Tag: amaze

Spaghetti all’assassina, the original Apulian recipe to amaze your guests – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Spaghetti all'assassina, the original Apulian recipe to amaze your guests


The “spaghetti all’assassina” they are a distinctive cult of Apulian cuisinewith deep roots in the city of Bari. This first course charming is renowned for its bold combination of spiciness and charred flavor. The history of the recipe dates back to the end of the 1960s, when two customers of the restaurant where it was invented and which was managed by the owner Enzo Francavilla, had a surprising reaction to the first taste: “You are a murderer” they said, referring to the irresistible spiciness of this dish. The ingredients in this recipe are surprisingly simple. The real magic lies in unique cooking method: the spaghetti is cooked directly in the pan, along with a touch of tomato puree and a minimal broth prepared with tomato paste. For tradition to be respected, however, the dough should stick to the pan (preferably iron), creating a burnt crust of a charming red-brown colour. Over the decades, “Spaghetti all’Assassina” have become a culinary icon of Bari and a true pop legend. They have made their appearance in literary works, such as novels by Gabriella Genisiwith one of the titles reading just that “Spaghetti all’Assassina” telling the adventures of commissioner Lolita Lobosco. The popularity of this dish has also spread to television, with the interpretation of the actress Luisa Ranieri in the role of the eponymous character of the novel, who enjoyed these spaghetti in an episode broadcast in March 2021. This has renewed interest in the recipe, which, although it may seem simple, requires some skill and mastery. Here is our interpretation of spaghetti all’assassina, in its original Apulian recipe. Ready to start cooking?


A first course to amaze guests – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

A first course to amaze guests


Wash and clean all the vegetables carefully. Divide the onion in half, but without removing the peel, peel the carrots, cutting them into coarse pieces. Clean the celery stalks and leek. Make them in large portions. Once the ingredients are prepared, pour them into a pan and fill with water.


amaze with little big ideas – Italian Cuisine

amaze with little big ideas


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