Tag: trick

Fun ways to get your kids eating fruit and veg

We all know how important it is to get the little ones eating their fruit and vegetables – but it’s easier said than done!

We’ve come up with some fun ways to get the kids excited about eating what they may have refused in the past. We’re not saying you need to trick them and hide it in their food, you just need to inject a little fun into it!

Cute designs, shapes and faces will make fruit and vegetables seem like a fun option for lunch, dinner or a snack! Click through our 19 different designs and send us you own for your chance to win this amazing selection of Russell Hobbs goodies!

How to Peel Garlic Like a Boss…Like an Actual Boss

People throw the term “like a boss” around very casually
these days, but when I say this technique shows how to peel garlic like a boss,
it’s meant literally. I was channel surfing a while back, and saw Martha
Stewart demo this very cool trick, and she is, in every sense of the word, a

Many people have inspired me along this entrepreneurial
journey online, and Martha is definitely one of them. By the way, I hope she
doesn’t take exception to my prison shank joke; but since we are friends (and
by friends I mean we’ve never spoken, but do follow each other on Twitter), I’m
sure she’ll be fine with it. All kidding aside, this trick is no joke.

The great thing about this method, besides the speed and
ease, is that you are truly peeling the garlic, and not crushing it. A crushed
garlic clove produces a stronger flavor than a peeled one, especially when used
raw, and so this is perfect when you need to mince or slice whole, undamaged
cloves. I hope you give this easy trick a try soon. Enjoy!

Giving Thanks

Michele and I had a very lovely Thanksgiving holiday with the family in Davis, CA. The food and company were wonderful, and as if that wasn’t enough, I also enjoyed a flood of viewers posting pictures of their successful Food Wishes’ recipes on Twitter and Instagram. I want to thank everyone who mentioned us this holiday, and I couldn’t be happier or more proud of all the beautiful food you created and shared. And while we’re on the subject, here are a few highlights from our meal. Enjoy!

Our handsome, free-range turkey was from Branigan’s Turkey Farm in Woodland, California, and it was amazing! I did the old, herb-butter under the skin trick, and it was one of the juiciest, most flavorful turkeys in recent memory.
I love to start the Thanksgiving meal with a small salad. This is a great way to get everyone to the table for toasts, grace, etc., and not have to worry about all the food getting cold. While the turkey rests, enjoy a nice pear, persimmon salad with goat cheese, pomegranate, and candied walnuts.
What’s Thanksgiving, but an elaborate excuse to eat lots of buttery mashed potatoes? These were fortified with cream cheese as family tradition dictates.
These incredibly tasty sweet potatoes were simply roasted with maple butter and topped with salty, crunchy, toasted pistachios.  They were perfect.
I decided to eschew the usual green bean casserole for this new addition to the holiday side repertoire. The beans were tossed with copious amounts of roasted garlic, and then warmed in the oven after a crumbling of Point Reyes blue cheese. No one missed the casserole! 

We finished with the pumpkin pie you saw posted a while back, and by the looks of my Twitter feed, so did many of you. I hope you had a great holiday, and enjoy the rest of the weekend. Special thanks to Peggy & Al, Nina & Tom, and Jennifer and Leanne for providing us with such an enjoyable Thanksgiving. Stay tuned for a new video tomorrow!

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