Tag: chefs

The menus with the photographs do not please the chefs (but the customers do) – Italian Cuisine


We associate the menus with photographs to tourist traps. Instead they are just the most effective communication tools. Are the sealed menus about to set? Google, Deliveroo and even two three-Michelin-star chefs say yes (and dust off pictures)

There are different types of writings, this is technically an invective. Against the menu that are in fashion today. In the space of a few years we passed from the insistent description of raw materials and processing to hermeticism. The Spaghetti with tomato sauce no longer exists. First it was all one Taldeitali spaghettone bronze drawn with 12-hour San Marzano cherry tomato coulis and basil confetti. Then we switched to Tomato / Basil. From pink romance pornography with a flood of winking descriptions, to small yellow book clues. From taking off every surprise of what you will eat, to not understanding not even what you are ordering: will it be a first or a second? With the deconstruction of the menu and the multi-purpose dishes, even to understand what course is being ordered has become a quiz. The more timid try to be on the safe side, the curious baffle the waiter with questions, the majority ends up discovering that he would have ordered the nearby table plate.

The dictatorship of the fixed menu

There were the mileage menus, the plastic ones, in which from the A of Appetizer of the House to Z of sautéed Zucchini, you could order almost any dish ever born since the times of Artusi. Then increasingly shorter, seasonal, rotating lists, tasting menus "recommended" for the whole table. Eventually the menu also became superfluous, once the restaurant was chosen, it is given.
Having a card means more line work, more raw materials to find every day, more dishes to prepare, having to deal with the clients' impromptu requests. In the name of "no waste" and the philosophy of the chef, it is better to do as he says. In many gourmet restaurants the choice is between a longer menu, new dishes, and a shorter and more economical one, with great classics; in others the trend can be chosen only between the quantity of courses (7, 9, 25 …), sometimes not even that. From Copenhagen to Colombia, the trend is the mono-menu, rather than a tasting it is a set menu and to be able to choose you must be mortally allergic to something.

I wonder what could be wrong in making customers understand what they are going to order.

The efficient menu

The menu with the photographs is cheap, makes tourist restaurant on the passageways with "throws in" at the entrance. Or it is the most effective and efficient means of communication available in the image society we live in today. Someone arrived there. Massimiliano Alajmo in Piazza San Marco at Grancaffè Quadri illustrated the menu with lots of photos to explain unequivocally what comes when you order the Continental Breakfast or the aperitif. Ok, Venice is a tourist city with people coming from every corner of the world, without necessarily speaking fluent English, but when the menu illustrates it you find it from ALT Station of taste, half of the truck restaurant half autogrill in the deep province of Abruzzo, in Castel di Sangro, means something. Niko Romito it is a practical one that looks to the point.
Without the need to know how to read, to order just point a finger. And especially in the case of exotic kitchens and unknown recipes, the image is a universal language. For us Italians the difference between spaghetti and tagliatelle is clear, but will it also be clear for those coming from the Congo? The illustrated menus are very popular in tourist cities as cultural mediators, as in restaurants with international cuisine. I challenge for an Italian to know the difference between a taco, a tostada, a quesadilla and nachos. From tex-mex chains in shopping malls to Italian restaurants in the world, illustrated menus help waiters and customers.

From American diners to Japanese wax sushi

In America the phenomenon of illustrated menus began even before restaurants could afford to take photographs. The illustrations were cheaper and the filling of the courses became the job of the professionals in the tempera. It was thus until the democratization of the printing processes in the 1950s, when the spread of food photographers and food stylists became popular. The idea was practical: to explain to everyone, even without having to read, the nature of the dishes, to make them more palatable and understandable, to be ordered at a glance by levering on the mouth watering.
In Asia, photo menus are the norm, in China as in Japan, where even the explanation becomes 3D with bowls of ramen and sushi in wax. "Cooking" i sampuru (from the English sample, example) were born a century ago just to explain the nature of dishes then unknown and took hold to make life easier for tourists; and to the Japanese who are notorious for having foreign languages ​​as badly as Italians. It works.

The history of the menus

The menus of the restaurants are ethnographic finds of our history, anthropological expression of our society. In lustres of distance they end up exposed in museums, in the center of studies, published in collections like Menu Design in America, 1850–1985 published by Taschen. I wonder what posterity will think by browsing through the menus of these years and how it will be easy to interpret the phenomenon with the benefit of hindsight. In the meantime, I wonder what could be wrong in making customers understand what they are going to order.
Having a photographic menu requires a high production cost and historically in fact applies to restaurants where the card changes approximately every decade or those who cook the classics, and find generalist photos of databases. It is true that it does not fit the chef's impromptu creativity or cuisine du marché, but would help life to everyone else, that is, the silent majority. Customers.

The online revolution

Google Maps has just introduced a Menu tab for restaurants and is studying a feature to associate the written menu item and price with the exact photo of the dish. In the online ordering apps photographs are quickly taking over, they are already a feature available on Deliveroo, although in Italy still few restaurants are seizing this opportunity. In rooms where orders are placed via iPad, software producers have shown that photographs make ordering faster, customer satisfaction rates higher and limit misunderstandings and complaints. Beautiful images even raise the average receipt.
The experts, alias the consultants, argue that a good menu can also grow 20% of restaurant receipts (up to 27% if the description gives a precise origin to the ingredients). This was explained by Oxford professor Charles Spence in his book Gastrophysics: the New Science of Eating. "Naming the farmer who grows vegetables or specifying a pig's breed can help add authenticity to a product. Consumers consider it a sign of quality, and words can make a dish more attractive . Wordtelling in words works, but imagine beautiful photos. We live in the society of the image and the appearance deceives, less and less.

