Tag: sustainable

The restart of Salina: anti-waste breakfast and sustainable tourism – Italian Cuisine


The Caruso brothers of the Signum are focusing on a new, more refined and ethical à la carte service, and on associations with other operators on the island

In times of crisis, you can surrender or take the moment to develop new opportunities. In the most difficult year for the Italian tourism sector (and not only), the brothers Luca and Martina Caruso – respectively director and 1 Michelin star chef of the Hotel Signum in Salina – aim to relaunch the short but intense season of the Aeolian archipelago.

The staff – mainly made up of young people under 30 from the Sicilian territory – has been totally reconfirmed, while one of the main novelties of 2020 is the abolition of the breakfast buffet – as required by government provisions – to make room for a service à la carte personally curated by Martina Caruso: “During the lockdown we decided to enhance the first meal of the day, too often neglected by the hotel industry, with the desire to keep this breakfast formula expressed for years to come”.

Cannolo with Aeolian ricotta, granita with blackberries from Vulcano, Sicilian black bee honey, are just some of the specialties served on the Signum terrace, from which you can admire the profile of Panarea and Stromboli on the horizon. All fresh products that with the buffet mode risked a rapid deterioration: “In past years – adds Luca Caruso – we realized that this approach generated a lot of waste, especially in the height of summer with high temperatures; the formula at the table, on the other hand, allows to preserve the integrity and quality of the raw material. At the same time, we wanted to give our guests a little more pampering by inserting porcelain cups and plates that recall the service of their grandmother ”.

For those who choose one of the nine suites, there is also the possibility of having breakfast directly in the room (ordered through a form to be filled out the night before), in the shadow of the typical Aeolian baglio that opens onto the sea. Starting from this year, Signum has adopted the room only rate policy, in order to leave the customer even more free. A choice that wants to equate, for dignity and importance, all three meals of the day (breakfast / lunch / dinner), to be booked separately as extra costs to the stay.

"There is a great desire for Italy – concludes Luca – and for the South in general. The Aeolian Islands are ready to face this new challenge with their heads held high, comforted by the July and August reservations of Italians and Europeans, who have filled the void left by the American and other foreign countries. With the Salina Isola Verde association – which brings together the main hotels, including Hotel Signum – we work in harmony to promote Salina as a destination. A virtuous example of synergy between entrepreneurs united by a green mentality, increasingly oriented towards a model of sustainable tourism". The first result came in 2018 when the Municipality of Malfa banned the use of plastic for glasses, plates, cutlery, straws and disposable bags, in favor of biodegradable or compostable materials. Among the next objectives is the intensification of the use of solar panels and electric motors – Salina is part of the six pilot islands (the only Italian) of the European transition project for energy self-sufficiency "Clean Energy for EU Islands" – and then the adoption of even more restrictive measures to protect the island's forest and marine areas.


Condé Nast presents the first global assessment on carbon emissions and launches the glossary of sustainable fashion – Italian Cuisine

Condé Nast presents the first global assessment on carbon emissions and launches the glossary of sustainable fashion


The company aims to achieve the zero emissions target by 2030, 20 years earlier than the Paris agreement. In addition, by the end of 2021 it will only use internationally certified paper, while by 2025 it will end the use of disposable plastic packaging

Condé Nast has announced the next phase of its long-term global sustainability commitment by sharing its own sustainability assessment and five-year strategy. The company aims to completely eliminate emissions by 2030. To begin with, by 2021 Condé Nast will undertake to reduce by 20% the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced by the company and by 10% those deriving from the digital and paper supply chain.

«In Condé Nast we believe that the health of people, our businesses and the planet is intertwined. We cannot worry about one and ignore the other. We also think that the credibility of our environmental journalism depends on our will, as a company, to improve our activities and our distribution chain in order to drastically reduce the emission of carbon dioxide and waste. Our five-year sustainability strategy demonstrates the commitment of our teams on all continents to lead by example, to work with our sector partners and to use the global influence of our brands to inspire collective action established Wolfgang Blau, Chief Operating Officer and International President of Condé Nast.

