Tag: Crust

pork loin in herb crust – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

pork loin in herb crust


First, prepare the marinade for the pork loin. In a bowl mix the olive oil, mustard, finely chopped garlic, chopped rosemary and ground thyme. Mix all the ingredients well, so the flavors will uniform. Place the pork loin in a container and spread the marinade uniformly over the entire surface. Cover and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or, preferably, during the night.


Cotechino in a puff pastry crust – Italian Cuisine

Cotechino in a puff pastry crust


Are you looking for an original and tasty idea to serve cotechino during dinner in a different way than usual? Try with the Cotechino In Crusta nice and above all tasty recipe.

How to make cotechino en crust

The Cotechino In Crust It is prepared by boiling the meat while the washed cabbage leaves are blanched separately and placed inside the puff pastry together with the ham and cotechino. Discover the recipe for puff pastry with cotechino.


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