Tag: Brussels

In Brussels they make Neapolitan pizza… with water from Naples! – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Miracle in Brussels. For all pizza lovers, stuff for true fundamentalists: Neapolitan pizza made… with Naples water.

The hero is called Bernardo D’Annolfo, the address to note is that of Neapolitan Education. With the name of the place which is already a whole project, very clear. In quotes, “educate” the local people about all that is good, all that is best and all that is tasty about the truest authentic Neapolitan spirit. With this latest move that is truly unprecedented in the world.

«My doughs will be made, every week, only and exclusively with the water of Naples, says Bernardo proudly as he unpacks the first platform that has arrived from the foot of Vesuvius to the heart of the capital of Europe.

An initiative that falls right between science and heart.

«I’m certainly not a scientist, he adds, «but after months of research and consultancy we used, we understood that the PH of Brussels water is 6.2, while the PH of Naples water is 7.2. And, above all, we understood that to make a good Neapolitan pizza you need a higher PH than what we have here.”

But, beyond science, the real reason is that of the heart. Founded on the charm of being able to enjoy, thousands of kilometers from the historic center or the Mergellina seafront, an extraordinary, unattainable pizza, exactly as a pizza made in Naples is extraordinary and unattainable. After the flour and yeast from the Mulino Caputo, the “Mulino di Napoli” in fact, after the tomatoes and mozzarella, therefore, even the formula of the dough, even the essential element of water.


12 recipes with Brussels sprouts – Italian Cuisine

12 recipes with Brussels sprouts


Brussels sprouts are good and good. But how do we cook them if we don't want to use them as a usual side dish? Here are 12 recipes to experiment to make the most of this ingredient that brings so many benefits!

Brussels sprouts are a plant of Northern European origin, widespread above all in Scandinavian countries and the Benelux, in fact they take their name from the capital of Belgium where this curious variety of cabbage seems to have been selected. It is a plant of the cruciferous or brassicaceae family, or of all those vegetables that make flowers with petals that form a sort of cross, such as broccoli And cabbages. But that's not all: numerous other foods fall into this category, from rocket to the cauliflower.

Properties of Brussels sprouts

THE Brussels sprouts contain a good share of mineral salts, including phosphorus and iron; proteins; fibers; And vitamins, especially vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K and B vitamins. They have a beneficial action on female hormonal metabolism and are recognized as anti-anemic and detoxifying properties. These miniature cabbages are considered real stimulants of brain activity and concentration; it seems that this property derives from the combination of thiamine And folic acid, of which they are quite rich.
Other useful information: I am a mine of antioxidants, including thiocyanates, indoles, zeaxanthin, sulforaphane and isothiocyanates; for this reason they are considered a useful food in the prevention of tumors, in particular those of the prostate, breast and colon. Zeaxanthin also protects the retina of eyes.

How are they cooked?

Brussels sprouts are mainly eaten as side to fish or meat, but not only (if you prefer them alone they can also be served with a cream cheese). The proposals you find in the gallery above are recipes for first or second courses to lick your fingers!
They are eaten alone cooked and boiled in salted water. Before cooking them, cut the hardest core at the base and remove the outer leaves. You can also partially cook them in water and complete them in the oven, in this case from 25 min. of initial cooking plan to cook them half the time and complete them at oven or pan.
To remove the slightly bitter taste, after boiling them you can caramelize them with a spoonful of brown sugar or with a spoonful of maple syrup and a drop of water: they will be crunchy and with a sweetish base.


Cuttlefish and Brussels sprouts recipe – Italian Cuisine

Cuttlefish and Brussels sprouts recipe


  • 600 g clean cuttlefish
  • 300 g Brussels sprouts
  • 30 g extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 orange
  • salt
  • pepper

For the cuttlefish and Brussels sprouts recipe, remove the tentacles of the cuttlefish, remove the beak and cut the bags in two lengthwise. Remove the outer leaves of the sprouts and divide them into four.

Cut the orange peel into thin fillets and peel the slices. Heat the oil in a large pan, add the sprouts and brown them for 3 'over medium heat, then add the cuttlefish, stir and cook for 2-3', then add the orange peel and cook, covered, for another 2 '.

Salt, pepper and serve the cuttlefish with the chopped orange wedges.


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