Tag: alluccelletto

Recipe Beans all’uccelletto with salami paste – Italian Cuisine


It is an enriched version of the typical Tuscan side dish. With the addition of the salami paste it becomes a complete dish

  • 1 bay leaf
  • 400 g Tuscan beans
  • salt
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 coppery tomatoes
  • sugar
  • pepper
  • 160 g salami paste
  • fresh pepper
  • sage

For the cream of beans
Boil 400 g of fresh shelled Tuscan beans in unsalted boiling water with 1 bay leaf, for about 35 minutes. Drain and blend them with 250 g of their water, salt and 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.

For the tomatoes and salami
Blanch 3 coppery tomatoes in boiling salted water, peel and empty the seeds, keeping all the scraps. Cut the tomatoes into wedges and place them on a plate covered with baking paper. Season with extra virgin olive oil, salt, sugar and pepper and let them dry in the oven at 120 ° C for 2 hours. Blend the scraps and pass them through a sieve, to obtain a tasty juice. Cook 160 g of salami paste in a fat-free pan, shelling it with a fork. After 6-7 minutes add the tomato juice and cook again until it dries.

To complete
Serve the cream with the tomatoes, salami paste, fresh pepper and fried sage.


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