extra-large sized browns
Commonly, large chestnuts are called 'marroni'. In many cases it is true: for the Marrone di Combai IGP, the production disciplinary establishes that the fruits for each hedgehog must not exceed three. However, the size they are a variable feature, even within the same variety. For example, the Chestnut of Monte Amiata is large in size (80 fruits are enough for one kg), while for the Marrone di San Zeno Dop the disciplinary ranges from 50 to 120 fruits per kg.

So, what are the criteria for distinguishing chestnuts from chestnuts?
In principle, but with several exceptions, i first courses they have oval shape, peel striated And subtle, with the film peeling off very easily. Features that make them ideal in preparations roast and in all recipes that require whole pulpy and perfect fruits. They are also required for industrial processing, which uses them to make marrons glacés, candied fruit and canned with rum or under grappa. The chestnutsinstead, they generally have form rounded, peel thick and the inner film that penetrates the seed, which makes the peeling operation more laborious. Once peeled and boiled (in water or milk, depending on the recipe), they are used for soups, creams, fillings, jams. In addition to fresh consumption, they are intended for the production of dried chestnuts and chestnut flour.

October 2021
Enza Dalessandri


Baci di Cracco: the sexiest gift for Valentine's Day – Italian Cuisine


On the chef's online shop you will find his Baci, also in a special edition in the shape of a heart, chocolates and a plum cake with a ruby ​​red heart. They can be bought in one click and that's why they are a stroke of genius

Make a gift of Valentine's day it's easy, if you know how to do it. And Carlo knows it. Since he inaugurated his online shop shortly before the outbreak of the pandemic and the delivery boom, orders have never stopped. Jams, spices, tomato sauce, oil and a set of pots, but it is the pastry that is king. Cakes, panettone, chocolates and them… i Kisses of Cracco. He is a cooking genius, his collaborators are evil geniuses who have created a perfect product: good, beautiful and with a name so sexy that it has become a blockbuster. The credit would be all in marketing were it not that Cracco's Kisses are not just a nice gimmick: they are a small delight studied by pastry chef Marco Pedron. He, the man of Cracco's pizza, of his screaming croissants, and now of the new Milanese classic.

«Colored like macarons, Italian like lady's kisses. They are Ringo gourmets, I have not invented anything . Marco studied the product in every detail, and not just the taste. «Compared to the lady's kisses we used not hazelnut flour, but almond flour: they are light and colorful. But there are no secrets, only excellent raw materials: stone-ground 00 flour Petra 5 by Molino Quaglia, which makes the pastry crumbly, and Valrhona Inspiration chocolate, a “white chocolate” with cocoa butter and fruit . Therefore? "In Baci di Cracco, more than the recipe, the stroke of genius lies in the management of the product, which is often more important than the product itself". Yes, because Cracco's Baci are kept out of the refrigerator and last long enough that you don't have to eat them in one bite (if you can resist). Raspberry, yuzu, passion fruit, strawberry, gianduia, almond; in the heart version, only in two flavors.
«But for Valentine's Day we also do plum cake with heart shaped heart, a long process that requires a double firing . Chocolate, red heart with raspberry powder and pulp, chocolate ganache to make it beautiful and uniform, chocolate glaze and golden sugar. «Simple to the eye, complex in processing, but not so decorated, because the beauty is inside. At the debut he totaled more than a thousand orders just him. And then i chocolates, heart shaped obviously, raspberry chocolate with passion fruit filling and dark chocolate with raspberry filling.

Marco Pedron is not only a great pastry chef, he is a calculator and one who engineers production to make it work even on large numbers. Since Cracco's opening in the Galleria they have never stopped, not even during the first lockdown of 2020. "We have always worked, myself, the two guys who take care of the doughs and leavened products, and the three girls who make up half of the team . They are the ones who take care of all the Valentine's Day production . And he is keen to mention them with a lot of name and surname: Ilaria Caneva, sous pastry chef, the chocolatier Carlotta Filipazzi and Alessandra Pagan. As I write this, doves are already being baked for Easter, and they promise surprises.

Marco, Ilaria and Carlotta

I Baci di Cracco and all the other products can be bought from Cracco in the Galleria or bought online.
"They go away like bread", better hurry. Browse the gallery to discover all the gifts for Valentine's Day made in Cracco

Browse the gallery


the last minute gift for greedy friends – Italian Cuisine

the last minute gift for greedy friends


We present the stars and stripes version of the nougat: if you have never tried rocky road this is the right time to prepare them and … give them away

We cannot define the rocky road simply Chocolates because they are much more.
These chocolate cubes they are rich, colorful, greedy and can be done in many different ways.
You can use dark, white or milk chocolate, maybe even all three together in layers, and you can add nuts, raisins, and other dried and dried fruit.
In the variant most loved by children, you can also play with Marshmallow, white or colored and possibly mini, to add a touch of softness.
Someone defines them "American nougat" due to the presence of chocolate and dried fruit, but in this case the slightly chewy consistency of the classic nougat as we know it is missing.

The basic recipe of rocky road

Melt in a water bath 200 g of dark chocolate is 100 g of milk chocolate with 30 g of butter.
Mix everything with 30 g of puffed rice, a handful of almonds and pistachios is 100 g of mini marshmallows colored.
Pour the mixture into a mold lined with cling film. It must have a thickness of about 2 cm.
Let everything cool down in the refrigerator for two hours and then cut into cubes.

White chocolate variant

Melt in a double boiler only White chocolate and a walnut of butter and then mix it all up with something colorful like Goji berries or raspberries e cranberries dried.
Top with a handful of pistachios because green goes very well with white and red and is a perfect match for Christmas. Also in this case you can add marshmallows always in chromatic contrast.

Rocky road with cookies

You can also add some to the chocolate cookies: in this period we suggest those spiced with ginger and cinnamon.
You don't have to chop them, but simply break them coarsely because they must show up in the cut of the cubes and they must feel bite after bite as a crunchy part.
If you don't like spiced cookies, use any type of Biscuits of your choice.

Greedy and creative recycling

Rocky roads are the ideal recipe for recycle chocolate, biscuits and nuts, especially after the holidays.
If you have different types of chocolate you can melt them separately, mix them with the other ingredients and then arrange them in layers inside the mold. In this way you will get very colorful and super greedy rocky roads.

Gift idea

Rocky roads are nice homemade Christmas gift that everyone will appreciate.
They are easy to prepare, as you have seen, and also very beautiful to pack in transparent bags.
They keep for a long time … if they don't disappear instantly!


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