Tag: Chestnuts

Chestnut Pancake Recipe | The Italian kitchen – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Chestnut Pancake Recipe |  The Italian kitchen


For dessert, but also for breakfast Christmastry these Chestnut pancakesa delicious recipe, vegetarian it’s at low glycemic index.

The preparation is very simple: just mix Chestnut flour, soy milk, water, cocoa, bicarbonate of soda and salt and cook the mixture in small doses in a pan to obtain pancakes. To enjoy this version of American pancakes we propose to you Greek yogurtfresh fruit such as pomegranate, currants, raspberries and, finally, chopped pistachios.

Also discover these recipes: Chestnut and apple pancakes with red radicchio, Pumpkin pancakes, amaretto and maple syrup, American pancakes, legume cream and duck breast.


capon stuffed with chestnuts and apples for an unforgettable Christmas lunch – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

capon stuffed with chestnuts and apples for an unforgettable Christmas lunch


The capon stuffed with chestnuts and apples it is a gastronomic delicacy that particularly stands out in the context of Christmas lunch. The dish is not linked to a specific region or part of the world, but has roots in the culinary traditions of the Mediterranean area and Central Europe. Its particularity is expressed through the harmonious combination of flavors and the richness of the ingredients. The choice to present this Christmas dish during the holidays it is closely connected to the desire to celebrate the occasion with a dish that combines tradition and innovation. The capon, a castrated rooster, is often preferred for its tender, flavorful meat. The stuffed with chestnuts and apples it adds a sweet and aromatic dimension, creating a contrast of flavors that elevates the dish to a unique delight. The preparation process follows well-defined phases and requires a certain culinary mastery. The capon meat is carefully deboned and boned, and then stuffed with a mixture of previously boiled chestnuts and peeled apples cut into small pieces, mixing acidity and sweetness.

The secret to the success of the dish lies in slow cooking in the oven, which guarantees uniform browning and preserves the juiciness of the meat. The surface of the skin can be sprinkled with a light honey glaze, for a final touch that intensifies the sweet aromas and golden color of the preparation. Finally, presentation should not be overlooked. It can vary depending on tastes, but this Christmas dish is often served on a bed of winter contours, such as potato or chestnut puree. Bring a touch of refinement and tradition to the festive table and prepare the capon stuffed with chestnuts and apples. It will be an extraordinary surprise with which to celebrate an unforgettable Christmas lunch.


Autumn in celebration with the regional recipe for roast pork with plums and chestnuts, an embrace of flavors in a single bite – Italian Cuisine

Autumn in celebration with the regional recipe for roast pork with plums and chestnuts, an embrace of flavors in a single bite


L’roast pork with plums and chestnuts it is ideal for autumn and winter, when chestnuts are in season and temperatures drop. It’s the perfect dish to serve during the holiday season or to gather family and friends around a warm and welcoming table. This dish is rooted in the culinary traditions of several European regions. In Italy, it is known as “Pork loin with chestnuts” and is especially popular in Tuscany. Chestnuts are a local autumn specialty and, when combined with pork, create a symbiosis of flavors that enchants anyone who tastes them. To prepare this regional recipeyou will need a piece of pork (such as loin or shoulder), prunes, chestnuts, herbs (such as rosemary and sage), meat broth and spices.

Plus, it’s a cheap dish, which pairs perfectly with mashed potatoes, baked carrots or a simple mixed salad. The dish is an excellent source of lean proteinsas well as making important contributions vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. Dried plums add a natural sweetness and a note of fiber to the preparation, while chestnuts provide energy and a slightly nutty flavor. Ready to delight the palates of your friends, guests and family with this succulent roast pork with plums and chestnuts? Come on, cook with us!


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