Tag: vote


Goodtoknow TV

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A favourite Brazilian chocolaty sweet that is chewy like a bonbon. Easy to make and scrumptious to eat, serve them in little cake cases for easy pick up. These classic Brigadeiros would make the perfect food gift for friends and family. If preferred coat in multi-coloured sugar strands instead – ideal for kids parties. These simple treats only take 40 mins to make and just delicious.

  • Serves: 4

  • Prep time: 25 mins

    plus cooling time

  • Cooking time: 15 mins

  • Total time: 40 mins

  • Skill level: Easy peasy

  • Costs: Cheap as chips

That’s goodtoknow

Add finely grated orange rind for a zest twist, and try rolling the mixture in different coloured cake decorations for a colourful display.


  • 397g can sweetened condensed milk
  • 4tbsp cocoa powder
  • ¼tsp salt
  • 30g unsalted butter
  • 1tsp vanilla extract
  • Chocolate strands for decoration


  1. Pour the condensed milk into a heavy based saucepan. Sift the cocoa powder on top and mix in along with the salt.
  2. Cook, stirring constantly, over a low heat, keeping the mixture barely simmering to prevent burning and sticking and cook for 10-15 mins, until mixture becomes very thick and shiny and starts to pull away from the bottom and sides of the pan.
  3. Remove from heat and stir in the butter and the vanilla. Scrape into a heatproof bowl and leave to cool then chill for about 30 mins.
  4. Divide the mixture into approx.20 pieces and each piece into a ball – if the mixture is too sticky to handle, brush your hands light with a little vegetable oil.
  5. Put the chocolate strands on a small plate and roll each sweetie in the strands to coat all over then place in a small cake case and chill until ready to serve.

By Kathryn Hawkins

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Nutritional information

Guideline Daily Amount for 2,000 calories per day are: 70g fat, 20g saturated fat, 90g sugar, 6g salt.

Loved this recipe? Try these too!

Party food face-off

What do you head for first on the buffet table? Sausage rolls or cheese straws?

 61% 489 votes

 39% 489 votes

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Tomato, mozzarella and basil salad

Goodtoknow TV

Free & easy recipe video: Watch new how-to recipe videos with goodtoknow and Woman’s Weekly see all videos >

This traditional Italian salad – notice how the green, white and red colours of this salad are, patriotically, the same as the colours of the Italian national flag – is so simple to put together. But it looks fab and tastes even better, with the sensational flavours of the Mediterranean. Just the thing to enjoy with a pal on a hot summer’s day…

  • Serves: 2

  • Prep time: 10 mins

  • Total time: 10 mins

  • Skill level: Easy peasy

  • Costs: Cheap as chips

That’s goodtoknow

If you put a finger over the top of the bottles of balsamic vinegar and olive oil you can “dot the plate” to give it that professional look!


  • 6 small tomatoes
  • 125g pkt of mozzarella pearls, drained
  • A handful of fresh basil leaves
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • Balsamic vinegar, to serve
  • Extra virgin olive oil, to serve


  1. Cut the tomatoes in half, and arrange on two plates with the mozzarella pearls and basil leaves.
  2. Season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.
  3. Drizzle with a little extra virgin olive oil and a splash of balsamic vinegar.

By Lucy Knox

Cooked this? Upload a picture to our Facebook page

Nutritional information

Guideline Daily Amount for 2,000 calories per day are: 70g fat, 20g saturated fat, 90g sugar, 6g salt.

Loved this recipe? Try these too!

Party food face-off

What do you head for first on the buffet table? Sausage rolls or cheese straws?

 60% 504 votes

 40% 504 votes

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Time to Vote! (and you thought the campaigning was over)

We are thrilled to announce that Food Wishes is a Taste Awards finalist in two categories this year! As you may know, we’ve won an award two years in a row, and would love to keep the streak going. Theres no cash prize involved, but something way more valuable…bragging rights!

If you’d like to help us out, please follow this link to vote in the “Best Food Program: Web,” and “Best Home Chef in a Series” categories. Voting ends on November 27, 2012. Thank you for the love and support!

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