Tag: color

Potato and vegetable rosti, a quick preparation for a vegetarian dish full of color and flavor – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Potato and vegetable rosti, a quick preparation for a vegetarian dish full of color and flavor


If you are looking for a vegetarian dish from the quick and easy recipe to be realized, the potato and vegetable rosti are the ideal choice. The dish combines crunchiness, freshness and vitality, creating a balance of flavors and textures. Whether you are an expert in the kitchen or a beginner, this versatile option adapts to every culinary skill, ensuring a satisfying and appetizing result.


Milk sandwiches: recipe and how to color the sandwiches – Italian Cuisine


How to prepare soft milk rolls: try our recipe and fill them with hazelnut cream or ham and cheese! In addition, the recommendations of La Scuola de La Cucina Italiana for coloring sandwiches in a natural way

THE Sandwiches Milk I'm soft delicacies, ideal for a sweet or savory snack. Loved by young and old, perfect to be stuffed with spreadable creams, jams is jams. Their taste, however, is also suitable for savory fillings: those who have never tried milk sandwiches with cured meat is cheeses? The contrast with the slightly sweet taste of the milk sandwich will be pure enjoyment for the taste buds!

With a few modifications, these sandwiches can be transformed according to the occasion: by adding the chocolate chips they are a delicious breakfast or afternoon snack, with sesame seeds they become excellent hamburger bun.

Follow our basic recipe below and don't miss the advice of The Italian Cuisine School to color the milk sandwiches.

How to make milk sandwiches: the easy recipe

Ingredients for 8 people

300 g flour 0
150 g Manitoba flour
140 g milk
140 g water
35 g sugar
30 g butter
7 g dry brewer's yeast
1 yolk


Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl: flour, baking powder and sugar. Add the milk and water at room temperature and the soft butter. Start kneading the dough until the flour is incorporated and add 1 teaspoon of salt. Work the mixture for at least 10 minutes: it must become very elastic and smooth.

Place it in a bowl greased with a drizzle of oil and lightly grease the dough even on the surface. Cover and let rise for about 1 hour and a half.

On a floured surface, give the dough a cylindrical shape and divide it into 8 pieces. Make small balls with each piece and place them well apart on a baking tray lined with parchment paper, lightly greased with oil. Cover and let rise again for 1 hour.

Brush the rolls with a beaten egg yolk together with 2 tablespoons of milk. If you want to use them for a savory recipe, at this point you can sprinkle them with sesame, poppy or pumpkin seeds. Bake at 200 ° C for about 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool.

You can keep the sandwiches in the freezer for 2 months, closed in airtight bags. Just defrost them just before use at room temperature!

How to color milk sandwiches

Milk rolls are possible to color easily thanks to the use of natural ingredients, a nice idea for a party or an aperitif. The possibilities are many: you can use the spinach puree to prepare a green sandwich, the beetroot puree for a pink bun, the sepia for a black sandwich and so on. In this case, just replace part of the water or milk, for example, with the vegetable puree (pre-cooked and smoothies).

If instead you use powders, just add a few grams to the flours (7-10 g): the turmeric will color them yellow, the paprika sweet will turn them into red buns, the matcha tea will make them greens.


How to color brioches – The School of Italian Cuisine – Italian Cuisine

How to color brioches - The School of Italian Cuisine


Coloring is a technique that is also applied in the kitchen and pastry shop to make dishes more innovative and fun. Follow the advice of our chefs

At La Scuola de La Cucina Italiana our chefs always care about teaching technical because, once learned, you can use them in the preparation of many dishes, even different from each other. For example, here are the techniques for color the croissants, which you can also apply to other sweet or savory recipes.

Which dyes to use?

The croissants can be colored with various products, but the use of natural dyes. They are also much more effective than puree or fruit flours dehydrated or blended. Another way to color the croissants is to use the cocoa, which will obviously give a darker color. Finally, alternatively, you can also create a separate second dough with some special flours, such as that of buckwheat or wholemeal.

How to color the croissants?

The starting point is the same for all! So start with a basic recipe as if you had to prepare any brioche of about 2 kg, but remember to take from this single dough a small part of about 500 grams. Then proceed by coloring this part with About 5 grams of natural dye and continues to keep the two doughs separate. Continue to work the first dough like a brioche, then giving it two 3 and 4 folds with the butter; also roll out the other dough very finely, for about 2 mm. Then, at the last fold, spread the mixture about 5 mm and overlay the previously mixed colored dough. Finally, press the two sheets to make them stick together, shape the croissants and cook them and rise as the classic recipe requires.

A little trick?

If you don't use natural dyes but fruit purees or special flours, the secret lies in forming directly two doughs separated, so as to balance the colored one, since otherwise you would not be able to incorporate the purees in the only dough already made!

Are you a lover of the world of cooking? Check out our course calendar here and learn all the techniques from our chefs!

Texts by Giulia Ubaldi


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