Tag: Veuve

The Michelin Chef Woman 2019 award by Veuve Cliquot to Martina Caruso – Italian Cuisine

The Michelin Chef Woman 2019 award by Veuve Cliquot to Martina Caruso


The chef of the restaurant Primo Restaurant, Lecce: "I could not describe my concept of femininity in the kitchen in a better way than through the gaze and empathy between women and in this case with Silvia, the maitre of my restaurant. A woman's look is first of all strength, not intended as a difference between man and woman, but understood as peculiarities.I speak of mine and in my there are no screams, broken dishes, or situations of chaos.In my, sometimes, a look reproaches more than words cry out loud and sometimes consoles and directs more than a sweet word: it is empathy, it is understanding, communicating with a glance, it is simply esteem and confidence elevated to the nth degree, because where my eyes do not reach come his, those of another woman, and where I can not be there, for example in the dining room with our clients, there is his look, and there are his words, which make me present, even without Being there is femininity in the kitchen goal, a journey made of many obstacles, trials, challenges. And finally having overcome, or at least trying to overcome, the gender distinction ".


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