Tag: carrot

Awaken your senses with sugar-free wholemeal carrot cake, a unique tasting experience – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Awaken your senses with sugar-free wholemeal carrot cake, a unique tasting experience


The history of Sugar-free wholemeal carrot cake goes back to the desire to combine the pleasure of a dessert with healthy ingredients, aiming for a balanced nutritional profile. The carrotsthe undisputed protagonists of the preparation, contribute to providing a vibrant color to the cake and also offer a consistent dose of vitamins and fiber. L’absence of sugar in the recipe is a response to the growing concerns about reducing its intake in the daily diet, thus aiming to satisfy the desire for sweetness without compromising health. The preparation for this sweet light it is also accessible to those who do not possess particular culinary skills.

The choice of whole ingredients it helps to give a dense and satisfying consistency to the cake, while the use of natural alternatives to sugar ensures a dish without glycemic peaks and suitable for those who follow specific diets. The flavor combination in this one quick and easy recipe it is delicate and balanced, ensuring the presence of sweetness, earthy notes and slightly spicy aroma. The ideal time to serve sugar-free wholemeal carrot cake depends on personal tastes and needs. Therefore, it can accompany a nutritious breakfast, offering sustainable energy to face the day. At the same time, its moderate sweetness makes it an appreciable option for an afternoon break or as light dessert after dinner. Bring this delicious one to the table Sugar-free wholemeal carrot cake. Everyone will really like it!


Carrot cake with cheese icing, an irresistible harmony of flavours – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Carrot cake with cheese icing, an irresistible harmony of flavours


There carrot cake with cheese frosting it is not linked to a specific season, but its moist consistency and enveloping flavor transform this dessert into an attractive choice to accompany the colder months, offering an ideal comfort food for winter evenings. However, its versatility makes it equally suitable for the warmer months, as it offers the palate an experience of freshness and lightness. Although carrot cake with cheese frosting has widespread origins and is not strictly associated with a specific region, its popularity has grown worldwide, as it is a delicious dessert, which adapts to modern dietary needs. In fact, it is one quick and easy recipeavailable in many variations, including one for vegetarians or vegans.

In this case, cruelty-free ingredients are used, but without compromising its irresistible taste. It mixes crunchiness, sweetness and delicacy, thanks to the variety of ingredients which, at the same time, offer a mix of health and well-being. Carrots provide a rich source of vitamine A, which contributes to the health of the skin and muscles. The cheese frosting, in addition to providing a distinctive flavor, adds a moderate dose of fats and proteins to the overall dish. Do not hesitate! Bake with us and you’ll make an irresistible carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.


Carrot cake and its light and wholemeal variant – Italian Cuisine


Carrot cake is a simple dessert to prepare, light and tasty, perfect for breakfast and as a snack. Here are some versions

There Carrots pie is one of the great classics among desserts for Breakfast or a snack. Light, tasty, rich in nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins and low in calories, it is perfect for "dipping" in milk or from eat dry with a fruit juice or a coffee, this delicious dessert is possible prepare at home quickly and easily.

As mentioned, the Carrots pie, is a fairly light dessert, perfect for one low-calorie diet and for all those who want to be careful of the line but don't want to give up a good sweet tasty home made.

Let's find out the recipe original with almonds to make this cake at home and then his own lightweight variants with wholemeal flour.

Toia carrot cake

Carrot cake: the recipe


300 g of carrots
300 g of flour 00
100 g of almonds
150 g of granulated sugar
2 eggs
100 ml of seed oil
1 vanilla pod
20 g of baking powder


To do the Carrots pie you start by cleaning and grating the carrots. It can be done with a kitchen mixer or by hand with one grater. The carrots will then be mashed well with a fork eliminate liquids which could make the cake too moist. It is therefore necessary to chop the almonds and add them to the grated and pounded carrots.

In a bowl, then, whip the eggs with the sugar until you get a light and fluffy compound and gradually add all the other ingredients, starting with the mix of carrots and almonds and continuing with the seed oil and Flour. Mix all the mixture and add the baking powder and the vanilla pod.

The mixture must be homogeneous, soft and without lumps and should be poured into a greased and floured baking pan. There cooking it is in the oven at 180 ° C for about 40 minutes. The cake should be eaten lukewarm and it must be sprinkled with icing sugar before serving.

Wholemeal carrot cake
Wholemeal carrot cake.

The light and integral variant

To make a carrot cake even lighter, digestible and rich in fiber, you can reduce the amount of sugar and use wholemeal flour. Just use 150 g of flour 00 and 150 g of wholemeal flour and use only 100 g of granulated sugar and 50 ml of extra virgin olive oil and add a egg more than the original recipe.

In this case you can do without the final dusting of powdered sugar. The light carrot cake will still have a tasty and slightly more rustic compared to the traditional one.

Our carrot cakes


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