Tag: fight

How to fight the exaggerated craving for bread and pizza – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


If you are caught up in the carb cravingyou already know how difficult it is to consume the right quantities of bread and pizza. Yet an exaggerated consumption of these foods particularly rich in sugars, even complex ones such asstarchincreases the risk of developing disorders, including obesity and type 2 diabetes. But because often the desire for bread and pizza becomes irresistible? «In most cases it depends on small mistakes that are made at the table, he explains Nicoletta Bocchino, nutritional biologist. «Often, for example, we exaggerate with the consumption of bread because it is brought to the table menus poor in nutrients capable of immediately giving satiety like vegetables and protein foods, including meat and fish. Another mistake we tend to make is to overdo it within the meal foods particularly rich in glucoseincluding sauces and gravies, which stimulate even more the desire to introduce sugar throughout the day”, explains the nutritionist, who here suggests what to do to appease the exaggerated desire for bread and pizza.

Against carb craving: the solutions

«The first thing to do at the table to counteract the exaggerated desire for bread and pizza is to ensure that blood sugar levels do not undergo too sudden changes which favor the excessive production of insulin, a hormone that stimulates the desire for sugar-rich foods, suggests the nutritionist Nicoletta Bocchino. «First of all, you can choose a bread or pizza made with wholemeal flours, which thanks to their fiber content are assimilated more slowly and guarantee a greater sense of satiety. Then, to reduce the risk of consuming excessive quantities of bread and pizza, at the beginning of the meal you can eat foods that slow down the assimilation of sugars such as vegetables. «Before consuming pizza, for example, you can choose a mixed salad instead of the classic plate of chips, rich in starches which risk whetting your hunger even more and creating addiction.

Mistakes to avoid

If you’re craving bread and pizza, Also pay attention to the combinations that are done at the table. «For example, combine pasta with bread in the same meal increases the desire to consume sugars. Even savory foods, including pesto, broth preparations, ready-made sauces and cured meats, can often contain them”, explains the expert.

Another mistake that must be avoided to stay away from the exaggerated desire for pizza is pair it with beer, wine or carbonated drinks: their sugar content increases the desire to consume them in large quantities. «The easily assimilable sugars they are rich in increase the glycemic load of the meal and stimulate the production of insulin, the hunger hormone.


Desk back pain, 5 useful exercises to fight it and get better – Italian Cuisine

Desk back pain, 5 useful exercises to fight it and get better


Sitting at a desk for many hours a day can promote the onset of pain and contractures in the lumbar area. Here are the useful solutions

We spend an average of 8 hours a day sitting at the desk with negative health consequences. Confirmation comes from several studies. It promotes obesity and a sedentary lifestyle, two factors that predispose to diabetes, cardiovascular disease and many other ailments. But the negative effects are also others. Sitting at a desk for a long time increases the risk of experiencing muscle and joint problems that can affect the lumbar area and the spine and give rise to back pain, from which 4 out of 10 Italians suffer weekly (data from the international report Global Pain Index). "One of the most common causes of this disorder are above all incorrect postures that are assumed habitually and for a long time", explains Marco Paciotta, physiotherapist of the Monti Salute Più Group. So here's what to do to avoid them and 5 ad hoc exercises to combat desk back pain.

The causes

"Desk back pain is a disorder that usually occurs with pain in the lower back, which can also radiate along one or both legs," he says. Francesco Fasciani, physiotherapist of the Monti Salute Più Group. “The factors that most predispose to this disorder are of a constitutional nature. The combination of these factors with overweight, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, but also emotional tensions and stress increases the risk of encountering the problem . Another factor that promotes desk back pain is fatigue. "Sitting incorrectly for many hours pushes the body to compensate for the posture by assuming wrong positions that overload the muscles and joints and over time give rise to pain and contractures, which in some cases limit movement".

Mistakes to avoid

To stay away from desk back pain, the first strategy to adopt is not to assume incorrect positions when sitting. "Curling your legs on the chair, crossing them over each other, shifting the weight of the body to one side or bending forward are all mistakes that favor the problem," says physiotherapist Marco Paciotta. Then pay attention to the position of the computer monitor. «The screen must never be positioned too far away or to one side. And finally, we must avoid sitting for too long . Movement loosens rigidities. For example, strengthening the lumbar muscles, which have the task of stabilizing the spine, helps prevent pain.