Condé Nast's five-year sustainability strategy involves all areas of the business, with the ultimate goal of mitigating its global ecological footprint by reducing emissions or, if not possible, the respective compensation. The company also aims to encourage consumers to take concrete climate actions, as well as to promote the adoption of positive changes throughout the supply chain with their partners. The strategy and the resulting measures concern four fundamental areas of intervention:

Reduction of emissions

Condé Nast aims to achieve the zero emissions target by 2030. To begin with, by the end of 2021 it will commit to reducing the emissions produced by the company by 20% and those deriving from the supply chain by 10%. In this way, Condé Nast will establish itself as one of the first publishing houses to take responsibility for the ecological footprint of its digital value chain.

Participation of suppliers

Condé Nast will collaborate with the actors involved in the entire supply chain to promote a more sustainable publishing sector, reviewing its procurement processes and promoting initiatives sponsored by the sector. The first step will be a transition towards the use of more sustainable materials throughout the entire production process, as well as the adoption of energy efficient alternatives.

Greater use of sustainable materials

By the end of 2021, Condé Nast will complete its transition process towards the exclusive use of internationally certified paper. As part of the company's commitment to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation New Plastics Economy Global Commitment, by 2025 Condé Nast will abolish the use of any non-recyclable plastic packaging of fossil origin from publications distributed in all its markets.

Promoting change

Condé Nast aims to establish its brands as reference voices in defense of the cause of sustainability, establishing transparency standards on issues related to climate change and responsible fashion. With this in mind, the company launches the Glossary of sustainable fashion, an authoritative global resource for understanding sustainable fashion and the role of the fashion industry in the climate emergency. In addition, the company will continue to collaborate with industry partners in the context of the UNFCCC's Fashion for Global Climate Action initiative, pursuing the common goal of promoting large-scale climate action.

Results of the sustainability assessment

Condé Nast's first assessment of greenhouse gas emissions and the use of materials took into consideration the company structures present in all 12 of its markets, the entire supply chain and the use of paper and packaging in plastic in the production of magazines. The evaluation revealed the following:

In 2018, Condé Nast generated GHES emissions of ~ 341,233 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). Of these, 8% derive from the company's work and 92% from the supply chain.

96% of the 35,000 tons of paper used in 2018 has been fully certified through the Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).

In 2018 they were used 440 tons of disposable plastic for packaging magazines.

Condé Nast's detailed sustainability assessment is available on condenast.com/sustainability-strategy.

In 2019, Condé Nast became the first media company to sign the Fashion Industry Charter for Global Climate Action and has declared its commitment in theEllen MacArthur Foundation New Plastics Economy Global Commitment.

Condé Nast launches the glossary of sustainable fashion

Today Condé Nast is pleased to announce the launch of the Glossary of Sustainable Fashion [di Condé Nast], a global and authoritative resource for information on sustainable fashion and the role of the fashion industry in the climate emergency. The Glossary is part of the commitment to encourage change made by the company and was created with the aim of strengthening and developing an understanding of the concept of sustainability, providing a reading key for interpreting terms and themes of growing importance in the context of sustainability.

The Glossary of Sustainable Fashion is the product of a partnership with the Center for Sustainable Fashion (CSF) of London College of Fashion, under the University of the Arts London (UAL), enriched by the contribution of the editors of Vogue and refined by the review work carried out by an international network of sustainability researchers and researchers. It is the result of exemplary research and training practices worldwide, built on the academic rigor and the unique and unparalleled perspective of Condé Nast on the fashion sector.

What is the Sustainable Fashion Glossary signed by Condé Nast

A guide easy to consult, divided into categories related to sustainability in fashion: culture, materials, production, purchasing habits and care practices.

A digital resource, open to all and available on condenast.com.

It Contains over 250 terms, complete with references for further reading.

Divided into four thematic areas key: climate emergency; environmental impact of fashion; economic impact, cultural is social of fashion e basics fashion and sustainability, with the addition of 10 areas under themes that deal with some must-know aspects of fashion and sustainability.

Regularly updated with new definitions to reflect the evolution of the debate on climate emergency, fashion and social change.

«Carrying out awareness on the climate change crisis is fundamental, but now it has become equally important to advance the global climate debate and focus on feasible solutions. In the context of the debate on how to make fashion more sustainable, I believe that in our sector it is necessary to have a shared language and a series of scientifically accurate definitions to which we can refer. With the help of our partner researchers, we will continue to update our glossary, "he says Wolfgang Blau, Global Chief Operating Officer and International President of Condé Nast.

