Tag: face

Snack and back to school: the combo that every parent has to face! – Italian Cuisine


Never was back to school more desired! But are you sure you've really thought of everything? For example, the snack to put in the folder? Then read here!

The school has finally started again. After six long months in which we parents have improvised teachers and much more, the doors of the institutes are ready to welcome children and young people, for a new routine that is certainly different from the one we knew. How to face the back to school? Anxiety and joy are ingredients that have equal weight these days in the minds and hearts of all mothers and fathers. And if we say "back to school" we can only say "snack"! Yes, because certainly in recent months we have all made some more gluttony and the time has come to get back on track with a healthy and nutritious diet, which gives children the right energy to tackle the study. Here are our suggestions.

Sweet or salty?

Do your children prefer sweet or savory? Choose the snack that best suits their tastes, trying to balance all the elements. A milk sandwich with a slice of cooked ham and a fruit juice are good for those who love salty. A slice of margherita cake with a smoothie, on the other hand, is ideal for those who love sweets. Fruit is also a fundamental ally for a sweet and genuine snack, regardless of the format or type offered to children.

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The snack must also be… comfortable!

Is there no more time to have a quiet snack? It is normal, during the week we are divided between thousands of commitments and for parents it is essential to find the right solution to give children a simple and good snack, but just as practical. What if we chose fruit, for example, but in a format that makes the little ones happy? Mellin proposes the 100% fruit pouches to have a snack with Disney Princesses, Anna and Elsa from Frozen 2 or with the legendary Crichetto, Jackson storm and Lightning Mcqueen from Cars. Apple, pear or mixed fruit such as Apple Banana, Apple Pear, Apple Strawberry and Banana, here is the most suitable snack for children, based on 100% fruit puree, with vitamin C and no added sugars. Perfect to put in your school backpack or sports bag, it's a simple, fresh and practical snack when the bell rings and the kids go out with their typical wolf hunger!

What activity will you do?

An aspect not to be underestimated! There are wild children, who do not stand still for a second, or who play demanding sports that require a boost of energy. Others, on the other hand, are calmer and more sedentary, so they don't need to consume excessive calories. To choose the right snack for your children, take these aspects into consideration, so as to adjust the doses and ingredients according to their actual needs.


Time change, the foods that help you face it better – Italian Cuisine


On the night between Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 October the clock hands will move back an hour. Here's what to eat to combat fatigue and other minor annoyances associated with decreased light hours

This night we change and we return to thewinter time. The hands of the watch must be moved an hour back. In the first few days after the time change due to the reduction in light hours it is easy to feel more tired, nervous and having difficulty falling asleep. To counter the small passenger nuisances it can be useful to bring to the table some foods which, thanks to the precious nutrients they contain, can help the body respond better to external stimuli and help them adapt to new rhythms. With the help of nutritionist Sonia Croci, we find out what they are and why we should eat them.

What to eat for fatigue

To feel less tired and exhausted and encourage adaptation to the new schedule, at the table must not miss the foods rich in
magnesium and potassium. "These minerals, precious for the good functioning of the nervous system, help support the body's psychophysical well-being and fight the sense of exhaustion. They are good sources whole grains, dark chocolate, dried fruit and oilseedsExplains nutritionist Sonia Croci. To combat fatigue and fatigue autumn sadness it can be useful then to choose foods rich in tryptophan. «This amino acid is a precursor of serotonin, the hormone that regulates mood. It is found, for example, in chestnuts, legumes, eggs, chocolate.

Remedies to counter insomnia

To avoid waking up in the middle of the night or having difficulty falling asleep it is important to do a light evening meal. "We need to avoid sauces, sauces and over-processed foods that, besides weighing on digestion and on the line, can make sleep more difficult." It goes then reduced coffee consumption and avoided alcohol consumption. "Alcohol, in addition to being harmful to the health of the body, does not help the quality of rest. It has an only apparent sedative effect. In fact, it promotes nocturnal awakenings and disturbs sleep ", explains nutritionist Sonia Croci.

Would you like to know more? Browse the gallery and discover the foods that help you face the time change.

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How to make a light cheesecake (and face the diet gently) – Italian Cuisine


If you are tired of staying away from your favorite dessert, the good news is that there is a light cheesecake that is waiting just for you. Here the recipe to prepare it and some advice to enrich it

Since we discovered the cheesecake, we have never abandoned it. Sweet, but not cloying. Tasty, but at the same time fresh: it's love, slice by slice. But what if we are on a diet? The answer is a light variant, which you can no longer do without.

The cheesecake light recipe

Ingredients for 8 people

400 g light spreadable cheese, 100 g thick greek yogurt, 30 g sugar, 150 g reduced-fat wholemeal biscuits, 3 sheets of edible gelatin, a vanilla bean


Line a hinged mold (diam 18 cm) with baking paper and cover the bottom with the biscuits. To prepare a light cheesecake it is best to avoid using butter, then we will proceed with the whole biscuits instead of blending them, mix them with the butter and let the base cool. We cover the remaining holes with broken biscuits, making sure they adhere well to each other. Now add the yogurt to the cheese and add the gelatine that we will have soaked in water and wrung out. We work the mixture well adding the seeds of half a vanilla pod and the sugar. Let the cream settle in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes, then pour it into the mold covering the biscuit base, level the surface well and put it back in the fridge for 2 hours.

To complete

This base lends itself to many variations. You can enrich it with fresh fruit or a puree obtained from pureed fruit and a sheet of gelatin soaked and wrung out.

The alternative bases

As you have seen to make a light cheesecake we must avoid the use of the butter that we usually use to tie blended biscuits to the base and prefer something lighter. Yes to wholemeal biscuits therefore, but also to bases that you can prepare before going to work. A clever idea is that of prepare a very thin whole biscuit with a diameter of 17 cm (to be sure that it enters the mold) o replace the classic crunchy base with … nothing! In fact, the real strength of the cheesecake lies in the cream and if we are following a diet that asks us to stay away from excess, we can sacrifice the crunchiness of the base and concentrate on the rest. Maybe adding some crunchy cereal or almond flakes as a final topping!

The portions

If you are few and you are afraid that a light cheesecake for 8 people will turn into a caloric bomb for a single glutton, try to portion it in small glasses. In this way you will not be tempted to give yourself huge slices and you can alternate layers of fruit and cream to make the dessert even lighter.


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