Tag: soul

SCIM 2023. The cuisine of the soul, an article on the value of food for Italian emigrants – Italian Cuisine


On the occasion of SCIM 2023 – Italian Cuisine Week in the worldhere we are at a new chapter on the history of emigration cuisine, presented in the de project The Italian kitchen The Tales of the Roots,in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. This time we present the article by Elisabetta Morofull professor of Cultural Anthropology at the University of Naples Sister Orsola Benincasa, holder of the teaching of History of gastronomy of the Mediterranean countries at the University of Naples Federico II, member of the Assembly of Italian National UNESCO Commission and director of Virtual Museum of the Mediterranean Diet. Moro examines the profound bond with his own “maternal cuisine”, establishing an effective parallel with language: just as there is a maternal language, in fact, so too does a diet, a cuisine, a gastronomy that speaks the language of the soul. Below is the article and, then, a recipe taken from the volume created for SCIM 2023, I Racconti delle Radici.

The colors of Italianness – by Elisabetta Moro

«Man is what he eats said the philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach. But when man emigrates, then eating becomes the home of his soul. Him the recipes, his prayers. The flavors are the memory of him. And the Sunday table the sap that nourishes his family tree, bringing it back to the depths of its roots, but also projecting it with new branches towards the future. Because the relationship that men have with food is similar to the relationship they have with language. Food and speech are natural and cultural at the same time, and obey partially unconscious rules learned even in the prenatal period. There are those who talk about «maternal nutrition just like we talk about «mother tongue. Because the first food experiences, just like linguistic ones, leave indelible traces. And they become even more evident in the dishes of Italians abroad. That they transformed tomatoes, parmesan, mozzarella and basil into as many colors of Italianness. Italians, in fact, always carry with them the hand luggage of gastronomic culture. The Fiorentissima demonstrates this history of Italian cuisine abroad, which for a few centuries has been producing recipes that are new and old at the same time. Like him spaghetti with meatballs Italian Americans, heirs of spaghetti alla guitar with Abruzzo pallottini and the use of meatballs in pasta flans from the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Or like the pizza with clams, which is neither new nor absurd, given that in the mid-eighteenth century in the alleys of Naples, where pizza was born, anchovies and clams were placed on the leavened disc seasoned with garlic and oil. In fact, those who emigrate preserve and contaminate, remember and renew. Thus the tricolor table on Sunday is still a ritual today, in which the homeland is recalled in the pots of ragù and the smells of toasted lasagne. Once prepared by grandmothers, today purchased already made. Because if it is difficult to find time to cook, on the other hand it is vital to remember, to renew the sense of an identity. But after all, what is identity really? It is truly the home of the soul. And if we think that the Greek word díaita – from which the Italian diet and the English derive dietthe Spanish diet – it really means mansionthen it becomes evident that all Italian cuisines, without exception, are the foundation of our community in the world.

The recipe from Belgium-France: Polenta with carrots and peas

For many immigrants from Northern Italy to France and Belgium, before and after the Second World War, the daily food was polenta, even after the improvement in the standard of living in the countries of arrival. The director of the animated film on Italian immigration to France Labor (2023), Alain Ughetto, recalled that his «grandmother Cesira started cooking from the morning: polenta and milk for breakfast, polenta and stewed rabbit at midday and baked polenta au gratin in the evening. Researcher Leen Beyers studied the eating habits of three generations of Italian immigrants who arrived in Belgium as part of the 1946 Italian-Belgian protocol which provided for the exchange of coal for workers to be employed in the country’s mines. The immigrants, coming from Ciociaria, Veneto and Emilia, were all hosted together in a structure contemptuously nicknamed Château des Italiens. While on holidays the immigrants from the North prepared lasagna Bolognese with bechamel and those from the South prepared lasagna with meatballs, hard-boiled eggs and pecorino, on working days everyone mostly ate polenta. Beyers noticed how the immigrant women most inclined to welcome elements of Belgian cuisine as a sign of integration had invented the dish of polenta with carrots and peas, created in imitation of the stoempa very popular dish in Belgium, in which vegetables are mixed with mashed potatoes. Simone Cinotto (ph Davide Maestri)

Chef Emanuele Frigerio
Easy Commitment
Time 1 hour

Ingredients for 10 people

500 g corn flour for polenta
150 g boiled peas
150 g carrots
30 g onion
extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper


Chop the onion and sauté it in a pan with 2 tablespoons of oil.
Peel the carrots and cut them into rounds, then add them to the onion.
Add salt and pepper and cook for 2-3 minutes. Then add the peas, add a little water and cook for about 15 minutes.
Prepare the polenta by pouring the flour into 1.5 liters of boiling salted water. Cook it, stirring, for about 45 minutes. In the end it should be quite soft.
Serve it together with the vegetables and complete with freshly ground pepper.


