Tag: berries

Berry cheesecake recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

«Cheeseacke» ai frutti di bosco


A berry cheesecake, but raw food. «I dream of a healthy world, where the awareness that food can contribute to human well-being is increasingly widespread, says the author of the recipe, the pastry chef Vito Cortese, Apulian by origin, Florentine by adoption. His research began when he was young, when he solved a health problem by changing his diet. Attention was focused on pastry shop raw foodist when he realized that, unlike cooking, the world of desserts offered very few alternatives to the classic combination of eggs, flour and sugar. In his restaurant, in Florence, he only serves “raw food” desserts.

What is raw food?

The raw foodas the word itself says, is a diet that involves the consumption of food exclusively raw or treated at a maximum temperature of 42° C. At the base of the raw food diet, the belief that cooking alters the nutritional principles of foods such as vitamins and mineral salts, and that cooked and industrially processed foods contain toxins harmful to the body. Raw foods, as nature gives them to us, preferably sourced biologicalhowever, they can be cut, sliced, centrifuged, blended, marinated, dried, dehydrated.

To find out more about the world of raw food and Raw Food, here is our selection of recipes to prepare at home without cooking anything.


Sugar-free cheesecake recipe with berries – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Sugar-free cheesecake recipe with berries


You are looking for a delicious dessert, but are you worried about sugar and excess calories? We have the answer: one sugar-free cheesecake with berries, rich in taste, but light on the conscience. The main ingredients? Cheese creamy and berries fresh that explode with flavor with every bite. This dessert is the sweet hug we all deserve, without the worry of sugar. Pause your activities, approach the stove and prepare to delight your guests with a slice of this wonder. This recipe will make any occasion a success special. Imagine the surprised faces when you reveal that Sweet that they are enjoying is unsweetened!


Duck breast with red wine sauce and berries – Italian Cuisine

Duck breast with red wine sauce and berries


1) Wash And dry delicately the berries; shell the currants. Pour the wine in a saucepan with honey, a pinch of salt, a grind of clove pepper and bay leaves. Bring to a boil, lower the heat and simmer for 10-12 minutes. As the wine dwindles, engrave the skin of the duck breasts with a sharp knife, forming a diamond-shaped grid, without cutting the meat.

2) Reheat a non-stick pan and, when hot, recline skin side duck breasts and cook over high heat for 1 minute, reduce the flame slightly and continue cooking for 5-7 minutes, depending on whether you prefer a more or less rare cooking. Turn duck breasts and cook 3-4 minutes on the other side.

3) While the duck breasts are cooking, taken 2 tablespoons of the wine reduction and let them cool. Dissolve corn starch e put back all in the saucepan, mixing the sauce with a whisk to avoid the formation of lumps and bringing it back to a light boil. United the berries, let it simmer for a couple of minutes and remove from the heat.

4) Remove duck breasts from the pan, salt them, pepper them, wrap them in aluminum foil and let them rest for 4-5 minutes. Extract them from aluminum, cut them into thick slices and serve them on plates, coated with the sauce and berries.


Posted on 08/01/2022



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