Tag: small

Meatballs with mushrooms: small, soft and very light – Italian Cuisine

Meatballs with mushrooms: small, soft and very light


Soft, creamy and perfect for Sunday lunch or dinner. The meatballs with mushrooms I’m a second very simple and full of taste.

The preparation can only be the classic one: stale bread left to soak in milk or water and a mix of ground meat expertly mixed with eggs, breadcrumbs, parsley, parmesan and salt and pepper.

The extra ingredient in this recipe is mushrooms. Better to choose field mushrooms, which are more suitable for this type of preparation. They should be added to formed and already browned meatballs; immediately after a few stir-fries and just before blending with a good glass of white wine.

The cream will then be the real star of the whole dish, which will envelop the meat and mushrooms, creating a delicious second course with an overwhelming flavour.

The mushrooms must be removed from the final part, full of soil, and cleaned with a damp cloth, rubbing lightly. Never put them under running water, they would lose nutrients and their unmistakable flavour.

Tear the hard bread into pieces, place it in a bowl, add the milk and leave to soak for about ten minutes.

Place both types of meat in a bowl and add the egg.

Also add the grated cheese, then season with salt and black pepper.

Chop a bunch of parsley and add it to the mixture.

Squeeze the soaked bread, add it to the meat mixture and work with your hands, then transfer to the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

If the dough is still too soft after being placed in the fridge, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs.

Grease your hands with a drizzle of oil, shape the meatballs and coat them in the flour, then put them back in the fridge for 10 minutes.

In the meantime, clean the mushrooms.

Cut away the base full of soil, clean them with a damp cloth and cut them into thin slices.

Crush a clove of garlic with the side of a knife blade without peeling it.

Fry the garlic clove in a pan with a drizzle of oil, then add the meatballs and brown them on the outside.

Add the sliced ​​mushrooms while cooking and add a pinch of salt.

Cook for five minutes over a moderate heat.

Pour in the white wine, lower the heat and leave to cook for about ten minutes.

When the sauce thickens, turn off the heat and serve with a handful of chopped parsley.


Small mushroom tatin – Salt & Pepper – Italian Cuisine

Small mushroom tatin - Salt & Pepper


Small mushroom tatin, preparation

1) Clean the mushrooms, slice them and brown them in a pan with the garlic, a drizzle of oil, parsley and thyme; remove garlic and parsley, season with salt and pepper.

2) With a pastry rings 10 cm in diameter, made from puff pastry 6 discs and keep them aside.

3) Cut out 6 squares of baking paper and arrange them on a plate; using the pastry cutter, distribute a handful of coarsely chopped hazelnuts inside each one; then, for each tatin, form a layer of mushrooms, then distribute a little sliced ​​toma cheese and parmesan on top.

4) Remove the pastry rings and completely cover the composition with a disc of pastry forming one dome. Prick pasta with a fork.

5) Transfer the plate in the oven at 190 ° for about 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and leave to cool for a few minutes out of the oven.

6) Turn the tatin, gently peel off the paper e serve immediately.


Published 11/22/2021



White chocolate alchechengi, small taste delights – Italian Cuisine

White chocolate alchechengi, small taste delights



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