Tag: sleep

Where to sleep in Parma and surroundings – Italian Cuisine


The practical guide where to sleep in Parma and surroundings. Breakfast in front of the cathedral, awakening in a bamboo forest or in an abbey
Renaissance? The choice is yours … here are our proposals!

Going around Emilia Romagna is best when you know where to stop and sleep. Our guide to hotels in Parma and its surroundings, to pamper yourself and take a relaxing break!

Grand Hotel de la Ville

A modern five-star business hotel, therefore very comfortable, with large common areas and a fitness room with TechnoGym equipment. Il Parmigianino is the gastronomic restaurant that interprets tradition and territory in a contemporary way. grandhoteldelaville.com


A four-star hotel with one hundred and eighteen design rooms, very close to the Parma Centro motorway exit and two kilometers from the historic center. It has a bistro and a mini spa, but it is also opposite the Inkiostro, one of the most creative restaurants in Parma, with a Michelin star. link124hotel.com

Novotel Parma Center

Close to the train station, a four-star hotel with quiet, well-kept and comfortable rooms. It also has a shuttle service. all.accor.com

Alamiré Suites & Studio

In the medieval heart of the city, simple studios and one-bedroom apartments complete with all comforts, including a kitchenette. With fast wi-fi they are an excellent solution for those who have to work while traveling. alamireparma.it

Parizzi Suites Studio

A hotel with spaces furnished and designed to feel at home during the trip. In the seventeenth-century building, the junior suites are spacious and contemporary, with designer pieces. On the street level, there is the starred restaurant of the same name. parizzisuite.com

At the Golden Baptistery

In a residence in the historic center, a stone's throw from the cathedral, two bedrooms and a retro-style apartment. A shared lounge with fireplace and period furniture. albattisterodoro.it


Duomo terrace

The three rooms are in the house of the doctor of opera singers, who was a great music addict and collector of historical recordings (to listen to). Memorable sweet and savory breakfast with cakes with a secret recipe and a view of the apse of the cathedral. The owner Carlotta Campari Fanti welcomes guests. terrazzoduomoparma.com

Palazzo Dalla Rosa Prati

One of the historic buildings in the center is now a residence with rooms of different styles, from romantic to very modern. The comfort? Get off and you are in Piazza Duomo, near the Pilotta Complex and other places to visit. palazzodallarosaprati.it

Casa Angiol d'Or

On the first floor of a small building in the historic center, two apartments – the balcony and the loggias – carefully furnished with some period furniture. You immediately feel at home. casangioldor.it

Opera 11

Three b & bs in a strategic position: Opera Parma, with three rooms in front of the Regio Theater; Opera 11, in the nightlife area; the Opera Apartment (with kitchen), in the pedestrian area. opera11.it

Where to sleep in the province

Grand Hotel Salsomaggiore, Salsomaggiore Terme

Wellness destination: a hotel with contemporary rooms and a thermal spa with indoor swimming pool, whirlpool on the terrace, Kneipp path and salt room. grandhotelsalsomaggiore.com


La Locanda del Borgo, Torrechiara di Langhirano

A few steps from the fifteenth-century castle and within the walls of the village, the b & b includes simple and modern rooms in perfectly restored environments. Also supplied with pedal assisted bikes. lalocandaditorrechiara.it

Ancient village of Tabiano Castello, Salsomaggiore Terme

At more than 300 meters above sea level, between expanses of hills, a widespread hotel: rooms, suites and apartments are scattered throughout the historic buildings of the fortified complex of Tabiano, where two wellness centers have also been built, one in a natural cave, the more in a house in the woods, to be booked also exclusively. tabianocastello.com

The Court of the Angels

Remember the farmhouse where many scenes from the film took place Twentieth century by Bernardo Bertolucci? Today it is a farmhouse with seven well-furnished rooms named after the protagonists of the blockbuster. Part of the surrounding land has been re-naturalized, creating wetlands for migratory birds to rest and areas of scrub-clearing for the repopulation of game. cortedegliangeli.eu

Il Cielo di Strela farmhouse, Compiano

Three guest rooms in a farm on the hills of Val di Taro. The approach is decidedly organic, from cultivation methods to architectural structures. They organize gourmand picnics, yoga retreats, lessons on the use of wild Apennine herbs. ilcielodistrela.it

The Ca 'Torta, Neviano degli Arduini

An ancient farmhouse that has been scrupulously restored. It has a kitchen, a living area and three bedrooms with wooden ceilings, original stone walls and furnishings between ancient and modern. It is close to the natural wildlife oasis of Monte Fuso, a destination for excursions, horseback riding, archery. lacatorta.co

B&B Commanderia del Gusto, Fidenza

A rural structure immersed in the Parma hills with three quiet bedrooms and a living room with a fireplace. The location is strategic: it is on the Via Francigena, in the circuit of the Castles of the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza and just a few minutes from the Fidenza Village. commanderia.it

Abbey of Santa Maria della Neve, Torrechiara di Langhirano

Here you sleep in a Renaissance Benedictine abbey with a late Romanesque church. The guesthouse has twenty-five beds. In the evening we retire early. Strada della Badia

Labyrinth of the Masone Suites, Fontanellato

Inside the bamboo labyrinth created by Franco Maria Ricci in his homeland there are also two suites that summarize the taste and aesthetics of the refined publisher. Spacious interiors, sumptuous furnishings, with art objects and precious books. Breakfast and restaurant are entrusted to Massimo Spigaroli, one Michelin star.labirintodifrancomariaricci.it

Photo Mauro Davoli.


