Tag: eegg

Creme Egg milkshake

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  • Makes: 1 glass

  • Prep time: 5 mins

  • Total time: 5 mins

  • Skill level: Easy peasy

  • Costs: Cheap as chips

This gooey and delicious Creme Egg milkshake is super easy to make and tastes as good as it looks. You don’t need much to make this treat, just 1 Creme Egg, some ice cream and milk and you’re ready to go. It’s a cheap, quick and easy treat come Easter Sunday that the kids can enjoy for dessert. Top with half a Creme Egg or even grate some chocolate over the top of the foamy whipped cream topping for a posh finish. Chocolate ice cream would work just as well in this recipe as an extra chocolaty milkshake twist.


  • 1x Creme Egg (plus 1 for decoration)
  • 4tbsp vanilla ice cream
  • 100ml milk
  • Whipped cream (optional)


  1. Using a blender or hand blender mix together the Creme Egg, milk and ice cream. If you want the milkshake to be looser add a dash more milk.
  2. Serve immediately with whipped cream and half a Creme Egg on top.

By Holly Arnold & Jessica Dady

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Egg Drop Soup

Egg Drop Soup

by Pam on December 19, 2012

My friend was recently telling me that she has been making a lot of egg drop soup lately and I got a sudden craving for it. I found a Tyler Florence[1] recipe that I adapted a little bit to work with what I had on hand and to suit our tastes. It was very quick and easy to make and we all LOVED it! Especially my daughter, who doesn’t like eggs. When she was finished with her bowl of soup she asked me what was floating in the soup and I told her the soup is called egg drop soup and it is egg floating in the soup. Her eyes got big and she said, I don’t like the word egg in the title, can we call it something else? We finally decided that Chinese Ribbon Soup would be a great name for this delicious soup in our house. My daughter asked for the leftovers  in her thermos for lunch the next day. I LOVE THAT – she knowingly ate eggs!!

Bring the chicken broth, grated ginger and soy sauce to a boil. Taste, and season with sea salt and white pepper, to taste. In a small cup, make a slurry by combining the cornstarch and a little bit of chicken broth. Stir until dissolved. Slowly pour in the cornstarch mixture while stirring the broth, until thickened. Reduce heat to a simmer. Pour in the eggs slowly while stirring the soup in the same direction. The egg will spread and feather. Turn off the heat and add the green onion. Taste the soup and re-season with sea salt and white pepper, if needed. Serve immediately. Enjoy.

Side Note: I think using homemade chicken broth[2] really made this soup extra special. Click the link for the recipe.



Egg Drop Soup

Yield: 6

Cook Time: 10 -15 min.


5 cups homemade chicken broth, (plus more for a slurry)
1/4 tsp fresh ginger, grated
2 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp cornstarch
2 eggs, beaten
2 green onions, chopped, including ends
Sea salt and white pepper, to taste


Bring the chicken broth, grated ginger and soy sauce to a boil. Taste, and season with sea salt and white pepper, to taste. In a small cup, make a slurry by combining the cornstarch and a little bit of chicken stock. Stir until dissolved. Slowly pour in the cornstarch mixture while stirring the broth, until thickened. Reduce heat to a simmer. Pour in the eggs slowly while stirring the soup in the same direction. The egg will spread and feather. Turn off the heat and add the green onion. Taste the soup and re-season with sea salt and white pepper, if needed. Serve immediately. Enjoy.

Side Note: I think using homemade chicken broth really made this soup extra special. Click the link up above for the recipe.

Adapted recipe and photos by For the Love of Cooking.net
Original recipe by Tyler Florence


  1. ^ Tyler Florence (www.foodnetwork.com)
  2. ^ homemade chicken broth (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)
  3. ^ Print Recipe (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)
  4. ^ Save to ZipList Recipe Box (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)

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