Tag: Chickpea hummus

Homemade chickpea hummus: recipe and ingredients – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Homemade chickpea hummus: recipe and ingredients


L’chickpea hummus it is a characteristic dish of Middle Eastern countries, a sauce that can be served as an appetizer based on legumes, herbs and paprika. It is easily prepared and is a totally vegetarian dish with an unmistakable flavour.

This chickpea cream comes from Middle East, where chickpea (in Arabic “hummus”) has been cultivated for more than ten thousand years. A tradition that is now also part of the typically Italian Mediterranean diet.

It pairs easily with any dish, whether meat or fish; It is suitable for people on a diet vegan but also for those who are intolerant to dairy productsbecause in fact it is a flavored legume concentrate!

Having a very light base, both in terms of simple ingredients and taste, hummus can be seasoned with spices which you prefer: the most recommended one is sweet paprika (powder), but nutmeg or chilli pepper are also perfect!

You can also decide to use it as a side dish dip of vegetables, to prepare a different aperitif, more complete, but in any case genuine and light. Its ingredients make chickpea hummus rich in beneficial properties: antioxidants make it an anti-aging, anti-tumor and diuretic food, capable of improving digestion thanks to the fact that it is low in saturated fats.

Don’t miss the other variations! Have fun discovering bean hummus, Of spinach and fetaOf beets and of avocado!


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