Tag: Bunch

Bunch of bread grapes – Italian Cuisine

»Pizza with cheese and pepper


First prepare the dough for the bread: Put the flour in a bowl, add yeast and sugar and start kneading with water.
Then add salt and oil and work until the dough is smooth and homogeneous.

Let rise for about 2 hours or until it has doubled in volume, then take the dough again, deflate it with your hands and start taking lots of dough balls, all of the same size, then roll them out with your hands, creating small discs.

Put a bit of ham and cheese in the center of each disk, then close the dough around the filling creating a ball.
As soon as they are ready, start placing the stuffed balls on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Arrange the balls as if they were the grapes of a bunch of grapes, also creating a piece of stem at the top, to make it clear that it is a bunch, and brush it with the egg white.

Cook the bunch of bread, in a ventilated oven preheated to 180 ° C, for 35-40 minutes, then at least let it cool down before serving.


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