Tag: salsa

Recipe Salsa with cooked ham and quartirolo – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Salsa with spreadable cheese, cream and horseradish


  • 300 g cooked ham
  • 200 g quartirolo cheese
  • 160 g goat cheese (vaccine)
  • 40 pickled onions
  • 40 g milk
  • green pepper
  • salt

For the recipe of the ham and quartirolo sauce, blend the quartirolo with the goat cheese and the onions. Mix the chopped ham separately, then add it to the cheese and add the milk, salt and pepper. Complete with scent of thyme or marjoram to taste.


Recipe Salsa with spreadable cheese, cream and horseradish – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Salsa with spreadable cheese, cream and horseradish


  • 440 g spreadable cheese
  • 150 g fresh cream
  • 70 g horseradish sauce
  • 30 g milk

For the sauce recipe with cream cheese, cream and horseradish, work the cream cheese with horseradish sauce, milk, whipped cream and salt, salt.


Recipe Salsa with tuna, capers and olives – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Salsa with tuna, capers and olives


  • 400 g mascarpone
  • 150 g fresh cream
  • 70 g horseradish sauce
  • 30 g milk
  • salt

For the recipe of tuna sauce, capers and olives, blend the tuna with capers, pitted olives and a sprig of basil; then incorporate the mascarpone and mix well.


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