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Where do chefs go on vacation? – Italian Cuisine

Where do chefs go on vacation?


Away with the chef's jackets and aprons, it's time to put on your swimsuit and take a dip in the sea

Sooner or later thesummer comes for everyone, even for the most beloved cooks. After a year spent in the kitchen and on TV, our favorites can finally forget about ladles and pans to devote themselves to beach, fun is family.

We took a ride on Instagram to find out where they went to spend holidays some of the most famous protagonists of Italian cuisine. Here's what we found, between do you travel wonderful and so many beautiful smiles.

Nothing is more important than the family

The long-awaited summer holidays are definitely the time for detaching from stress of everyday life, but they are above all the occasion to finally and completely dedicate ourselves to the people we love. Just like he writes Davide Oldani on his Instagram profile, directly from the Sardinia: "Then comes that moment in which you" unplug "and dedicate yourself to them … Our children are the most incredible thing in the world".

After the holidays in Cilento, also for Chiara Maci is Filippo La Mantia it's time to spend happy moments with your family, this time in Sicily.

Password: RELAX

Also Bastianich spend the holidays with his children in Sardinia, but there is certainly no lack of time to dedicate oneself to one's own well-being. What could be better than sitting in the water sipping a nice cold beer?

Vacation – Work

There are also those who are not on holiday, like Simone Rugiati, which already announced a special trip a few weeks ago. The first half of his so-called vacation – work was the archipelago of Cape Verde.

But that's not all: in one of his last posts, Simone encourages fans to follow him on a new journey to the Turkey. Waiting to leave, he relaxes on theElba island, writing on the social networks: "I love traveling the world but often we have paradise at home … Long live ITALY!"

In gallery at the top, all the most beautiful and funny shots that our favorite chefs shared with us on Instagram: Massimo Bottura, Bruno Barbieri, Davide Oldani, Alessandro Borghese, Cristina Bowermann, Filippo La Mantia and Chiara Maci, Joe Bastianich and Simone Rugiati.


The Saturnia fishing, the chefs and the Bellini from Marche – Italian Cuisine

The Saturnia fishing, the chefs and the Bellini from Marche


A special peach, produced between the provinces of Macerata and Fermo, in the Marche, awakens the imagination of many chefs and barmen

Sometimes a farm is enough to enhance a product and make it a true regional typicality. The history of Marche fishing that has conquered the national market bears the name of Saturnia. It is cultivated between the provinces of Macerata and Fermo, in the valley of the Chienti river. The farm that focused on this product is called Eleuteri, and in 1985 it planted its first peach orchard, which today has grown to cultivate sixty hectares (for sixty thousand trees) whose fruits are found in supermarkets throughout Italy. Marco Eleuteri, which leads the family farm, is working on new plants for a further thirty hectares, choosing hilly land not far from the sea, strictly exposed to the south.

In the beginning the fishing was flat and with white flesh. Originally from China, originally all peaches were "platicarpe", ie flat. The Saturnia, also known as Saturnina (today a registered trademark) is an evolution of the Tabacchiera, a variety historically produced in Sicily. This peach should be eaten at room temperature and at the right degree of ripeness, that is, just soft. Woe to peel it! In order not to lose its nutraceutical and aroma characteristics.

It's the chef's fishing

The low acidity, the high sugar content and aroma of the aroma have meant that this fruit has been celebrated by important chefs who continue to experiment with combinations of meat and fish. Ten years ago, the first to believe it was the chef Rosaria Morganti who took this product to heart so as to make it a flag. But the Saturnia passed into the hands of Mauro Uliassi and Michele Biagiola; it has been the subject of competitions and, today, it is permanently in the menu of Alessandro Rapisarda. Another experimenter is Niko Pizzimenti, who in his "Sepia by Niko", in Senigallia, declines it from appetizers to dessert, as in "Mullet ham with n'duja, red turnip and glacial Saturnina"; grilled, next to the “Tuna in a cube with agretti garlic and oil”, but also in osmosis in the “Salt and pepper BBQ of totani”, or, again, slightly fermented in the elegant “Risotto and grancelle”.

The Saturnia Bellini cocktail, where to find it and the recipe

There is no fishing without his Bellini. The famous cocktail based on sparkling wine and white peach pulp, invented in 1948 by Giuseppe Cipriani, head barman of the Harry's Bar in Venice, found a worthy native celebration in the hands of Stefano Renzetti, barman of the homonymous "aperitif and bar" of Civitanova Marche, capital of nightlife and shopping along the Adriatic, a few kilometers from the crops.

Here are the suggestions to try to do it. To take full advantage of the pleasant and ethereal scents of Saturnia peach, the fruits must be kept in the fridge at an optimal temperature of 4 degrees. Once washed they are inserted into the extractor (with the peel). The nectar thus obtained is literally dropped on ice cubes (to avoid oxidation and keep the cold chain).

At this point, in the same container it comes to life with sparkling wine (to avoid the foam being excessive, we do not recommend the reverse path: never add the peach to the wine).

Now pour the nectar into the glass and add more brut sparkling wine. Better than indigenous grapes, sparkling Pecorino is perfect. A light "caress" to mix it and the Marche Bellini with Saturnia peach is ready. During the whole period of harvesting the fresh fruit, ie from the end of May to mid-September, the Saturnia Bellini is always on the cocktail list of Bar Renzetti.


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