Tag: black-eyed pea

Black eyed Pea Dip

Ring in the New Year with this quick and easy black-eyed pea dip!

For those of you who believe eating black eyed peas in the New Year
will bring you luck (and we can certainly all use a little more luck) this healthy bean salad is for you! Whether you eat this as a salad or serve it as a dip with some baked chips, the zesty flavors in this salad is sure to turn you into a fan of black-eyed peas.

I tested this out on my friends this weekend and it got a thumbs up from everyone. The earthy taste of the beans are balanced with sweet corn, avocado, lime juice, garlic and cilantro to brighten them up. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!

Black Eyed Pea Dip


Servings: 12 • Size: 1/3 cup • Old Points: 3 • Weight Watcher Points+: 3 pt 

Calories: 107 • Fat: 4 g • Carb: 15 g • Fiber: 4 g • Protein: 4.5 g • Sugar: 1 g

Sodium: 65 mg • Cholest: 0 mg


  • 15 oz canned no salt black eye peas  (Eden)
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed or minced
  • 3 tbsp fresh lime juice (from about  1 1/2 limes)
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • pinch crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1/2 tsp kosher salt
  • 1 cup cooked corn, fresh or frozen, thawed
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes, quartered
  • 1/4 cup minced red onion, finely diced
  • 1/4 cup cilantro, chopped
  • 1 jalapeño, seeded and diced (optional)
  • 1 medium avocado, diced


Rinse and drain the black eyed peas in a colander.

In a large bowl, combine the garlic, lime juice, oil, cumin, crushed red pepper, and salt and mix well.

Add the black-eyed peas, corn, tomato, red onion, jalapeno if using and cilantro; mix well and refrigerate at least 20 minutes. When ready to eat, gently mix in the avocado and serve right away.

Brazilian Feijoada – Happy (and hopefully very lucky) New Year!!

We’ve posted about this before, but there’s a great,
southern tradition of eating beans and greens on New Year’s Day to ensure good
fortune in the coming year. 

Apparently, by eating “poor” the first day of the
year, you align certain cosmic forces in your favor, which results in
prosperity and good luck the rest of the year. Sounds crazy, right? I know, you’re way too sophisticated to
believe in such lame supernatural shenanigans. Hey wait a minute…don’t you
watch all those ghost hunter shows on cable TV? Busted! Hey, did you hear that

Anyway, whether you believe in this kind of culinary clairvoyance
or not, this Brazilian feijoada is one of the world’s great stews. The
traditional good luck bean is the black-eyed pea, but here we’re celebrating
the delicious, and very nutritious, black bean.

I tried to be clear in the video that this is just my
version, and not some attempt at true feijoada authenticity, whatever that is.
As long as you have black beans, and LOTS of smoked, salted, dried, and/or
cured meats, you are well on your way to some kind of feijoada-like

In case you’re wondering, all I did for the greens was boil
some kale in salted water until tender, and then sauté briefly in olive oil and
garlic. It pairs perfectly with the white rice and rich stew, and while I can’t
guarantee a year’s worth of wealth and good luck, I can promise you a delicious
bowl of food. Happy New Year to all of you, and as always, enjoy!

Ingredients for 6 portions:
1 pounds dry black beans, soaked overnight
2 quarts water, plus more as needed (add more whenever stew
looks too dry)

1 bay leaf
2 smoked pork chops
12 oz linguica
8 oz Italian sausage
4 oz smoked bacon
3 oz dried beef
1 onion
6 cloves garlic
1 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp coriander
salt and pepper to taste
For the crumbs:
1/2 cup breadcrumbs
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tsp grated orange zest
2 tbsp chopped Italian parsley

Basic steps:
– Soak beans overnight, add to pot with bay leaf, beef
jerky, and any bones

– Simmer for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, or until beans are cooked,
but very firm

– Add onion mixture and meats, and simmer for another hour,
or until beans are very soft

– Add a splash of water at any point during the cooking if
stew looks too dry

– Test and add salt near the end, depending on saltiness of

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