Solidarity Christmas: Food For Soul, restaurants and chefs together with the Antoniano – Italian Cuisine

Solidarity Christmas: Food For Soul, restaurants and chefs together with the Antoniano


Five famous chefs on the set of the Zecchino d'Oro, in Bologna, to lend a hand to the most fragile families with the support of the non-profit association of Massimo Bottura and Lara Gilmore. The solidarity initiative "Restaurants for Operation Bread" is also underway

Finally, after the sad break due to the pandemic, we have been able to return to a special event to give relief to those who need it most. On the set of the Zecchino d'Oro, last Monday, December 6, the solidarity Christmas dinner was held in favor of the Franciscan canteen "Father Ernesto" in Bologna and families in difficulty supported every day byAntoniano. And that's not all: the Operation Bread campaign is also open.

The Zecchino d'Oro dinner

Created in collaboration with Food for Soul, the non-profit association of Massimo Bottura and Lara Gilmore, the fundraising dinner ofAntoniano was able to offer the dishes of the famous chefs Aurora Mazzucchelli (Mazzucchelli House), Lorenzo Vecchia (Alas), Jacopo Ticchi (From Lucio Trattoria), Gianluca Degani (Gelateria Bloom) e Luca Cappelletti, master pastry chef.

here is the Dinner menu in Zecchino, whose names of the dishes are inspired by the iconic songs that we still have in our heads today, and especially in our hearts:

Disco Pizza DJ / chef Aurora Mazzucchelli
Wholemeal leavened with type 2 flour, capon terrine, green sauce and purple cabbage

Nonna Pina's Cannelloni / chef Jacopo Ticchi
Meat cannelloni au gratin with Rimini oyster sauce and monkfish liver

The Braised Waltz / chef Lorenzo Vecchia
Braised vegetables with toasted vegetable sauce and wild herbs

Dolce Nunù / chef Gianluca Degani
Artisan panettone and donkey milk ice cream

The proceeds from the dinner thanks to the generosity of the chefs and the numerous companies that have made themselves available for the free supply of raw materials, is entirely donated to the support of families in difficulty welcomed and helped every day by the Antoniano.

On the occasion of the event, the fragile families of Bologna also received a basket with many food products to be used in the festive weeks. Among the companies that support the initiative: Forno Brisa, FIVI Romagna delegation, Wilden Herbals, Orme Valori Agricoli Ritrovati, Macè and Fuori Rosa catering with the contribution of the students of the IIS L. Spallanzani of Castelfranco Emilia.

To help the families of the Antoniano, in addition to participating in the solidarity dinner, the residents of Bologna were also able to book a solidarity aperitif box on the evenings of 3-4-5 December to watch the Zecchino d'Oro while enjoying many special products. The box was delivered by Antoniano's volunteers directly to the houses he booked. The initiative is supported by NaturaSì, Berlucchi, Macè, Parmigiano Reggiano, Villani.

“We are really happy to return to host the Christmas dinner in the presence to help support the families followed by Antoniano – explains the director Br. Giampaolo Cavalli – This evening guarantees concrete help to people in difficulty: in fact, more and more families are unable to make it to the end of the month and children who are denied the opportunity to live a peaceful everyday life like that of their peers ".

Restaurants for Operation Pane

The Christmas dinner is part of the many activities promoted by the Antoniano in favor of the poor. The national solidarity campaign "Operation Pane" will also be active until 19 December, aimed at offering concrete help to people living in conditions of great poverty. In particular, the joint initiative is aimed at support a network of 18 Franciscan canteens throughout the country and in Syria, offering support for the daily provision of meals and subsequent social and work reintegration activities for the people helped. Any help, even small, is essential and everyone can lend a hand: to offer a contribution, just a text message or a phone call from the landline to the solidarity number 45588.

