Tag: Barley

"Paella" recipe of fruit and vegetables with barley and buckwheat – Italian Cuisine


  • a yellow pepper
  • 200 g cherry tomatoes
  • a long eggplant
  • 4 yellow plums
  • a courgette
  • a leek
  • 150 g grapes
  • a carrot
  • 100 g whole buckwheat buckwheat
  • 100 g barley
  • vegetable broth
  • basil
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper

For the recipe of "paella" of fruit and vegetables with barley and buckwheat, peel the vegetables: cut the courgette into triangles, the aubergine and the pepper into pieces, the carrot and the leek in rounds. Wash the plums, remove the stones and cut them into pieces.

Heat 4 tablespoons of oil in a large saucepan; dip the carrot and cook for 2 minutes with the lid, add the aubergine and cook for another 3 minutes, then add zucchini, leek, pepper and another 3 tablespoons of oil and cook for another 4 minutes with the lid.

Add the barley and buckwheat, stir, season with salt and pepper and cook for 2 '. Then wet with 600 g of vegetable broth, also add the prunes, the tomatoes and the grapes of whole grapes and continue cooking over low heat, with the lid, for about 25 minutes. Serve the lukewarm "paella", garnishing it with basil leaves.


Spicy oil barley recipe with seared salmon cubes – Italian Cuisine


  • 300 g fresh clean salmon fillet
  • 120 g pearl barley
  • fresh ginger
  • parsley
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt

For the spicy oil barley recipe with seared salmon cubes, boil the barley in boiling salted water for 20-25 minutes. Chop a sprig of parsley and mix it with 4-5 tablespoons of oil. Grate a piece of fresh ginger and add a teaspoon of pulp in parsley oil. Drain the barley and season it with the prepared oil. Cut the salmon into strips and blanch it quickly in the pan, for about 1 minute, turning it on all sides, so as to cook it evenly on the surface, leaving it soft inside. Then cut it into pieces. Serve it together with barley, even lukewarm.


Lamon bean soup recipe with barley – Italian Cuisine

Lamon bean soup recipe with barley


  • 250 g Lamon borlotti beans
  • 100 g pearl barley
  • 100 g of pumpkin pulp
  • 60 g smoked bacon
  • 2 pcs peeled potatoes
  • 2 pcs garlic cloves
  • 1 pc celery stalk
  • 1 pc carrot
  • pcs onion
  • rosemary
  • aged Piave cheese
  • chopped parsley
  • cinnamon powder
  • cloves
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper

For the recipe of Lamon bean soup with barley, soak the beans in cold water overnight, then boil them for a couple of hours in a saucepan with plenty of water, flavored with carrot, celery stalk and onion. At the end of cooking, keep aside the cooking water and a large ladle of beans. Cut the bacon, potatoes and pumpkin into chunks.
Fry the bacon with 1 clove and a pinch of cinnamon for 2-3 minutes, add the pumpkin and continue cooking for 5 minutes; add the potatoes and 1 clove of crushed garlic with the peel and cook for 10-12 minutes; finally remove the garlic, add the beans and leave them to flavor for 5 minutes. Wet with 600 g of cooking water of the beans, salt and cook for 20 minutes, then add another 200 g of water of the beans, left on the fire for 15 minutes, then blend everything with a cream. Boil the barley in plenty of salted water for 20 minutes and drain it. Aromatize 6 tablespoons of oil with a sprig of rosemary and 1 clove of garlic over the fire for 2-3 minutes. Mix the barley and beans kept aside from the cream, season with the flavored oil, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, pepper, grated cheese and brought to the table.


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