Post lockdown insomnia? Here is how you can relax and sleep well – Italian Cuisine

Post lockdown insomnia? Here is how you can relax and sleep well


In this difficult period, many suffer from insomnia. Concern for the future, stress, messy schedules, irregular meals … Here are some remedies

Do you struggle to fall asleep in the evening or do you sleep poorly and badly during the night? Insomnia due to the COVID-19 emergency is a very common disorder. In this period 42% of Italians have anxiety problems and 24% suffer from sleep disturbances. This was revealed by a recent investigation by the Piepoli Institute for the National Council of the Order of Psychologists. The worries and fears of the period together with social isolation worsened the quality and duration of the rest for several reasons. When experiencing particularly stressful situations, the body produces high levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, which promote wakefulness. Being indoors at home has also prompted many to engage in behaviors that negatively affect their ability to fall asleep. The lower exposure to sunlight, source of vitamin D, and the use of electronic devices, such as smartphones, until late at night, for example, promote insomnia because they inhibit the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. To improve night sleep, it can be useful to adopt a tailored sleeping routine and pay attention to daily nutrition. The exciting substances of some foods can make sleep particularly agitated. Here are 5 strategies to adopt at the table to relax and go back to sleep well, suggested by Annamaria Acquaviva, dietician and nutritionist for the California Prune Board.

Eat regular meals

To promote rest, try to maintain a regular routine even at the table. How? Always eat at the same time and follow a varied and balanced diet. The correct intake of all essential nutrients promotes the proper functioning of the body. The nutrients present in foods in fact affect the circadian rhythm, which regulates the sleep-wake cycle.

Don't miss the tryptophan

Tryptophan is a precursor of serotonin, thegood mood hormone, which is converted into melatonin, fundamental in regulating the sleep-wake cycle. Legumes, meat, fish, dairy products and oil seeds are a good source. For example, to relax in the evening and facilitate rest, drink a cup of warm milk before going to bed. Thanks to the presence of casomorphins, natural opiates, it reconciles sleep.

For dinner, bet on carbohydrates

The complex carbohydrates of whole grains and their derivatives consumed without exaggerating facilitate rest. They promote the production of serotonin, which induces relaxation and promotes the synthesis of melatonin, which regulates the sleep-wake rhythm.

Yes also to the fibers

For dinner go-ahead for vegetables such as lettuce, red radicchio that promote rest. Cabbage, artichokes, spicy spices, on the other hand, can be difficult for sensitive subjects to digest. Fruit is also a good source of fiber. California plums in particular have a high content of potassium, vitamin B6, copper and manganese, precious for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Avoid overdoing it with online appetizers

Spirits induce poor quality sleep. Even meats and cheeses are by no means allies of rest. In addition to providing an important share of calories and saturated fats, they contain high amounts of sodium, which stimulates thirst and disturbs rest.

In the gallery you will find 10 foods to bring to the table to sleep well


errors, solutions and foods that promote sleep – Italian Cuisine


Children's insomnia is a frequent problem. Here are the experts' tips for fighting restless sleep and nighttime awakenings and helping the little one fall asleep easily

Nocturnal or early awakenings, difficulty getting to sleep, and restless nights are a common problem in children. The data reveal it. According to the Italian Society of Preventive and Social Pediatrics (SIPPS) the problem affects one child out of 4. "The number increases in the first year of life due to the request for feedings also during the night", explains the pediatrician Leo Venturelli, SIPPS communication manager. The Italian Society of Preventive and Social Pediatrics has drawn up a series of recommendations to encourage the nocturnal rest of the children within Nutripiatto, a food education project aimed at children aged 4 to 12 years developed together with Nestlé, with the scientific supervision of the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome. Among the most common causes of children's insomnia, experts point out, there is often poor nutrition. "The rhythm with which meals are taken, their composition and their schedule influence the quality of rest," comments the pediatrician Giuseppe Di Mauro, president of SIPPS. Sleep plays a key role in the development of the baby. In fact, many growth hormones are produced during the night's rest.

Insomnia babies

Making Children Sleep: Mistakes to Avoid

According to SIPPS recommendations, children after 5 pm should avoid consuming tea, chocolate, broccoli, broccoli, turnip greens and all aged cheeses. These foods contain tyramine, a substance that can hinder sleep and cause restlessness. Then pay attention to the proteins contained in meat and fish. They can have an exciting effect. The advice is to insert them for lunch. For dinner, however, it is better to focus on pasta, rice or cereals, with the addition of legumes. "Excess protein in the diet disturbs sleep because it stimulates thirst," explains pediatrician Leo Venturelli. "As a result, the child drinks more and urinates more often to get rid of urea, a protein waste product." Then pay attention to excess salt, both to that added in the soups and to that contained in the cheeses. The latter, according to experts, should be consumed in small quantities (5-10 g) and only as an alternative to other sources of protein. Vegetables passed in the jelly should also be consumed sparingly. In some cases, in fact, they can cause bloating and abdominal colic and, therefore, hamper rest.

Foods that promote sleep

To facilitate the night's rest of the children in the menu go-ahead to foods rich in tryptophan. This amino acid is a precursor of serotonin, the hormone that regulates sleep and mood and promotes relaxation. Whole grains (oats, rye, spelled, etc.), legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans, etc.), yogurt, pine nuts, almonds are good sources. Yes also to foods rich in vitamin B6. Help the body to use tryptophan. So go ahead with milk, rice, barley and bananas. Potassium is also an excellent sleep ally. It is contained in good quantities in courgettes, apricots, carrots, plums, spinach, chicken and yogurt. Potatoes are also rich in this which, in addition to potassium, contain complex carbohydrates that facilitate the use of tryptophan.

Extra help: relaxing herbs

To facilitate the falling asleep of children who are more than one year old, good night herbsis. Chamomile, hawthorn, lemon balm, passionflower, linden, valerian and verbena are ideal for preparing infusions and herbal teas. They promote relaxation and facilitate rest.


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