Tag: chewy

Why is the octopus chewy? 5 mistakes to avoid – Italian Cuisine

Why is the octopus chewy? 5 mistakes to avoid


Octopus is a tasty and versatile dish, perfect to make in salads on these hot summer days. Often, however, it is gummy and indigestible. Follow our advice and you will have a soft and perfectly cooked octopus

The octopus it is one of the tastiest and most enjoyable dishes to eat in salads, now that temperatures reach 30 degrees in the shade! It can be garnished in many ways, with classic potatoes and parsley or with other vegetables such as peppers, green beans, carrots or diced mixed vegetables. However, it often happens to obtain a rubbery octopus: the biggest difficulty, in any of these recipes, lies in fact octopus cooking, which, if wrong, would ruin your plate irreparably leaving you a hard and chewy food, impossible to swallow. To be able instead to get a soft and cooked octopus, you should not rely on chance or a false beliefs like cork stoppers, but avoid 5 common mistakes which you will find in the tutorial. Here, however, we recommend recipes.

Octopus salad with olives and potatoes

It is perhaps the best known of the octopus salads and the easiest to prepare. First choose a fresh and clean octopus (weighing 800-900 g), let it freeze overnight in the freezer and the next day let it thaw in the fridge. Once thawed, put it in a large pot with plenty of cold salted water. Add a carrot, a stalk of celery and a bay leaf. Cook on a low heat until you see the water smoking. At this point remove the pan from the heat, cover it with a lid and let the octopus cook in this water for about an hour. Turn it from time to time with a fork and check the consistency of the meat. After about an hour remove the lid e let the octopus cool in its water, without draining it. Once it is cold, remove it from the pan, with your hands, if you prefer, remove the suction cups and the skin and cut it into pieces that you will place in a large bowl. Apart from boil three medium-sized potatoes in their skins. Once cooked, peel them and cut them into small pieces. Add the potatoes to the octopus, add some taggiasche olives in brine and a few leaves of parsley. Season everything with plenty of extra virgin olive oil, a sprinkling of sweet paprika and serve.

Stripping: yes or no?

Here it is a question of tastes and also of traditions: in South Italy it is not used to remove the skin from the octopus, nor the suckers, unlike in Northern Italy it is a more common practice.
Let's say that, especially in very large octopuses (over 2kg) the skin can be annoying, especially on the head, but you can easily eliminate it after cooking.

From our archive, some tantalizing ideas to bring the octopus to the table


Apples and Cinnamon Breakfast Quinoa

Some of you may be asking, quinoa for breakfast? Well yes, quinoa served warm, with it’s nutty taste and chewy texture, pairs beautifully with fresh crisp autumn apples, golden raisins, pecans, warm milk, vanilla and cinnamon – a delightful breakfast that is both protein packed and comforting.

I just love the flavor sensations from each spoonful – the sweetness of the raisins, the pop from the quinoa, and the crunch of the apple and pecans. Fresh pears and cranberries would also make a wonderful alternative to
apples and raisins. If you like your cereal a little sweeter you can
drizzle it with a teaspoon of honey just before eating.  One bowl will keep you fueled and satisfied until lunch.

Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) is a hunger-curbing and power-packed nutritional all-star.  Loaded with satiating protein (8 grams per cup) and filling fiber (5 grams per cup), this superfood digests slowly, which keeps blood sugar and insulin levels steady. You’ll also get impressive doses of doses of thiamin, vitamin B6, folate, zinc, potassium, magnesium and selenium, along with 15 percent of your daily iron needs. No wonder the ancient Incas, who considered the crop sacred, referred to quinoa as the mother of all grains!

Be sure to rinse the quinoa well before cooking to rinse off the saponins which has a slightly bitter flavor.  I like to warm my milk up, then pour it in right before serving. Enjoy!

Nutritional information for quinoa provided by Heather K Jones[1], RD (aka The Diet P.I.).

Apples and Cinnamon Breakfast Quinoa
Servings: 4 • Serving Size: 1 bowl (1/4 of recipe) • Old Points: 6 pts • Points+: 8 pts
Calories: 316 • Fat: 8 g • Carbs: 53 g • Fiber: 6 g • Protein: 9 g • Sugar: 20 g
Sodium: 35 mg

  • 1 cup dry quinoa, rinsed well
  • 1 1/2 cups water
  • 1 tsp cinnamon + more for sprinkling
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
  • 1/4 cup golden raisins
  • 1 cup warmed fat-free milk for drizzling (non-dairy milk is fine)
  • 1 gala apple, peeled and diced
  • 1/4 cup pecans, chopped


Combine quinoa, water, cinnamon and vanilla in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer, cover, and let cook for 15 minutes until quinoa can be fluffed with a fork.

Divide cooked quinoa between four bowls then stir in apple sauce, raisins, and pour in warmed milk. Top with fresh cut apples and pecans and a dash of cinnamon.

Makes 4 servings. You can divide the recipe to make 2 servings.


  1. ^ Heather K Jones (www.heatherkjones.com)

Oatmeal Raisin Walnut Cookies

Don’t you love the smell of homemade oatmeal cookies baking in the oven!

Once a month I contribute a skinny dessert recipe to Dash Recipes[1]. If you love a moist, chewy oatmeal cookie, you’ll just love these! Under 200 calories, and 5 points plus for 2 cookies. Please visit Dash Recipes for the complete Skinny Oatmeal Walnut Raisin Cookies Recipe[2].

I usually use quick oats in my oatmeal cookies because I prefer the end result, but rolled oats will work just fine in any of these recipes.  

For the chocolate lover, these Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies[3] will hit the spot!

For the pumpkin obsessed! These chewy, Pumpkin Spiced Oatmeal Cookies[4] made with quick oats, pumpkin, and chopped pecans will bring delight with every bite.

And my personal favorite, Banana Nut Oatmeal Cookies[5] taste like banana nut bread, but in a cookie.



  1. ^ Dash Recipes (www.dashrecipes.com)
  2. ^ Skinny Oatmeal Walnut Raisin Cookies Recipe (bit.ly)
  3. ^ Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)
  4. ^ Pumpkin Spiced Oatmeal Cookies (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)
  5. ^ Banana Nut Oatmeal Cookies (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)

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