Tag: soy

Soy and pea stew – ‘s recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Spezzatino soia e piselli


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Baby squid and green green tomatoes with soy sauce – Italian Cuisine

Baby squid and green green tomatoes with soy sauce


Small squid and green tomatoes, the preparation

1) Wash fine the small squid e let them dry on a tarp. Peel cloves of garlic, cut them in half, deleted the green soul e slice them finely. Peel and grate the ginger.

2) Wash and remove the basil leaves. Wash and cut 4 tomatoes. In a non-stick pan let it heat up 2 tablespoons of oil: when it is very hot unite squid, ginger, garlic cloves, salt and pepper.

3) You do cook over high heat, stirring often so that the molluscs dry but without exceeding 5 minutes (if they release too much liquid, eliminate it). Switch off, deglaze with balsamic vinegar, salt, peppery generously And leave cool down.

4) Fix the small squid in a container. Season them with the remaining oil, soy sauce, tomatoes and basil leaves, jumbled up And served at room temperature.


Posted on 17/09/2021



Recipe Romanesco broccoli, daikon, soy and chestnuts – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Romanesco broccoli, daikon, soy and chestnuts


  • 200 g pre-cooked chestnuts
  • 120 g daikon
  • 100 g seedless white grapes
  • 100 g of soy sauce
  • 10 g butter
  • 2 g agar agar
  • 1 small Romanesco broccoli
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • white pepper in grains

Blend the grapes and pass it through a sieve to obtain the juice (or pass it through the extractor). Peel the daikon, slice it into 3-4 mm thick slices, collect them in a bowl with the grape juice and leave them to marinate for 3 hours.
Jumbled up the soy sauce with 100 g of water, add 10 peppercorns, the agar agar and cook for 1 minute from the boil. Pass through a sieve and transfer the liquid into a tray (20 × 20 cm) lined with film. Put it in the fridge for 2 hours or until it gels.
Flavorful chestnuts in a pan with a knob of butter and a pinch of salt.
Cleanse the broccoli, divide it into tufts; slice them into thin slices (the ideal would be to use the mandolin).
Season them with oil and salt and mix with chestnuts and daikon, drained from the marinade.
Cut the gelled soy by making a mixture and distributing it on the vegetables, dosing it according to your taste: it is very savory.


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