Tag: cauda

The "bagna fèrgia": summer version of the bagna cauda – Italian Cuisine

Bagna cauda Recipe - Italian Cuisine


It is called "bagna fèrgia" and is a specialty of Villanova d'Asti. It tastes very similar to that of bagna cauda: the ingredients are practically the same. It is served with vegetables, raw or cooked

Nostalgic of the bagna cauda? The typical Piedmontese sauce to be served with vegetables is a peasant dish that is traditionally prepared in the autumn, during the harvest period, and which warms the coldest and darkest days of the year: certainly no "cusinera" would dare to propose it for a Sunday lunch in June.

Bagna fèrgia

But there is also a less popular summer version: it's called "Bagna fèrgia" (cold), and it is a specialty of Villanova d'Asti. It tastes very similar to that of bagna cauda, ​​also because the ingredients are practically the same. And it is served with vegetables, cooked or raw, or on bruschetta. It is also suitable for seasoning pasta or rice and goes well with a glass of Grignolino or Arneis.

How do you prepare it?


For a dose for four people, 200 grams of salted anchovies, 250 of extra virgin olive oil, two cloves of garlic and black pepper are needed. And mixed vegetables to season: the classic peppers, cabbage, celery, tomatoes, spring onions, thistles, leeks.


The anchovies should be soaked in fresh water for 30 minutes, washed under running water, remove the bones and dry them well with absorbent kitchen paper. According to tradition, anchovies should be chopped with garlic until you get a very fine pasta, but to speed up and simplify the operation, you can use the mixer. Pasta must be added to the oil flush, and beat with a fork as if preparing a mayonnaise. Some also like to add the juice of half a lemon. When the mixture becomes creamy, add a little black pepper and let it rest for at least an hour. Those who prefer a more substantial sauce can add a little breadcrumbs soaked in milk and squeezed well.

There is also a little trick for anyone who wants avoid the effects of raw garlic: you can bake it in the oven at a very sweet temperature, wrapped in aluminum foil.


Bagna cauda Recipe – Italian Cuisine – Italian Cuisine

Bagna cauda Recipe - Italian Cuisine


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