Tag: tarts

Pop Tarts – 's Pop Tarts Recipe – Italian Cuisine

»Pop Tarts - Misya's Pop Tarts Recipe


Prepare the shortcrust pastry: combine sugar, flour, salt, yeast, butter and vanilla in a bowl and mix, then add the egg too.
Once you have a homogeneous dough, wrap it with cling film and let it rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

Take the dough and roll it out into a rather thin sheet (no more than 3-4 mm), trying to shape it into a rectangular shape: cut out some fairly large rectangles (8-10×4-5 cm: the American Pop Tarts are quite large, but you if you prefer you can make them smaller), remember that they must be even in number because they will be paired two by two.

Arrange half of the rectangles on the baking sheet lined with parchment paper, stuffed with jam (in one I tried to put melted white chocolate) leaving the edges free, then cover with the remaining rectangles, seal the edges, brush with a little milk and cook for 10-15 minutes at 180 ° C, in a preheated convection oven, then let them cool.

Prepare the icing by mixing powdered sugar and water, then divide it into several bowls and add the food coloring of your choice.

Once completely cold, decorate the cookies as desired with icing and sprinkles (or even just icing).

Once the icing has dried, your Pop Tarts will be ready, you just have to spoil them.


Bakewell Tarts with candied almonds and cherries – Italian Cuisine

Bakewell Tarts with candied almonds and cherries


Bakewell Tarts (UK), preparation

For the shortcrust pastry: 220 g of flour 00 – 115 g of butter – 1 egg – 1 yolk – 60 g of icing sugar – 1 untreated lemon – salt

1) Prepare the pastry. Pass to the mixer the flour with a pinch of salt, the sugar, the grated zest of 1/2 lemon and the cold butter into cubes until the mixture is crumbled. Add egg and yolk e blend until the dough remains attached to the mixer blades.

2) Formed a stick, wrap it up in the film e do it rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.

For the frangipane: 90 g of powdered almonds – 100 g of butter – 80 g of sugar – 25 g of flour – 1 egg
For the filling and glaze: 100 g of cherry jam – 100 g of icing sugar – 40 g of sliced ​​almonds – 8 candied cherries

1) Prepare the frangipane. Whip the butter with the sugar, unite the powdered almonds, the sifted flour and the beaten egg and mix the mixture.

2) Roll out the shortcrust pastry on the work surface to a thickness of 3 mm. Obtained 8 discs of 8 cm with a smooth pastry cutter e coated the bottom and edges of 8 muffin tins with a 4 cm diameter bottom. Prick the bottom, distribute inside each 1 teaspoon of jam e cover with the frangipani almost to the edge.

3) Cook the tartlets in the lower part of the oven preheated to 180 ° for 35 minutes, leave them rest 5 minutes, unmold them And let them cool on a wire rack.

4) Frosted the surface with the icing sugar mixed with 2 tablespoons of hot water e decorated with lightly toasted sliced ​​almonds and candied cherries.

5) Leave set the glaze before serve.


Posted on 09/21/2021



Recipe Tarts with cocoa cream and raspberries – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Tarts with cocoa cream and raspberries


A substantial dessert, to complement a dish of fish or chicken with mixed salad or sour vegetables

  • 180 g flour 00
  • 60 g sugar
  • 100 g butter
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 250 g ricotta
  • 60 g granulated sugar
  • 20 g bitter cocoa
  • 200 g fresh raspberries

For the shortcrust pastry shells
Mix 180 g of 00 flour with 60 g of sugar, 100 g of soft butter and 3 egg yolks; wrap the dough in plastic wrap and place it in the fridge for 1 hour. Roll out the dough to 3 mm thick, line 4 tartlet molds (ø 8 cm, h 3 cm), trim along the edges, prick with the prongs of a fork, line with baking paper and fill with dried legumes. Bake at 180 ° C for 18-20 minutes. Finally, remove from the oven, remove legumes and paper, unmold and allow to cool.

For the cocoa cream
Mix 250 g of ricotta with 60 g of granulated sugar and 20 g of unsweetened cocoa with a whisk until creamy.

To complete
Fill the tartlets with the cocoa cream and complete them with fresh raspberries (200 g) and mint flowers.


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