Tag: Skilled

Skilled chocolate cake with lemon caramel – Italian Cuisine

Skilled chocolate cake with lemon caramel


1) Butter And floured a 20-22 cm diameter cast iron pan. Dissolve the butter and let it cool. Pour it into a large bowl, unite sugar and mix with a spatula to mix. Incorporate the shelled egg, the sifted flour with baking soda and two pinches of salt.

2) Chop up coarsely chocolate with a knife, add some 3/4 in the dough e paid the mixture in the floured pan; sprinkle with the remaining chocolate and bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

3) Prepare meanwhile the caramel: paid brown sugar in a saucepan and let it caramelize over a high flame, then remove it from the heat. Reheat the cream in a saucepan and pour it hot over the caramel, paying attention to the splashes and stirring. Mix the lemon juice, the butter into small pieces and a pinch of salt and continue to mix off the heat until you get a smooth cream. United finally the grated rind of the lemon.

4) Remove from the oven the dessert and sprinkle it with a few spoonfuls of caramel. Serve the rest of the caramel aside.


Posted on 08/01/2022



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