Tag: cocktail

Aperitif at home: 50 recipes to make it delicious and cool – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


L’aperitif at home with friends it’s always a great idea, for all seasons. Because sometimes you don’t feel like going out and you prefer a more intimate situation but also because preparing an aperitif, for those who love cooking, is always quite fun. There are many preparations to try your hand at but also a lot of satisfaction in seeing a rich and colorful table set, with many cocktails to complete it all.

How to make an aperitif at home

First of all we prepare plenty ice in freezer. That must never be missing. We can freeze simple natural water or enrich it with small leaves of mint, rosemary or sage depending on the cocktail we want to prepare. For fruity recipes, we can prepare cubes with strawberries cut into cubes, Kiwi or small grapes of grape. To obtain a more refreshing effect, let’s also chill the glasses in which we will serve our aperitif and the teaspoons we will use for stirring. And while the ice forms and we choose the recipes that inspire us the most, Let’s start putting on some good music. It will be the right inspiration to cook something really fun and will help us feel relaxed and stimulated.

We then set the table with napkins, saucers, forks and toothpicks: diners will appreciate all the perfect tools for moving from one tasting to another. And to ensure that when going from one whim to another you don’t feel dry, we also prepare some dip perhaps accompanied by a bowl of hummus and a fresh mixed salad with seasonal vegetables and fruit.

Cocktails and delicious recipes: Our 50 recipes

Chips, popcorn, bruschettine are always tempting, for goodness sake, but they are things seen and reviewed. Do you want to really amaze and organize a memorable aperitif? Browse the gallery.

aperitif at home

Aperitif at home, 50 ideas to share with friends

One last idea for a quick aperitif


Shrimp Cocktail Recipe | The Italian kitchen – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Step 1

For the prawn cocktail recipe, peel the shallot and slice it; also peel the ginger and chop it; fry them together in a saucepan with a drizzle of oil for 2-3 minutes, then add the tomato puree and 20 g of water. Add the sugar and a pinch of salt and cook for about 1 hour and 30 minutes, adding, towards the end of cooking, the juice of 1/2 orange and a splash of Tabasco.

Step 2

Pass the sauce through a sieve to make it smoother and let it cool, obtaining an orange ketchup.

Step 3

Mix this ketchup with mayonnaise to create a brightly colored “pink” sauce.

Step 4

Shell the prawns, removing the heads and leaving only the end part of the tail.

Step 5

Open the bodies lengthwise, remove the brown fillet and season them with a pinch of salt, pepper, a splash of orange juice and grated lemon zest.

Step 6

Distribute the sauce into traditional cups and place the prawns on top. Complete with salmon and lumpfish roe to taste.

Step 7

Good to know: shell the prawns and prepare them while you cook the ketchup sauce, cover them and store them in the refrigerator. Season them only when serving them.

Step 8

Yesterday and today: raw prawns instead of cooked prawns, as was originally used. The pink sauce, obtained with homemade ketchup, has a note of orange, which recalls the seasoning of the prawns, further refreshed by the lemon zest. The unusual addition of salmon and lumpfish roe gives flavor and colour.

Step 9

Wine pairing: the prawn cocktail and the Franciacorta Rosé also get along well on a chromatic level. The Brut of Castello Bonomi is a balanced pure Pinot Noir, with pleasant aromas of berries (29 euros, castellobonomi.it).

Recipe: Patrizia Crapanzano, Photo: Riccardo Lettieri, Styling: Beatrice Prada


Shrimp cocktail recipe, chef Perbellini’s recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Step 1

Clean the lettuce by removing the fibrous parts. Keep the innermost and tender leaves aside.

Step 2

Using an immersion blender, blend 60 g of leaves with 20 g of vinegar, the pasteurized egg white, a pinch of salt and a pinch of pepper. Gradually add the sunflower oil until the mixture forms like mayonnaise.

Step 3

Boil the milk with the cream, then add the grated ricotta and emulsify with a mixer until you obtain a creamy consistency.

Step 4

Sear the prawns in a pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil for a few seconds on each side.

Step 5

Arrange the inner leaves of the lettuce in the bowls. Pour 1 tablespoon of lettuce mayonnaise in the center and 4 prawns on the leaves. Complete with drops of ketchup and tufts of ricotta cream.

Recipe: Giancarlo Perbellini, Photo: Chiara Cadeddu, Styling: Maddalena Rosso


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