Tag: burger

Chickpea and spinach burger – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Chickpea and spinach burger


Chickpea and spinach burgers are a delicious and healthy alternative to classic meat burgers, perfect for a light and tasty dinner. Easy to prepare, they will conquer everyone with…


aubergine and dried tomato burger, an irresistible meatless dish – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

aubergine and dried tomato burger, an irresistible meatless dish


THE aubergine and dried tomato burger they represent an excellent variation on classic meat burgers. This vegan recipe, easy and quick to prepare, requires the use of few, but genuine and healthy, ingredients. Even though it is a dish without meatthe dish offers taste, flavors and refinement, delighting everyone’s palate, not just lovers of vegan cuisine.


Kale Burger – Recipe by – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Kale Burger - Recipe by Misya


First, clean the black cabbage leaves by removing the core, then cut them coarsely.

Rinse well, then blanch for 5 minutes in lightly salted boiling water, then drain.

Heat 1 drizzle of oil in a non-stick pan with the garlic, then add the cabbage, let it flavour, stirring for a few minutes, then remove the garlic and season with salt.

While the cabbage is cooking, drain the chickpeas well and blend them roughly together with salt, lemon and 2-3 tablespoons of oil.

Combine the chickpeas, cabbage and egg yolk in a bowl, season with salt and pepper and mix, then add the breadcrumbs: you should obtain a firm and malleable mixture, but not too dry.

Let a drizzle of oil heat up in a non-stick pan (you can use the same one in which you flavored the black cabbage leaves) and create the burgers in it using a pastry cutter of approximately 8 cm, compacting them well with the back of a spoon.
Cook the burgers for 3 minutes on medium heat, then turn them gently with a spatula and let the second side cook for another 2-3 minutes.

The black cabbage burgers are ready, all you have to do is serve them.


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