Tag: euros

Easter eggs in the supermarket under 20 euros: the selection – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Easter eggs in the supermarket under 20 euros: the selection


Discover the new ones Easter eggs at the supermarket remains one of the funniest moments close to the party: peeking through the shelves to find out what’s new, before choosing which one to bring to the table, for many (like us) it’s a kind of ritual. And adults and children like it, because there is an egg for everyone. Or more than one.

Easter eggs at the supermarket: what’s new for 2024

In addition to the classic proposals that are never lacking – and every family has their own – among the Every year there are new Easter eggs in the supermarket: new surprises, to the delight of the little ones, but also new tastes for enthusiasts. This year’s trend? The large companies focus first and foremost on tradition, with milk and dark chocolate with increasingly fine cocoa. Furthermore, compared to previous years, the offers of white chocolate eggs have also multiplied vegan.

How much does an Easter egg cost in the supermarket

All this at generally reasonable prices from 5 euros to 20 euros for the largest and most elaborate eggs. Tested in the field: we too took a look at the shelves and made a selection of this year’s new products that are worth tasting.

Easter eggs 2024 in the supermarket: our delicious selection for adults and children


Easter doves at the supermarket: the best under 25 euros – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Easter doves at the supermarket: the best under 25 euros


The Easter doves at the supermarket are a pleasant surprise again this year: large companies, and often the same large-scale retail chains that have internal laboratories, increasingly offer leavened products sophisticated with fine raw materials, long leavening with mother yeast, and very particular fillings.

Easter doves at the supermarket in 2024

For lovers of dessert in the classic version the choice remains very vast, but this year among the Easter doves in the supermarket there have been numerous proposals for those who love experiment with new combinations. Among the new features, for example, there are coconut and chocolate, or peach and amaretto, but also apricot and gianduja and a combo of white, dark and milk chocolate which is a real indulgence.

How much does a dove cost at the supermarket

Prices vary greatly, as always, based on weight and raw materials. They range from 6 euros to 25, at most, for a semi-artisan one. Here are the new proposals to try:

Easter doves in the supermarket: what’s new for 2024


The white truffle worth 130 thousand euros (for charity) – Italian Cuisine


Who expected staggering figures fromWorld auction of White truffle of Albawhich has just ended in the wonder that is the Grinzane Cavour Castle, was not disappointed this year either: the most coveted lot was made up of two twin trifole weighing 1004 grams each and for 130 thousand euros (1.1 million Hong Kong dollars) was won by a buyer from Hong Kong. It often happens that I go overseas, as anyone who has been following the event of the event for 24 years knows well Alba White Truffle Fair organized by the Enoteca Regionale Piemontese Cavour, but otherwise the auction is a complete surprise.

The World Alba White Truffle Auction

For truffles, first of all, given thatWorld Alba White Truffle Auction the largest and most valuable specimens of the season always go. Then for the place: the Grinzate Cavour Castlea specific site of the wine-growing landscapes of Langhe, Roero and Monferrato protected by UNESCO, which every year for this great event welcomes guests with an even more refined atmosphere and complete with flag-wavers (and already the entrance – the writer had the chance to participate – it’s truly a spectacle).

Maurizio Milanesio

The great charity event

Last but not least, the auction is very entertaining, also thanks to exceptional auctioneers: the hosts Enzo Iacchetti and Caterina Balivosupported by the journalist and gastronomic curator Paolo Vizzari, are now real regulars who make themselves available for the event. Because they are passionate and because they give their contribution for a very noble purpose. In fact, the proceeds have always gone entirely to charity and in 24 editions this has almost been achieved 7 million euros. This year they were collected in total 482,760 EUR, which will go to Piedmontese associations and beyond: the Alba-Bra Onlus Hospital Foundation, the Vialli and Mauro Foundation for Research and Sport Onlus, the Ukrainian population through the Razom committee and the Every Child Is My Child Onlus project. In Hong Kong the proceeds will instead benefit theMother’s Choice Institutewhile Singapore chose the foundation Singapore Children’s Societyand Vienna Glückskind, an initiative that aims to enhance the qualities of students and their self-esteem throughout the entire school system. Finally in Frankfurt the spotlight will be on Youth Cup of the German Youth, a competition between young athletes from the regional federations of the German Association for Paralympic Sports.\


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