Tag: arugula pesto

An exquisite first course for those who want to stay fit – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

An exquisite first course for those who want to stay fit


Our dinner-saving dish is what’s right for you if you have little time available to prepare a tasty meal. With the quick and easy recipe of today, you will make some penne rigate with rocket pesto and dried tomatoesa vegetarian first courseideal for those who follow a dietary style devoid of animal nutrients or want to maintain perfect shape in view of the upcoming summer.


Happy National Almond Day Eve!

I’m not sure if you’ve finalized menu plans for tomorrow’s big National Almond Day celebration, but just in case you haven’t, I hope you’ll consider this beautiful almond arugula pesto! 

I know pesto is something that’s generally served in the summer, but since arugula is so (too?) easy to find year-round, there’s really no need to wait. I hope you give this delicious, and easy condiment a try soon. Enjoy!

Click here to read original post, and to get the ingredient list.

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