Tag: cuts

How to preserve cold cuts in the best way because they do not oxidize – Italian Cuisine


Suggestions and advice for best preserving cured meats, both whole and sliced, so that they do not lose their aromas and perfumes and keep their organoleptic characteristics intact

Always tantalizing, cold cuts they are an easy and fast proposal for these days still summer, when, returned from the holidays, you don't feel like staying too much in the kitchen. And therefore cold dishes are perfect and are prepared in a short time. But when the salamis are advancing, how do you keep them? We often end up throwing them away because we don't know how to keep them fresh and full of taste. Or you leave days in the fridge until they become inedible. Here are some suggestions to help you enjoy them even a few days after purchasing them.

Whole cold cuts

If you buy whole meats, you should keep them hanging in a cellar or in a part of the house that remains fresh, leaving the final part cut wrapped in a small gauze, without resting on any surface, to avoid the formation of mold or moisture stains. Every time you slice them, take care to remove the first slice, easily oxidized, and then cover the surface with a new gauze or a cotton napkin, tied with a food twine. Hang them upside down and repeat this procedure until you have finished the salami.

Store sliced ​​hams

When you buy fresh sliced ​​meat, the ideal would be to take the right amount to keep it from going. If not, leave it well wrapped in its packaging, sealing it with your hands, so that the foil adheres well and the air does not penetrate, oxidizing it. A second option could be to place it in an airtight container. Place the container at the top of the refrigerator, the coolest one. The color change it is the most obvious sign of the loss of freshness of the salami.

preserve the cured meats

The cured meats that are best preserved

The cured meats are not all preserved in the same way. For the sliced ​​ones the maximum time is three days, for those under vacuum it is the date stamped on the package, if complete. Today there are several machines on the market to create vacuum, easy, inexpensive and safe to use even in the home. In general, however, they keep themselves better, without losing aromas and taste, more seasoned cold cuts than fresh ones. In all cases, forbidden to freeze them, because all the organoleptic characteristics would be lost.

In the tutorial some advice for preserving cold cuts to the fullest


How to cook the rabbit in all its parts: guide to the cuts – Italian Cuisine

How to cook the rabbit in all its parts: guide to the cuts


Among the meats less common but very tasty to be included in an omnivorous menu is that of rabbit. This mammal is slaughtered between two and six months, providing a tender, tender, fine-grained pink flesh with a delicate and almost fat-free taste. The most famous recipes are undoubtedly that of rabbit hunter and that of the ligures rabbit but thanks to the different cuts on the market it is possible to cook it in many recipes. Here are the main ones parts of the rabbit and how to use them in the kitchen.

Breeds and types on the market

THE rabbits which are on the market are mostly of Italian origin, coming from farms found in almost all regions of Italy. Those most suited to this type of meat are Veneto, Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Marche.

One of these animals is distinguished wild breed it's a housekeeper, which descends from the first: both provide excellent meat.

How to clean and cook a whole rabbit

You can buy a rabbit full or in pieces. In the first case the age of the animal never exceeds five months of life, to guarantee the presence of very tender, pinkish and less charged odors.

To check the young age of the animal, just look at the state of the animals teeth: they must be short. Furthermore, the front legs must be flexible and have rosy joints. Rabbits that have reached 8 months of life, if put on sale weigh over 2.3 kilograms and have a more fibrous and less tender pulp.

How to cut a whole rabbit into pieces

If you are buying a whole rabbit and you do not want to cook it as such, it is advisable to have the animal portioned directly by the butcher, to avoid damaging the individual cuts of meat. However, if you have the right tools, you can try to divide it into parts even at home.

Put the rabbit on work plan with the back facing down. Starting from the back and from the thighs, incise the meat following the bone line, using a boning knife or a small cleaver. Pull the thigh in the opposite direction and, with the knife, cut the pulp under the lumbar vertebrae. At this point, make an incision along the bone and use the tip of the knife to detach it.

On the side front make a cut just below the shoulder so you can detach it from the rest of your body. Cut the part of the bacon: pull the pulp with your left hand and continue cutting with your right. Cut the second thigh and remove the entrails. Then switch to the second shoulder in the same way as the first.

Finally, the back. Make small cuts with the tip of the knife to remove the meat from the bones. Help yourself with fingertips.

Traditional split front and rear

As we have seen, the rabbit should be portioned dividing the front from the back. It is necessary to separate the two hind legs from the two front legs, then dividing them into thighs and thighs. The most consumed cuts are the saddle, corresponding to the animal's back, shoulders and thighs.