Correct posture

«To avoid problems when sitting, you need to bring your torso to the desk and rest your elbows on the surface. Then you have to keep your shoulders down, away from your ears, and your feet flat on the ground, ”says physiotherapist Francesco Fasciani. To maintain the correct position, it may be helpful to place a cushion or a rolled towel between the lumbar area and the backrest. «It favors the distribution of the load along the physiological curves of the vertebral column.

Here are 5 useful exercises to combat desk back pain suggested by experts

Exercise 1

Set the smartphone alarm and try to correct your posture at regular intervals by stretching the column as if you were touching the ceiling with the top of your head. Remain in this position. Do the exercise at the beginning for at least 10 times and gradually increase the repetitions.

Exercise 2

When at your desk try to get up from time to time to stretch your legs and back. The movement acts on the neuro-muscular system, restoring the functionality and elasticity of the muscles and joints.

Exercise 3

Lie on the ground on your stomach. Raise yourself up on your arms and toes, keeping your head, back and buttocks aligned. The arms are perpendicular to the floor. Maintain this position for 30 seconds. Repeat this exercise 3 times.

Exercise 4

Get yourself a stick (or a broomstick). In an upright position with your legs as wide as your shoulders, grab it and place it behind your back, between your neck and shoulders. Bend your torso forward and bring your pelvis back slightly, without flexing your knees or arching your back. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions each.

Exercise 5

While seated, raise both arms up and alternating sides stretch them towards the ceiling. Repeat the exercise 5 times.


Tiredness in summer, here are the foods to fight it – Italian Cuisine

Tiredness in summer, here are the foods to fight it


Does the heat make you weak and lacking in energy? Here's what to eat to feel more snappy and face the small ailments due to the higher temperatures

High temperatures can promote drops in energy and psychophysical fatigue. A healthy and balanced diet combined with correct lifestyles can be of great help to combat tiredness in the summer and stay away from sluggish, weakness and other ailments that can easily appear on the hottest days. «The first thing to avoid at the table is to eat too large meals. They risk slowing down digestion and promoting physical and mental fatigue, "says the nutritionist Nicoletta Mouthpiece. Better to focus on small meals based on lean and light foods that can provide the body with the nutrients it needs to function at its best. "For breakfast, lunch and dinner, therefore, yes to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, simple and complex", says the expert, who explains here which are the useful foods to combat summer fatigue and avoid energy drops.

Plenty of fruit and vegetables

«One of the most frequent causes of summer fatigue is dehydration. With the heat through sweating, large quantities of water and minerals are lost, useful for the proper functioning of the body. One of the mistakes to avoid to stay out of the slack is to drink only when you feel the urge to thirst, "says the expert. «Instead, it is necessary to consume at least 2 liters of water a day and give priority to the table for fruits and vegetables that are richer in it. Plants also provide many minerals, such as magnesium and potassium, which are useful for fighting fatigue ".

Whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats

Compared to refined ones, whole grains (rye, spelled, oats, teff, brown rice) and their derivatives, including pasta, have a lower glycemic index. "They help modulate blood sugar levels better and ensure energy longer," says the nutritionist Nicoletta Mouthpiece. "They are also a good source of B complex vitamins, which promote metabolism and help you stay away from slack and tiredness." At the table instead of cheeses, meats and canned products focused on lean proteins. "Fish and chicken and turkey meat, for example, are easily digestible and have a good satiating effect." For seasoning, the expert suggests "instead of sauces, cooking nuts and sauces, rich in fats and sugars, it is better to focus on herbs and aromatic plants, such as rosemary and parsley, which facilitate digestion and reduce the use of salt. Sodium, consumed in excess, is in fact able to lower the levels of magnesium and potassium and facilitate dehydration, which favors the onset of fatigue and fatigue. Instead of butter, use extra virgin olive oil added raw. "It ensures essential fatty acids, which prolong the satiating effect of dishes and antioxidants that help keep your mind snappy," says the nutritionist Nicoletta Mouthpiece.

In the gallery what are the other foods that help fight summer fatigue


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