The Glossary was conceived in response to the need identified by the editors of Vogue to develop more solid editorial guidelines and training resources to guide the dissemination of sustainable fashion. Some of the most popular media brands of Condé Nast, including Vogue, GQ, Wired is Vanity Fair, focus their content on the issue of climate change and on educating the reader towards a more sustainable lifestyle. The Glossary presents itself as an ally of editorial teams and readers from around the world, while strengthening the company's authority as a reference voice in the public debate on sustainability.

«What we deal with should reflect what we believe in. It's time to ask if we are well represented, as well as well presented. We have in our hands the opportunity to start a new era of beauty and style, born from the understanding and intimate connection with our most precious asset: the earth, the most extraordinary designer the world has ever seen. Working together with the editors of Vogue – the most influential voices in the world of fashion – we were able to shape a priceless glossary, an authoritative reference point, which represents the profound interdependence relationship that binds man to nature and his fellows, "he declares Dilys Williams, Professor of Fashion Design for Sustainability and Director of the Center for Sustainable Fashion.


MSC Sustainable Fishing for World Ocean Day – Italian Cuisine


On June 8, on the occasion of World Ocean Day, MSC sustainable and certified fishing launches the Great Blue Future campaign, to raise awareness among consumers towards a more respectful choice, so that the oceans can always be full of life, today and for generations future

MSC Marine Stewardship Council, international non profit organization responsible for the most important global program of fish sustainability certification, also this year adheres to World Oceans Day on June 8, 2020 and it does so with the social campaign "Great blue future" to remind everyone of the strong link between our daily life and the great blue, which we can protect by choosing fish from a sustainable source.
How to do it? By purchasing those products they present the blue mark of MSC on the packaging, guarantee of fishing managed according to strict scientific sustainability standards.

Great blue future

"The oceans need the commitment of all of us to return to health," says Francesca Oppia, MSC program director in Italy. "While overfishing, climate change and pollution put ever greater pressure on our oceans, the choices we consumers make daily can change the entire fish supply chain."
Countryside "Great blue future" MSC Pesca Sostenibile wants to leverage these concepts and invites everyone to share a social collage on social media alongside the photo of a piece of sea food "from their heart" with a snapshot of a fish recipe made at home, using the hashtag #grandefuturoblu and tagging MSC Italia on Instagram @msc_italia and on Facebook @mscinitalia.
And for those who were not so practical or imaginative in the kitchen? Don't worry, MSC Italia recommends you 4 simple recipes: mussels with cider, cod with curry, salmon with gin and tuna bowl.

Scottish mussels with cider, leek and bacon

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Portions: 4 people

1 kg of MSC certified mussels
150 g of smoked bacon, roughly chopped
1 leek, washed and sliced ​​on the diagonal
1 bottle of 330 ml dry Scottish cider
50 ml cream
1 curl of butter
Chopped parsley
Freshly ground black pepper
Crispy bread, for serving

Wash mussels under cold running water. Eliminate the "beard" still attached to the shell. If the mussels are open, picchiettatele firmly on the side of the colander or bowl, they should close immediately. discard those that remain open or those with cracked or broken shells.
In a large pan, casserole or wok with lid, melt butter over medium heat. During foaming add the bacon and brown it for a few minutes until the fat starts to shrink. Add the leeks and sauté them for another two minutes.

Pour the cider in the pan should boil and lather. Simmer for a minute, then slightly lower the heat.
transfer mussels in the pan, cover with a lid and let them cook with their steam for 4-5 minutes, until they are all open. shake every now and then the pan to help the mussels to open. Add cream and sprinkle with a generous handful of chopped parsley. Mescolatand all and serve immediately, divided into four bowls. Do not forget to serve to add the cooking broth, bacon and leeks to the bowl. serve with extra parsley and crusty bread.

Gin salmon with pickled cucumbers

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Portions: 4 people

Ingredients for salmon
1 kg of MSC certified salmon cleaned from scales
100 ml of gin
50 g of fine salt
50 g of sugar
Zest of 1 lemon

Ingredients for pickled cucumbers
2 large cucumbers
2 shallots
50 g of coarse salt
120 ml of white wine vinegar
75 g of granulated sugar
1/2 tablespoon of mustard seeds
1 teaspoon of turmeric
Fresh dill

In the first place, roll out on a large pan of plastic wrap. Jumbled up zest of lemon and lime with gin, salt and sugar in a bowl and distribute 1/4 of this mixture on plastic wrap.
place the side of the salmon with the skin on top of this mix in the pan and cover it with the remaining mixture. Wrap all in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for a period of between 6 hours and maximum 2 days. The longer you leave the salmon, the more solid and flavorful it will be, so it depends on how you like it. 24 hours are recommended.
When you are ready to serve the dish, remove the salmon from the fridge, discard it from the cling film, washed salmon under cold running water and transfer it
on a cutting board. Cut thinly slice the salmon and serve with pickled cucumbers.

