Tag: Geolier

Geolier, Sanremo, rap and (his) pizza: where to taste it – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


«I p’ me you p’ me: we’re all singing the song of Geolier, the Neapolitan rapper who bookmakers (and the public) consider among the favorites of this edition of the Sanremo Festival. A song that doesn’t leave your head, it tells of a story that ends and of two lovers who have become strangers, of time wasted and of what could have been gained. It was immediately noticed also because all in Neapolitan dialect and full of slang expressions and – not only for this – it immediately shot to the top of the list of most listened to on Spotify.

Who is Geolier

Geolier pierced the screen, arriving in the homes of many who probably didn’t know who he was before the festival. 23 years old, his real name is Emanuele Palumbo. Geolier is the French translation of “prison guard” or “jailer”, the nickname with which – despite there being no direct link – the inhabitants of Secondigliano are called in Naples: the suburb north of the city where Geolier grew up and where his entire family still lives. The artist arrives in Sanremo after two highly successful albums – “Emanuele” in 2018 and “Il courage dei bambini” in 2022 – and collaborations with artists of caliber, from Emis Killa and Jake La Furia up to Rocco Hunt, and then – among many – Luché, Giorgia, Gigi d’Alessio.

Geolier and pizza

Geolier brought all of Naples to Sanremo: the dialect, the city that is rooting for him, and also the Neapolitan pizza. It seems that fellow singers are crazy about it: his first pizzeria, temporary only for the days of the festival, is just a stone’s throw from the Ariston. The menu is short but essential, with pizzas named after his great hits, and his. There “Pizza Geolier” is with sausage, provola and pumpkin cream, while the pizza “I p’ me, tu p’ te” is with sausage and broccoli and the pizza “The courage of children” with frankfurters and chips. Then there is the “23 marzo” pizza which is a margherita with yellow tomato, the “Secondigliano” pizza which is a marinara and, finally, there is the “Maradona” pizza, which is a white pizza with courgettes.

Where and how to taste Geolier pizza

In addition to the lucky ones who live in Sanremo and will be able to sit at the tables of his pop up pizzeria until the end of the festival, Geolier’s pizza will be available in other Italian cities: in Naples (obviously), Milan and Rome. Arrives with delivery, exclusively on Deliveroo, It is in the there are also croquettes and montanare on the menu. In this case, however, it will continue even a few days beyond the Festival.

Sanremo, pizza, marketing, and not only that

Skillful marketing operation? Certainly, and many have already written it: associating a Neapolitan singer with the Neapolitan gastronomic symbol par excellence, as well as the most loved and popular dish in the world, was a great idea. It must also be said, however, that Geolier is not the first intermediary, nor will it be the last, for initiatives like this, given that there are several and not just related to cooking. We, perhaps romantically, rather like to think that with this idea of ​​pizza Geolier has told another beautiful story of redemption. Because for many Neapolitans – and now not only them – pizza has been and will also be this: an art, and often an escape to a better life.

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