How to cook a rabbit in parts

Normally the rabbit sold in supermarkets is already gutted. To prepare it for cooking, you just need to soften its flesh with milk: let the lean meat soak for a whole night. The best way to cook the various parts of the rabbit is to cook in the oven. You can use the pulp to prepare the stew.

Rabbit saddle

Also called sirloin steak, the saddle it is the central part of the rabbit's back, the one that includes the two threads. This piece is sold both whole and in slices (in this case we speak of lombatine). The two whole or sliced ​​fillets are also on sale, ideal for quick cooking in a pan.

If you bought a whole rabbit, you will need to bone the loin. Cut it in the middle, along the spine, then kicking the thin ribs with a small knife. Use the loin to make rolls flavored with aromatic herbs.


They are often sold together with neck is rib cage. It is a poor cut of pulp, little appreciated and little sold. These parts should be cooked in wet (for example with cherry tomatoes and fennel) with side dishes, such as mushrooms, olives and onions, which make the dish more consistent. It can be served with freshly made or toasted polenta or with egg tagliatelle to be seasoned with the appetizing sauce.

Carré and chest

These two parts can be boned to make lumbatins or gods small roasts to be stuffed with vegetables, herbs or even meat from other animals, such as salami or pork. The chest looks like a thin piece of meat, very often used to make rabbit sauce. Try it in these luscious ones lasagnette.

Rabbit thighs

The thighs they are the most muscular and tendon-rich part of the rabbit: for this you will need longer cooking times than other parts. You can get the thighs by buying the whole rabbit. Incise along the pelvic bone, before the pulp then the joint.

To make the pulp tastier and softer tried lardellatura: using a specific needle in which you have inserted strips of lard or bacon, "slips" the fat into the flesh of the thighs. Try the recipe of rabbit thighs with beer and cherry tomatoes.


These are two thin strips, which stand at the side of the saddle. They can be rolled together with it to make small stuffed roasts.


Unlike the head of the sheep and lamb, the rabbit's head is usually not used, but can be split in two to recover the small brain and insert it into the stuffed or in the ragout.

Generally with the offal of the rabbit you can do instead of the excellent recovery kitchen. For example, the liver it is very delicate and can even be appreciated by those who do not like this particular offal very much. To be fresh, it must be firm and shiny.

Also kidneys they must be firm, shiny and covered with fat: it is a very tasty cut, but very small. To be used in fillings and ragù. Heart is lungs, given their small size, they are almost never used.



The main cuts of lamb and how to cook them – Italian Cuisine

The main cuts of lamb and how to cook them


With the arrival of Easter in the kitchen we prepare to welcome the Lamb meat to prepare some typical dishes of the Italian tradition. THE'lamb nothing else is but the sheep's cub. Its very tender meat lends itself well to baked or stewed second courses. But be careful to choose the right cut for the recipe you want to prepare.

Here are the main ones lamb cuts and how to cook them.

Sheep or lamb

Let's start by making a distinction between mutton is Lamb meat. The latter is obtained from sheep pups that have passed the age of weaning, but not the first year of life. If the animal has not exceeded 2 months of life, in that case it is said abbacchio: it is a type of meat much loved and used in the kitchens of the Center-South.

There mutton it is taken from an adult animal. It is characterized by a more intense flavor than those normally consumed. This is why it is difficult to consume them outside the Easter holidays, when tradition almost imposes their presence in the kitchen.

In addition to flavor, what differentiates sheep meat from lamb or lamb is the fat percentage present and the lowest cost. Even if younger meats are less valuable from a nutritional point of view, compared to those of more adult animals.

To be clear, sheep meat is equivalent to that of cattle from the nutritional point of view. However lamb and lamb are recommended in feeding children prone to food allergies because they are well tolerated by the body.

Sheep cuts

Sheep meat can be sold in different cuts. There is the head, which is served baked or boiled. Then there is the neck, used for stews and stews. The same preparations also allow the use of chest and belly during cooking.

There shoulder with shin and the leg they are used to prepare tasty roasts. The carrè or rib it is used for grilling, as is the case with the saddle.

More than i walking of sheep, in the Italian culinary tradition those of lamb are used, often proposed as fried lamb's feet or lamb's feet in garlic sauce, a typical recipe of the Sardinian tradition. After having removed the fleece, by burning it, brush it all the time until the smooth skin appears. Then you can also simply boil or braise them.

How to cut a whole lamb

If you received a whole lamb as a gift or bought it, we advise you to go to a butcher to be able to slice it properly, without ruining the individual cuts.

How to choose between lamb cuts

If you have decided to include lamb in yours Easter's menu, you have many cuts to choose from. Each is best expressed in a specific preparation: we discover the correspondences.


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