To make pickled cucumbers
Cut half-length cucumbers, remove the seeds in the center, digging gently with a teaspoon and then cut them with the help of a half moon, until they are about 1/2 centimeter thick. Slice shallots and add them to cucumbers in a bowl. cover with salt and leave for 2 hours, but if you have time, even up to 4 – they should be slightly soft but still have a little crunchiness. rinse well with cold running water, drain and dry them with paper towels. place white wine vinegar, sugar and spices in a pan and simmer. Add cucumbers and shallots and simmer for another 2 minutes. Switch off the fire and add the dill, then let it cool. When everything is completely cold, transfer to a sterilized jar and keep them for up to 1 month. Serve the salmon with cucumbers, rye bread, sour cream, watercress and chopped beetroot (Scandinavian-inspired accompaniment).

Japanese marinated rice and tuna

Preparation time: 45 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Portions: 2 people

150 g of sushi rice
2 tablespoons of white sesame seeds
4 tablespoons of soy sauce (salted)
2 tablespoons of mirin (Japanese rice wine)
2 tablespoons of sake (or 1 tablespoon of mitsukan and 1 tablespoon of water)
150 g of MSC certified yellow fin tuna fillet, thinly sliced
1 spring onion cut into thin slices
½ nori sheet, torn into large pieces

Rinse rice at least four times under cold running water. Drain it and set it aside for about 20 minutes.
Meanwhile toasted sesame seeds in a dry pan over medium heat until golden brown and also set aside.
transfer rice in a pot, add equal amount of water and a pinch of salt. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer gently for 15 minutes. After that let it rest the rice with the heat off and with the lid on for 15 minutes so that it cools slowly.
Put to marinate tuna in a mix of soy sauce, mirin and sake for 2-3 minutes. serve rice in a bowl adding the sliced ​​spring onion and nori; to this base add the slices of marinated tuna with a final sprinkling of sesame seeds. Serve the bowl with a little wasabi aside to add as desired.

Cod with curry vegetables

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Portions: 4 people

4 cod fillets MSC certified
Curry powder
Extra virgin olive oil
¼ cup of carrots
¼ cup of celery
¼ cup of zucchini
¼ cup of porcini mushrooms
¼ cup of corn
¼ cup of onion
¼ cup of leeks
1 clove of garlic
1 tablespoon curry powder
1 tablespoon of tomato paste
1 tablespoon of raisins
200 ml of vegetable broth
fresh coriander

Cut diced vegetables. brown them in the pan with the crushed garlic and a drizzle of oil, seasoned with curry powder, salt and tomato paste and heat over high heat. Add raisins and vegetable broth, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes.
Meanwhile jumbled up oil with curry and salt and massage the cod fillets to flavor. Heat a pan and roast the cod with the skin facing down until golden brown. The oil must not be too hot, otherwise the curry powder will burn out.
Add stewed vegetables, finely chopped coriander and serve the fish fillets on the curry vegetables, decorating with a little fresh coriander.

MSC sustainable and certified fishing

More than 350 companies fishing in 34 countries they are certified according to the MSC standard for sustainable fishing. These companies almost fish the 15% of the global catch. More than 36,000 fish products worldwide have the blue mark MSC.
MSC also, in collaboration with Globescan, recently carried out research in 23 countries globally, with a focus onItaly and the progress that has emerged is important. Among the actions implemented, 1 in 4 people has opted for brands that offer sustainable products and the 74% of Italian consumers is fully aware that in order to contribute to the health of the oceans it is necessary to choose sustainable fishing products.
But the most encouraging data regards the future: the85% of Italians he is ready to take the field to protect the health of the oceans and more and more Italians declare that they will choose brands and stores that offer sustainable products, reaffirming that they are ready to change their habits by changing the species consumed if this should be necessary. Find out more on the official website of MSC Italia.


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