The solidarity campaign is also supported by the numerous restaurants that this year have decided to join the "Restaurants for Operation Bread" project And to donate part of the proceeds from November 14 to December 31 to Antoniano's activities in favor of the most vulnerable. The "Restaurants for Operation" initiative is sponsored by the Municipality of Bologna and organized in collaboration with the Bolognese Chefs Association and the Sanmarinesi Chefs Union. It is possible to consult the list of participating restaurants on the “Operation Pane” website.

"Thanks to the generosity of the restaurateurs who join the initiative every year – adds Br. Giampaolo – we can help donate a hot meal to those who cannot afford it. Last year this project allowed us to guarantee over 800 meals, the equivalent of a week of meals distributed from Father Ernesto's canteen ".

How to participate in the "Operation Bread" campaign

Active until December 19th
Solidarity number: 45588
– 2 euro for each SMS sent from Wind Tre, TIM, Vodafone, Iliad, PosteMobile, Coop Voce and Tiscali mobile phones;
– 5 or 10 euros from a fixed network TIM, Vodafone, Wind Tre, Fastweb and Tiscali.
– 5 euros for calls from the TWT, Convergenze and PosteMobile fixed network;

It is also possible to donate on the project website www.operapane.it


Talento, Stefano Bollani and Food For Soul: great Berlucchi party – Italian Cuisine

Talento, Stefano Bollani and Food For Soul: great Berlucchi party


Friday 22 October is a great day for the newly awarded winery Cantina dell’Anno 2022: here's how to participate

Friday 22 October is another important date to mark on the calendar for the Guido Berlucchi, a recently proclaimed pioneer company of Franciacorta Gambero Rosso winery of the year 2022. A day of celebrations for the 60th anniversary of the birth of the first bottle of Franciacorta, wanted and created by Franco Ziliani in 1961, founding father of an entire wine area, with ben two extraordinary events. The first of a visionary cultural nature: in the historic headquarters of Palazzo Lana in Borgonato (BS), the 3rd Edition of Academia Berlucchi 2021 with the theme "Talent, nourishment for the Future". The second, an extraordinary one benefit concert by Stefano Bollani at the Teatro Grande in Brescia open to the public, which will contribute to the support of the ONLUS "Food for Soul”By Lara Gilmore and Massimo Bottura. Congratulations!

Academia Berlucchi 2021

The 3rd edition of Academia Berlucchi on October 22 will have as its theme the "Talent, nourishment for the future"Which will participate – in an open reflection on the Future, New Generations and Sustainable Development – leading names including the architect and urban planner Stefano Boeri, the botanist, essayist and popularizer Prof. Stefano Mancuso, the theologian and philosopher Prof. Vito Mancuso, Irina Mella Burlacu, founder and owner of Vita International, Lara Gilmore, founder, together with her husband Massimo Bottura, of the ONLUS Food for Soul e Barbara Nappini, new president of Slow Food Italy. To lead the guests into dialogue with each other will be John Antwerp, Deputy Director and author of RAI 1, always sensitive to socio-environmental issues e Caroline Corbetta, curator of contemporary art and founder of @ilcrepaccio, collective of art and founding members of the Board of Academia Berlucchi.

Stefano Bollani in concert

To underline Guido Berlucchi's indissoluble relationship with his territory, the day of 22 October will close with an extraordinary benefit concert by the multifaceted artist Sefano Bollani at the Teatro Grande in Brescia – open to public. The evening will contribute to the support of the ONLUS Food for Soul, a cultural project created to give light and voice to the unexpressed potential of people, places and food. The most talented and eclectic Italian composer will entertain the audience with his cultured improvisations and his acrobatic monologues in music. As stated in the official presentation, Plan only is "a tribute to the art of improvisation. When Stefano Bollani takes the stage for his one man show, anything can happen. There is no lineup, no room program to cling to to follow the succession of songs. The viewer is drawn into a different adventure every evening, a breathtaking journey through musical horizons that are only apparently distant. One can thus pass from his compositions to Carosone, from jazz to Brazilian rhythms, with sudden forays into pop or the Italian repertoire of the 1940s. In this real flow of musical consciousness, laughter and emotion mix ".

Tickets for the concert on 22 October (with admission from 8.00 pm, for the necessary health checks) can be purchased on the www.vivaticket.com platform and at the Teatro Grande Box Office (tel. 030 2979333; ticket office@teatrogrande.it. Hours: Tue-Fri 13.30-19.00, Sat 15.30-19.00).


– PLATEA and STAGES I-II-III order € 55.00

– THE GALLERY and IV-tier STAGES € 30.00

– II GALLERY € 20.00


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